Plan to Join: Secrets of Eric Dollard & Nikola Tesla Revealed - A symposium of info and discussion

Plan to Join: Secrets of Eric Dollard & Nikola Tesla Revealed - A symposium of info and discussion

September 29, 2012

3 PM Eastern

In this symposium, the workings of many free energy elements will be discussed, explained, and described.  You can ask questions and get live answers.

And when it is over, You should be able to build something that works!

EDIT to add the transcript:

September 29, 2012

11:04    thor    Right here
11:04    A    welcome
11:04    A    I have been writing today
11:05    A    managed to link edward leedskalnins work with the kings chamber, and the djed hehe
11:05    thor    Standing by and working on another DENY NUCLEAR post
11:05    A    but that is another topic for discussion at a later time
11:05    thor    LOVE Coral Castle
11:05    A    excellent thor
11:06    thor    I have certain skills that are available should they be needed at publication/distribution time
11:06    A    very kind very kind
11:06    A    currently 342 pages of which 116,219 words
11:07    thor    Standing by and writing. writing...
11:07    A    ok
11:48        --- AmaterasuSolar is away (Auto away)
13:29    thor    only 90 minutes 'til showtime!
13:30    A    
13:30    A    YUP YUP!!
13:33    A    today I managed to express quarternion vectors and differences as cube roots heh
13:33    A    particularly on edward leedskalnins flywheel hehe
13:33    A    time to start off the chat soon i guess
13:38    thor    you realize that much of what you speak of math-wise is way over my head - I never questioned the relationship quarternion vectors to cube roots
13:41    A    is fine
13:41    A    neither had i until today
13:41    thor    today?
13:42    A    yes
13:42    A    for you
13:42    A    i will upload the diagram so you can see what i have done
13:42    thor    I'll be back - need to finish post - then investigate a bit before class at 3
13:43    thor    diagram will help
13:43    A    ok buddy
13:46    A    
13:47    A    i expect I will have advocates of quarterwave and halfwaves attention hehehe
14:15    A    if people turn up
14:15    thor    what someone said something?
14:16        *** EDL joined #dollard
14:16    thor    Welcome
14:16        +++ A has given op to AmaterasuSolar
14:16        +++ A has given op to thor
14:16    A    awesome
14:16    A    welcome EDL
14:17    thor    thank you - I guess - as I have no idea what that means...
14:17    A    I was saying hello to EDL thor , someone just joined called it
14:17    thor    'given op' iwas not familiar
14:18    A    ahhh
14:18    A    it allows you to control people in the room if necessary
14:18    A    shouldnt be, necessary , that is
14:19    thor    ahhh, control
14:19    A    op as in operator ;hehehe
14:19    A    fingers crossed we will have a good showing
14:20    A    here is that diagram thor if you are curious
14:20    A    it was a laborious task to do today, and quite taxing expressing it that way
14:20    A    important though hehe
14:20    thor    something to look at later: "I Have Become Death, Destroyer of Worlds" :;to...
14:20    A    oo
14:21    A    that sounds poetic
14:21    thor    i got the diagram thx
14:22    A    cool
14:22    A    chernobyl really was a shame
14:22    A    but fukushima made me concerned about swimming in the atlantic heh
14:25    thor    This missive addresses thatr: [url=]"NukaTuna" - The Last Fish in the Ocean[/url]
14:26    thor    so back to Ed's clock and the king's chamber - after all, this IS your party
14:27    A    its cool thor, i respect that you do write about things you consider important
14:27    A    that is what everyone should do in my opinion
14:28    A    edward leedskalnin always used to say ring bell twice
14:28    A    and anyway, this talk about to begin
14:28    A    will evolve mostly around eric dollard
14:28    A    unless people are curious about other things
14:29    thor    Just want to change the world by uniting ALL like-minded citizens of Planet Earth to address the insanity of nuclear power. Once enough peeps understand the Big Lie (radioactive waste), nuclear power will not be funded.
14:29    A    thor: the scientists tell us how much energy is in the atom in its particle currents
14:29    A    its immense
14:29    thor    Bolinas, CA, a good starting point
14:30    A    nuclear power is really better to be called atomic power
14:30    thor    tell that to the NRC
14:30    A    why bother
14:31    A    it exists solely to retain the status of nuclear countries
14:31    thor    that's another issue - Onward through the fog!
