The Rh Neg Blood Type and "The Jewish Genetic Disease" OR Genetic Disorders From Inbreeding?

If any here posses knowledge of this phenomenon, please post contributions, of any kind. I support the theory that the existence of the RH-negative blood type is not natural or even domestic but rather was introduced from an outside source. Perhaps manifesting when two species who are similar but genetically different interbreed and produce a type of hybrid specie. I also suspect that the true motive behind all mothers with this bloodline being deceived into allowing physicians to inject them before and after delivery was/is to effect the blood in some way, perhaps even contaminating its purity.

Interestingly, the RH-negative bloodline posses certain characteristics that are common among the majority. Here is a list of the most common:

¨ Extra vertebra.*
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly (possibly solely) blue and green eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon

Thanks to any posters with anything to add to this fascinating topic!

*The extra bone/vertebrae is the rib.
"And from the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man." Genesis 2:22
*Keep in mind, this "LORD God" is NOT God, as in God the Father, but rather the God of this world. and the "woman" is NOT the female, but rather a different specie.

I think the "Jew" is all too aware of the truth surrounding this phenomenon and explains why they seemingly choose to inbreed.. Keeping the "god-gene" in the family comes at a great cost to them, it appears. The make-up of this Rh- bloodline has a percentage of blood that is foreign, not of this world, and not cloneable. Having known this truth and keeping it secret from this rest of the world, they are among a shockingly few that retain this "god-gene". Having done unspeakable evil to do so has had it's costs- namely becoming evil gods.. All speculation at this point, albeit I think many will find this to have that special feel of truth to it.

No one has tried to explain where the Rh negative people came from. Any ideas?
Also, you will find NO scientific proof that the Rh negative blood was a natural earthly occurrence. Instead I have found proof that the Rh negative bloodline (which instead of possessing Rhesus monkey gene, posses a "god gene") has not evolved on earth in the natural course of events while the Rh negative bloodline,(which did not originate on earth) may prove to be a major factor in proving mankind is a hybrid. See the Book of Genesis. There are two accounts of two separate creations, one being created by "God" and the other by "Lord God".

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Frances Farmer

When were you informed of your blood type? Do you have children?

Americans don't pay much attention to their blood type and many don't even know their blood type. Yet in many other countries, it's part of your medical history and everyone knows their type. In Japan, people even date by blood type. It's important to know because one of the most common mistakes in hospitals is giving the wrong blood in transfusions.

you're correct, still have no idea what mine is ;)

It sounds like the Nepilim from Genesis 6, have their hands in this here.


How about an O Positive woman going RH Negative during pregnancy?  What's that all about.  Happened to someone I know.

That's terrific news! Do tell me everything you can, please. (if you'd refer, I can provide you with my email)

Do you posses "psychic" abilities or experience spiritual phenomenon? According to what what you've shared (particularly the eyes), I'd say that you are in fact Rh-. You should be very particular of who you reproduce with. You could be part of the 1% of what's left in the entire world.


Psychic? maybe above average abilities for "seeing" what I'm looking at.

You are to whom my Father spoke of when addressing "Those who have eyes to see"

I've had feelings of other world contact? or maybe you might call it, not of this "normal" world contact? I Cannot explain it all, even to myself.

You will, you'll need to possess the ability to answer the questions of people who will come to you seeking truth. You may already know the explanation deep down but struggle to accept the responsibility that comes with possessing such powerful gifts and knowledge you have but may not yet remember.

Did the alien send out a drone? 

The term alien is used by those in control as a visual and mental tool for association, association with either little green men, outer-space and flying saucers. I would not use it as it will damage your credibility. Spiritual beings in spiritual realms do not have a physical form, and do not exist in outer space but rather in a realm not seen by the eye nor can one one arrive in it by traveling to space, or any space in this realm. Also, they are not used to operate weapons other than spiritual warfare tactics. (the prince of this world has his slaves/government leaders unleash weapons upon the world)

I would question your sanity should you NOT have questioned your sanity throughout your life. (the insane do not question their sanity, and will never discover they are, even when told, btw)

The experiences of the Rh- throughout their lives set them apart from aprox. 95% of the rest of the world.  Of course no one would relate with your supernatural experiences but a member of this group.Your mother had it (unless you received a ancestral "skip" so she will be the best one to ask questions of however she would have been given powerful drugs after each delivery that effect memory, particularly memory found in blood. Ask her. They would have made her sign consent for the insidious treatment under the guise of "blue baby risk" and the injections she would be given cause many health issues to mothers later in life especially mothers of multiple children. Including diabetes, cataracts and blindness and the older ones have caused dementia as well.

This branch of genetics is so censored that even men who posses the blood are unaware and therefore do not make attempts to preserve it via selective breeding. (which is why this nation was meant to be the "melting pot") Those possessing the blood today are here in the US make up a large portion of survivors. They are not told what they posses, how precious their bloodline is, nor are they aware that once their bloodline is gone the world will change as we known. Mothers carrying fetus' with high "risk" of inheriting it are instructed to abort and told that the baby likely would be born stillborn as a "blue baby" This is a lie, obviously, and it's practice will assure those alive today in the US will be the last. (here)

You can buy a home blood type test kit for about $10. Just do a search for "home blood type test kit", they even sell them at Walmart online.

That's a good question, HL. When was the last time anyone, including your doctor, asked you your blood type? About the only time it comes up is when you're getting a blood transfusion or if you are pregnant. Those in the military used to have their blood typed and it was engraved on their dog tags. Do they still wear dog tags? As I mentioned earlier, Americans are clueless about blood types.

They can not clone Rh- blood (unlike all other types) because it has a still unidentified particle in place of that of the Rhesus monkey and as the blood banks refuse to accept donations of this type, ignorance of your bloodline in the case of the Rh- is a death sentence if blood is ever needed to save life. Any blood but that of a fellow Rh- would kill the patient immediately.  Insidious as all the other details surrounding this, not telling those with this blood puts them at risk of death everyday. It gets far worse, like the fact that mothers carrying fetus' with it are told to terminate the pregnancy by "doctors" and given complete false cause, which have changed over the last 4 decades. What my mother was told was a completely different story than mothers are told today. She had no prenatal care and did not tell the attending physician she was Rh- until fully dilated at which time her doctor left appearing shocked and nervous and later returned telling her that I would be born blue and likely die, warning her they'd need to whisk me away immediately after delivery. Violently refusing to allow the doctor to remove me from her arms when born fearing I had only minutes of life for us to share, she discovered I was neither blue nor in need of ANY neonatal intensive care after I fell asleep in her arms, nursing.

 I shudder to think what was awaiting me behind closed doors..


Those in the military used to have their blood typed and it was engraved on their dog tags.

 Military hospitals do not give civilian blood to patients. Is that relevant in any way?

My grandmother, also Rh-, was NOT given the shots after the birth of her baby on a military base in Texas and was not given one of the bulls*it stories civilians are. She had 2 more children, no complications, deaths, nor "blue babies" and she NEVER received the shots that the medical field now claim are mandatory should mothers refuse to abort fetus'. 


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