Rapper Lupe Fiasco thrown offstage during pre-inauguration event after anti-Obama rant

Rapper Lupe Fiasco was thrown offstage and escorted off the premises of a Washington, D.C. concert hall during a pre-inauguration concert Sunday night, after going on an anti-war, anti-Obama rant, according to concertgoers.

Josh Rogin, a reporter with Foreign Policy magazine, tweeted late Sunday, “Lupe Fiasco just got thrown off stage here at the Hamilton Live after he went on an anti-Obama diatribe mid set.”

“So Lupe played one anti-war song for 30 min and said he didn’t vote for Obama,” he continued, ”and eventually was told to move on to the next song…Lupe refused to move to the next song so a team of security guards came on stage and told him to go.” Another attendee at the StartUp RockOn event tweeted, “Things going terribly wrong at @lupefiasco performance during#SURO. Kicked off stage, bashing obama…”

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Excellent article Nikki! Here's a song and vid from Lupe Fiasco.


Watched this a few months ago. Lupe talks about the Illuminati:

Found this. Prince on chemtrails, nwo etc.:

I just had the most surreal conversation with my coworker.  I was telling him about Lupe Fiasco getting kicked out of the pre-inauguration event for saying that Obama causes terrorism worldwide, and he said (I'll never forget this) "He should be kicked out."   And I go, "Why?  It's the truth!"  and he said, "Not the right place and time.   It's inappropriate.  You can't be coming to someone's party and sayin' dumb shit.  Would you want someone coming to your party and saying dumb shit to you?"

That response was so shocking to me.  I can't believe people think like this.   I said, rather angrily, "Dumb shit?!  Are you kidding me?   Opinions are not all of equal merit!  Party or not, the truth is still the truth!"  And he dismissed me with, "Well that's your choice.  Not mine."  Then he proceeded to go play his daily lottery number and head for McDonalds' for lunch.

I was absolutely floored.  THIS is how the TV-watching, McDonalds' eating sheeple think.  Very sad.

I'm amazed at the stupidity of people too. I often wonder how some of them manage to make it through the day.  Lupe probably thought he had won the lottery when they invited him.  How stupid were these event organizers to invite someone who says O'Bomber is a terrorist?

They invited him to kick him off the stage. Public display of the exercise of power.

Just what I thought


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