14:31    A    
14:31    A    Eric Dollard, Bolinas
14:32    A    At Bolinas, CA pre 1917 existed a machine under the guidance of Marconi Wireless and Co.
14:32    A    it was patented by marconi
14:32    A    but it was based on the Tesla Wireless System
14:32    A    Marconi Wireless company operated the plant for some years
14:33    A    employing 2 electrical waves that propogated along its channels
14:33        *** Back joined #dollard
14:33    slay    Hello to all!
14:33    slay    good day @A
14:33    A    hey slay
14:34    Back    hi am I early?
14:34    A    1. The longitudinal wave of Tesla traveling at 291,000 mi/sec
14:34    slay    hey back, about 25 minutes
14:34    thor    just started the ball rolling
14:34    A    2. The Transverse wave of Hertz traveling at ~186,000 mi/sec
14:34    A    the marconi system pre 1917, sent both along the UNIQUE aerial ground antennae structure
14:34    A    *antenna
14:34    Back    Well Have to go to a soccer game later thought I would check in
14:35    A    Back:
14:35    A    should be starting shortly just waiting for everyone to arrive
14:35    Back    K still thinking about our last chat
14:36        *** mib_361ey7 joined #dollard
14:36    A    ok
14:37    A    back my friend
14:37    A    
14:37    A    something for you to consider about electrical paths
14:38    Back    I have thought about it and I agree that a pulsed dc signal is better but I also believe that sine waves wouls produce something
14:38    A    yeah
14:38    A    a sine wave should be expressed as a pressure wave in in the luminferous ether
14:39    A    so the difference between the two are unclear any way Back
14:39    A    very rapidly pulsing circles create sine waves of higher frequency
14:39    A    *cycles
14:39    A    not circls
14:40    A    the smaller the distance between each impulse, the higher the drift frequency
14:40    A    musically this means that expression of frequency is the space in between the stops and starts of the impulse as well as the stops and starts of the wave
14:40    A    gets complicated from then on
14:41    A    a sequence of 3 notes culd be played of different wavelengths and frequencies, but if they are played incrementally faster, the two are important, not just one level of tuning, there are two
14:41    A    this is what Eric Dollard repeats over and over again
14:41    A    so does edward Leedskalnin in his works
14:41    Back    Still thinkin about magnets being sucked in between cycles,already complicated
14:42    A    well the mathematics to account for it certainly is
14:42    A    here is how i did it though
14:43    Back    So are you saying that the occelation should start with 3 different freq?
14:44    A    291285-105000 / 186284 = 1
14:44    A    sorry should be 291284
14:44    Back    Drift freq A bad thing?
14:44    A    1. Longitudinal wave speed is 291,284 mi/sec
14:44    A    2. Transverse wave speed is 186284 mi/sec
14:45    A    3. Difference is 105,000 units
14:45    A    if we reverse the equation to
14:45    A    105000 - 291284 / 186284 = 1
14:45    A    -1
14:45    A    sorry
14:45    A    we see something significant
14:46    A    we see the two terms that sit in between -i and +i in the engineering system of quaternions
14:46    A    namely +1 and -1
14:46    A    so the complex component is a transient of TWO WAVES
14:46    A    like the Marconi system
14:46    A    scientists INSIST the complex component is a transient of ELECTROMAGNETISM
14:46    A    or one wave
14:46    A    madness, i tell you
14:47    Back    u know math is not my thing
14:47    A    i dont really
14:47    A    i studied a bit to understand what i do
14:47    Back    So it is the 2 waves that realy count
14:47    A    ok...
14:47    A    yeah
14:47    A    because one travels faster than the speed of light
14:47    A    which of course, is _impossible_
14:47    A    just like receiving radio waves out of the ground
14:48    A    but thats what Tesla could do, and what Eric Dollard demonstrates in the below video
14:48    A
14:48    thor    Dollard claims to be searching for earthquakes, too
14:49    A    ok 10 minutes left and we will be starting
14:50        *** mib_361ey7 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
14:50    Back    Trying to rap my head around that one. so the one that is traveling faster than light is that the one being sucked in on the couaspe of the slower one?
14:51    A    heh
14:51    A    well
14:51    A    when you run current lengthwise
14:51    A    there is a crosswise magnetism
14:51    A    according to science
