Can We vote in People who will solve for the problems We see on Our planet? Can We avoid the problem of psychopaths in positions of power? Can We ease the issues Humanity endures on Our planet? Watch for the full scope of what We have going here.


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Yes, there is a solution.  When You realize that They think We are animals, and if We "rise up" like caged animals, They can justify putting Us down.  Far better is the gentleOne's way. 

I am working on a video about that now and will post it here when posted.  And meanwhile I will also post the piece I posted today.

Such a positive way to describe the awful situation. Well done

We do have remedy...  I will be posting about that soon.

The only winning move is not to play the game.  We can't keep playing the game if We want a true remedy.

It is always best to follow a plan that has proven to work successfully. Around the world, a similar experience of corruption is shared by all. I found this story inspiring and suitable to try and emulate for the troubles we all endure.

Cheran: The town that threw out police, politicians and gangsters

"Cheran is not completely independent - it still has state and federal funding. But its autonomy as an indigenous Purepecha community is recognised and underwritten by the Mexican government. Its ban on political parties, meanwhile, has been upheld by the courts, which have confirmed its right not to participate in local, state or federal elections.
So why has it succeeded - thrived even - in such a cruel but beautiful region? Margarita, Melissa and Heriberto will give you the same one-word answer: solidaridad - solidarity.
...armed checkpoints were established on the three main roads coming in to town.
The police and local politicians were quickly driven out of town because the people suspected they were collaborating with the criminal networks. Political parties were banned - and still are - because they were deemed to have caused divisions between people. And each of the four districts of Cheran elected representatives to a ruling town council. In many ways, Cheran - a town populated by the indigenous Purepecha people - returned to its roots: to the ancient way of doing things, independent of outsiders.
"As long as there's at least one person that wants to keep this up, we will all stand behind them. We all feel proud because we stopped something, and did something that none of the other communities dared to do." Quotes by the BBC:
Maybe I missed a reference to the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. The document itself is regarded as a forgery or plagiarized. Here are some definitions. 
  1. take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's own.


forg·​ery | \ ˈfȯr-jə-rē \
plural forgeries
1: the crime of falsely making or changing a written paper or signing someone else's name
2: something that is falsely made or copied
Even with these defintions, assuming the document is defined by either, the reality more than implicates what is happening to us as true. The Art of War by Sun Tzu holds these ideals for obtaining and holding power similar to The Protocols. Machiavelli is possibly another example of where these Zionist ideals may have originated. Regardless, who ever holds these utilities of power can and will be stopped. The path has been shown to us and we must move forward to achieve our freedom over our destiny.

Given We are on terra incognita, with tech that, historically speaking, We have never had before, I suggest that clinging to old ways - in the sense of controlmind and economics - is a poor choice, given both WILL promote psychopaths to power.  Now that We can remove both, with free energy and the web, and with robots to do necessary things no One wants to do, I suggest that having a better blueprint for Human society and building it would be far the better choice.

"The only winning move is not to play the game.  We can't keep playing the game if We want a true remedy."

Exactly.  This takes away their power, which is what they crave.

Indeed, psychopaths crave power over Others, and that is why They so avidly hide and suppress free energy.  Their ONLY tool to power is money, the accounting for Human energy.  Add free energy and We have no need for money.


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