US govt shuts down for 1st time in 17 years as budget talks fail

The US federal government is partially shutting down after the Congress failed to fund its work amid a Republican drive to defund the Obamacare healthcare program. President Obama addressed to US troops to boost their confidence amid the crisis. Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on US budget crisis The Congress left the government without funding as competing spending measures bounced back and forth between the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Democratic-led Senate late into Monday night. They actually did it. A group of Republicans in the House just forced a government shutdown over Obamacare instead of passing a real budget. — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) October 1, 2013 The partial shutdown will leave some essential government functions, including national security and public safety, intact. It’s not clear how long the situation will continue, with lawmakers expected to take a further vote in a matter of hours.

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your post of this video in reference to a government shutdown has made me laugh so hard. GREAT POST!


lol..robot top o the page kinda goes w/ the beat...lmao


He is kinda the Forrest Gump groupie for Kool and The Gang....rofl

Take some lessons from Canada eh.

They've shut down their government 106 times already, and twice in just five years - Only in Canada, you say? Pity!

interesting, did not know that

The House members shouldn't collect a paycheck during the shutdown.

Glad to see this government shutting down we don't need them we can control ourselves a few people from each state and we'll be better off without these crooks. Around 3/4's of our states already signed petitions and got the required signatures to be on their own before.

Well the Homeland Security Police are still working, a black Suburban and 2 officers in their black tactical gear were at the light rail station this morning, first time since the semester started.

Update on Homeland Security police, This morning I saw them at another station, and like the last time I saw them 2 weeks ago, there were both uniformed and plain clothes officers (at least that is what I assume the people in street clothes with typical student type backpacks who got into a sedan with government plates that was parked in what is normally a no parking area with the HSP black SUVs, and they were right with the uniformed officers and waited for them to be ready before all the vehicles left at once), could be a coincidence, but I doubt it.


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