14:51    A    but in leedskalins terminology
14:51    A    and i believe this, have tested it..
14:51    A    there is running current lengthwise (like in an alternating transmission line)
14:52    A    and the crosswise vertical magnets running into the wire from the surrounding air
14:52    A    thats why the A.C system doesnt lose its magnets like the D.C transmission lines
14:52    A    thats why they use A.C, has nothing to do with stepping up or down the voltage, has mostly to do with the alternation
14:52    A    when there is a 0 pressure
14:52    A    like when applying an impulse
14:53    A    and then letting go
14:53    A    there is a "zero point"
14:53    A    a "zero pressure"
14:53    A    resistance flies up
14:53    A    GATE SWINGS UP
14:53    A    remove connections
14:53    A    resistance flies down
14:53    A    REACHES 0
14:53    A    GATE SWINGS DOWN
14:53    A    then the gate swings back up again
14:53    A    so there is a point where there is no pressure in the wire
14:54    A    so there is greater resistance in the surrounding air
14:54    A    basic gas theory suggests that the gas will want to get into the wire if its pressure is lower than the surrounding
14:54    A    but the gas cant really get in the wire, so the aether is pulled in there instead
14:54    A    and the aether takes the magnets with them
14:55    thor    takes the magnets?
14:55    Back    I am with you so far
14:55    thor    or 'magnetic qualities' ?
14:56    A    so its the variation of the contact back
14:56    A    that causes the lengthwise pressure drop
14:56    A    each time it is varied
14:57    A    which causes crosswise pull in from surrounding air
14:57    A    this might mean that electricity is pulling magnets in the air, rather than furnishing them to an electromagnet for instance
14:57    A    for instance...
14:57    Back    so at the zero point Is where the aether and magnets exceed the speed of light?
14:57    A    why does the magnetism stay inside the elcetromagnet?
14:57    A    but not others?
14:57    A    it is in the metal!
14:57    A    the metal atoms
14:57    A    some can do it and hold it
14:57    A    and others cannot
14:58    A    what happens is, the metal fills up with the magnets
14:58    Back    still with u
14:58    A    but the electricity creates a temporary condition where they are slown down
14:58    A    so the prongs of the electromagnet get more magnetic
14:59    A    because they are not able to get out
14:59    A    or rather, they are getting out slower than they are going in
15:00    AmaterasuSolar    Made it!
15:00        --- AmaterasuSolar is back
15:00    A    i can apply electricity once back
15:00    A    and remove the electricity
15:00    A    but the magnetism is permanent
15:00    AmaterasuSolar    Being at the mercy of a friend driving...
15:00    A    this proves that once you start more going in than getting out
15:00    A    some metals and electromagnets can stay that way
15:00    A    and there is always more going in it than getting out, so it keeps its magnets
15:00    A    but i can reverse the current in the electromagnet
15:00    A    then it is flushed!
15:01    A    it will drop anything it is holding when you do this
15:01    A    because its orbiting the opposite direction
15:01    Back    K so what do you think would be the best metal for for a reciever
15:01    A    zinc
15:01    A    and iron
15:01    Back    Hi Amy
15:01    A    Hi AmaterasuSolar
15:01    thor    must be nice to have such a friend - Hi Amy
15:02    AmaterasuSolar    [smile] Dan is a good guy.
15:02    thor    back to a
15:02    AmaterasuSolar    Hey, back!
15:02    A    its 8pm GMT+0:00
15:02    A    so it's 3pm EST GMT+5:00
15:02    A    minus rather
15:02    Back    zink an iron thanks that will be my next antenna
15:03    A    back
15:03    A    try oxidizing the zinc
15:03    A    and cutting peices and putting them on a jar
15:03    Back    ok
15:03    A    i get you an example
15:04    AmaterasuSolar    Just tweeted "RIGHT NOW!" and the info on this.
15:04    thor    you always were a Tritter
15:04    AmaterasuSolar    [smile]
15:04    A
15:04    A    look at what this guy did Back
15:04    A    nice one AmaterasuSolar
15:05    AmaterasuSolar    Glad to oblige.
15:05    AmaterasuSolar    [smile]
15:05    A    AmaterasuSolar:
15:05    A    I could be wrong
15:05    A    but tried the flywheel at night
15:05    A    when the full moon was coming up
15:05    Back    saved it will look later
15:05    A    seemed stronger
15:05    A    i was surprised
15:06    A    can the sun really interefere with bar magnets?
15:06    A    and, one must be careful with a magnetic flywheel or one becomes a testament to the noble dive bombing pigeon
15:06    A    someone must explain to them that I am not the north pole hehehe
15:07    AmaterasuSolar    [smile]
15:08    Back    thanks A i will step back now and see what others have to say
15:08    A    thanks back
15:08    A    really appreciate you coming down here man
15:08        *** Kahn joined #dollard
15:08    A    I hope you have some luck with the new antenna look at the differences between the multiple loaded flat top antenna and the rhombic-D
15:08    A    dont expect to find much though, it's a "dead end" if you know what i mean
15:09    Back    yea a lot of dead ends
15:09    thor    Regarding your antenna: Alkaline Zn/Ni 86/14 has a microhardness of 450 HV15 and can replace hard steel components for various equipment manufacturers.
15:10    A    thor im having some problems reading the colour of your text
15:11    thor    Try this
15:11    A    argh! guys, do we have to use coloured text?
15:11    thor    Nope
15:11    A    i am on a linux CLI terminal it makes for difficulty
15:12    A    thanks thor
15:12    A    well, not a massive turnout ladies and gentleman
15:12    A    but not a bad turnout either
15:13    A    the reason why you all have been called here today is because of a man called Eric Dollard
15:13    A    those of you who are not familiar with Eric. He worked at a place called Radio Corporation America (R.C.A), since the age of 15.
15:13    A    R.C.A were the inheriting company formed by the U.S military and the government in circa 1917 to take over the Marconi Wireless Station.
15:13    Back    thor sounds like I need an antenna made of an iron core and zink plating An i correct A or does it need to be a lamination
15:14    thor    I searched the forum and found inconclusive debate regarding the use of GEFW for HF antennas.
15:14    A    Presently the Marconi Wireless station was using the Multiple Loaded Flat Top Antennae, which exhibited 2 waves, one the longitudinal wave, 291,000 mi/sec, the faster than light wave, and the other wave the hertzian transverse wave of 186,000 mi/sec
15:14        *** Kahn quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
15:14    A    After R.C.A escorted Marconi off the C.A Bolinas building
15:15    A    and several years of R.C.A holding the SOLE monopoly on the implement of media and electrical communications...
15:15    A    the MULTIPLE LOADED FLAT TOP ANTENNAE that exhibited the faster than light waves
15:15    A    it was destroyed ladies and gentleman
15:15    A    it was replaced with the RHOMBIC-D type antenna
15:16    A    The Rhombic-D type antennae being exactly one half of what the Tesla MArconi System pre 1917 was.
15:16    A    The rhombic-D type antenna comes with TRANSVERSE only waves of the speed of light
15:16    A    you also get a free einstein handbag
15:16    A    but no longitudinal wave
15:16    A    and no pictures of Nikola Tesla standing next to Einstein in the Edison library
15:17    A    it's been airbrushed so it is only Steinmetz and Einstein
15:17    A    because Tesla didn't invent the whole concept of the entire station, _not at all_
15:17    A    he invented the entire _principle_ as early as 1887
15:17    A    so, Eric Dollard, being an old man today
15:18    A    and having worked at R.C.A from the humble age of 15
15:18    A    he is not exactly like other "cranks"
15:18    A    he worked at R.C.A
15:18    A    he has built this kit and demonstrated it
15:18    A    and he has been chased out of his lab by armed thugs
15:18    A    and recently, he has been driven away altogether by humanity, it is a terrible loss.
15:19        *** wippler joined #dollard
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15:21    A
15:22    A    its bad folks
15:22    A    I do not realy interact with society that much
15:22    A    it is unlike me to call a gathering or even consider such a thing
15:23    thor    here, hear
15:24    thor    even for me, you are covering ground that we should already know, thanks
15:24    A    its a pleasure
15:24    Back    A u know me anti socal
15:25    thor    we don't believe that
15:25    A    As many of you know
15:25    A    I have been writing a book Technology for a New Future
15:25    A    but I was not expecting the Landers sight that Eric owned in his name, or so i thought to be seized away from him
15:25    A    the loss is absolutely incontrovertible
15:25    Back    yes cant wait
15:26    A    commonweal, a dangerous group
15:26    A    they would destroy everything if they could
15:26    A    and it looks like they might get their way
15:27    A    eric dollard says hillary clinton runs it
15:27    A    things are not looking brilliant for the world
15:27    thor    through Lerner
15:27    A    in terms of teslas inventions
15:28    A    the most important being
15:28    A    transmitting power regardless of distance
15:28    A    something of which is _considered impossible_
15:28    A    all we have today is the _Hertzian_ system
15:28    A    diminishin returns
15:28    A    power is conveyed gardless of distance,
15:28    A    heh
15:29    A    tesla asks in a 1935 publication why a system 1 billion times more inefficient is being used
15:29    A    he must have been thinking
15:29    A    frankly, and excuse my language
15:29    A    why the fuck did they abolish my longitudinal wave in the multiple loaded flat top antennae at marconi when it was took over by R.C.A in 1917 and replace it with the inferior hertzian wave
15:30    A    Admittedly, Tesla wasn't thinking that, but the situation, it is very bad... I'm thinking that
15:31    Back    a can we come to the now and what can we do
15:31    A    The book i have here is now 116,000 words and 340 pages
15:32    A    when finished it will be likely more and will explain how to build a reverse resistance device
15:32    A    capable of using the outside electrons charge and the inside protons charge of each atom
15:33    A    cross referenced writing of steinmetz, tesla, heaviside, wilhelm reich, edward leedskalnin and jj thompson is provided
15:33    A    it is thorough, and that is an understatement in this regard
15:33    A    now to something important, hopefully everyone is still awake
15:34    A    my pride and joy is a discovery about the earth and magnets. do not despair it is simple and scientifically proven already.
15:35    A    it is in fact many and several , i will explain carefully
15:35    A    if you take a magnet to the north pole
15:35        *** kendle joined #dollard
15:35    A    you will notice that the north pole region moved the equator of your permanent magnet
15:35    A    
15:35    A    if you take the magnet to the equator
15:35    A    you will notce the equator moves back to the middle of the magnet
15:35    A    if you go to the south pole of the earth with the same magnet
15:36    A    you will notice the equator moves in the permanent magnet again
15:36    A    this is proof that the magnet isnt a field
15:36    A    but a substance held by the atoms and the gravity of earth
15:36    A    this is my pride and joy and i have proven it
15:36    A    OK
15:37        *** mib_cu65r9 joined #dollard
15:37    A    i am going to rephrase the whole thing above again for clarity
15:37    A    it is all written down in my book, aswell,
15:37    A    for those that cant wait a plethora of details can be found on if they are desperate for more
15:37    A    back to my pride and joy
15:38    A    to those still listening you are probably asking yourselves, what does he mean.
15:38        *** mib_cu65r9 quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
15:38    A    What I mean to say is that if you take a permanent magnet to the north pole the equator of it moves to the north and the south pole gets longer
15:38    A    but if you take the same permanent magnet to the south pole the equator of it moves to the south and the north pole gets longer in the permanent magnet
15:38    thor    at least we stay long enough to find out
15:39    A    
15:39    A    the scientists tell us the reason why the magnet poles move at different points of the earth is because the innertia and gravity is different
15:39    thor    so,,,,,, you are utilizing this difference in some way?
15:39    A    at the equator gravity is weakest
15:39    A    its 2.5% weaker
15:40    A    at each poles gravity is stronger
15:40    Back    sorry all got to go to a soccer game not good if the coach dont show up. A i will talk to you soon and thanks
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15:41    A    we know in electrical theory that if a permanent magnets pole moves accross a copper wire coil around it
15:41    A    there is electricity
15:41    thor    which implies that gravity is not directly proportionate to mass
15:41    A    we also know that the north pole moves a permanent magnet pole
15:41    A    we also know that if we launched the permanent magnet into orbit of the earth
15:42    A    in stable orbit of earth
15:42    A    we know it is constnatly falling
15:42    A    in supposedly a straight line
15:42    A    we know that it is being exposed to the north or south pole gravity then
15:42    A    but it is traveling straight line at 90 degrees to it
15:42    A    it stays there
15:42    A    but when it goes past the earths north pole
15:42    A    its equator moves
15:42    A    and the copper coili around it gets electricity
15:42    A    and when it goes past the earths south pole
15:43    A    its equator moves back the other way
15:43    A    and so an alternating current runs and electricity is made
15:43    A    now you know how the moon can move the sea without falling with the newtonians equal opposite force
15:43    A    you should be impressed
15:44    A    when the moon is blocking the sun
15:44    A    between the earth and the sun
15:44    A    the waves are big
15:44    A    when the moon is on the other side, the waves are small
15:44    A    but on the other side they are big because its day there
15:44    A    half of the earth is perpetually dark
15:45    A    
15:45    A    now you also know why the sea changes, because the earth spins on its axis for the seasons
15:45    A    so the moon is going to be starting at a different point in the sky at a different time
15:45    A    so sometimes the waves are closer to being big at night than at day, and so on
15:46    A    it works like this
15:46    A    whenever the moon obstructs the sun it gets the magnets from the sun and the gravity
15:46    A    and it pulls the ocean
15:46    A    whenever the earth obstructs the moon, the earth gets the magnets from the sun and the gravity and it pushes the ocean
15:46    A    no, not good enough
15:47    A    whenever the moon obstructs the sun it makes the waves big
15:47    A    whenever the earth obstructs the moon the waves are small
15:47    A    the other side of the earth always has the inverse heh
15:47    A    a clue perhaps to mastering perpetual movement such as the earth and atomic orbits
15:47    A    this concludes my talk
15:47    A    I must ask many who are unfamiliar with Eric Dollards work to make an effort to understand the man and his vision
15:48    thor    and I have enjoyed it immensely
15:48    thor    and learned a few things
15:48    A    he has single hadndedly created a system capable of transmiting power and radio communicationms regardless of distance, repeat regardless of distance
15:48    A    its been taken and its all gone now! everything
15:48    thor    and thanks for the great links
15:48    AmaterasuSolar    I have recorded it immensely. [grin]
15:48    A    everything i know, can be thanks to Eric Dollard
15:48    A    Edward Leedskalnin
15:48    A    Wilhelm Reich and Nikola Tesla
15:48    A    everything i have conveyed is thanks to them
15:48    thor    still investigating BoBoLand
15:49    A    AmaterasuSolar:
15:49    A    thanks everyone for coming
15:49    A    please tell everyone
15:49    A    literally humanity is imprisoned on this planet
15:49    A    tesla warned of it
15:49    AmaterasuSolar    Maybe some have questins...?
15:49    A    economy is based on gold, but gold can be made with VAST and UNECOMIC quantities of energy
15:49    AmaterasuSolar    er...questions...
15:50    A    but if we could use the suns energy, like the gold did when it was made
15:50    A    then economy is bust.
15:50    thor    er, er
15:50    A    its that important people!
15:50    A    *UNECOMONIC
15:50    A    *UNECONOMIC
15:50    thor    just never tied Ed to Dollard
15:50    A    neither did i at first thor
15:50    A    but they do both use the flat top antennae
15:50    A    soooo
15:50    A    kinda strange, i guess?
15:51    A    1. chain wrapped around a bike
15:51    A    2. Chain coming down from object inline with spinning magneto flywheel from ford 1908 model t
15:52    A    3. Wood is BELOW the spinning magnetic wheel in the way of the GND, Woood is in the North and the West.
15:52    thor    go ahead, please
15:52    thor    how do you know that?
15:52    A    4. There is nothing impeding the flow of magnets in the east and the south, just like the Kings Chamber
15:52    A    5. Flat Top Antenna used above flywheel with right angle
15:53    A    how do i know what thor?
15:53    thor    the orientation of the device
15:53    A    i dont understand
15:53    thor    Woood is in the North and the West.
15:53    A    oh
15:54    A    I have inspected the site carefully
15:54    A    and friends have checked
15:54    thor    not actually, but reference points
15:54    A    no,
15:54    thor    OK
15:54    A    the wood is in the north and the west
15:54    thor    that is now clear
15:55    A    I think this is enough for one day
15:55    A    Thank you all kindly for turning up

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"And when it is over, You should be able to build something that works!"

You forget where we are, in Soviet Amerika, instead of admiration for creating a new energy source, they will come kill you ;) and destroy all evidence of it......gosh, you can't design technology here that costs nothing, they must have money from you @ least once a month for "services" rendered.....


Very astute.

TPTB will do anything to keep that tether - the energy lifeline - firmly attached.

Look at the stupidity of NSO, another fine example of centralized generation an distribution.

Good Grief!

"Nevada Solar One uses proprietary technology to track the sun’s location and concentrate its rays during peak demand hours."

"Proprietary technology" is the bane of sane energy for the people.

At least a few dedicated souls have gathered in a relatively quiet corner of the pond for more intensive research and development.

That's where we are with our offering to end the insanity of nuclear power.

"EARTH AID is dedicated to the creation of an interactive worldwide event to raise awareness about the challenges and solutions associated with nuclear energy."

Peace Love Light

tfw  animal0028.gif 

Liberty & Equality or Revolution


Well...  This is worldwide, and so...  The more who attend, the more the info will spread beyond Their control.

worldwide eh???.....i'm sure the current one world govt wont allow it either ;)

Stop by at 3 PM (Eastern) tomorrow and find out...

i wish i could be there ~ ill be on the road ~ going to the Poconos ~ i need a break :) tweeted info tho~ ;)

Hi There, I checked out your live seminar this evening. Very interesting but unfortunately way over my head. Wishing I could swap some of my inordinate common-sense for academic intelligence. I think I best stick to trying making a simple magnetically driven power source for now ;)

All the the best to you, good work and I found your blog: The end of entropy, most interesting & agreeable, I plan to read more soon & even possibly provide you with some intelligent retort.

Thank You for dropping by, PJ.  [smile]  I will be posting the transcript once I edit any misc. stuff out for clarity,

Looking forward to Your thoughts on My blog!

It is not an article.  It was a presentation, live. There will be more.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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