This story from the Washington Examiner is eye-opening. Just two weeks ago, the planet Earth missed taking a direct EMP strike that could have turned an ordinary day into American’s worst nightmares. What is being called a ‘bare miss’ Carrington-class disaster, how long will we continue to avoid what is now being called a ‘Russian roulette type of thing’? Are we in ‘real danger’ of an EMP type strike from the sun? Listen to former CIA Director Jim Woolsey in the video below who warns of an ‘existential danger’ we face in America. This happened two weeks ago, is this related to the Gigantic Chunk of Sun Headed Toward Earth at 2 Million Miles an Hour that happened during the same time frame?

The earth barely missed taking a massive solar punch in the teeth two weeks ago, an “electromagnetic pulse” so big that it could have knocked out power, cars and iPhones throughout the United States.

Two EMP experts told Secrets that the EMP flashed through earth’s typical orbit around the sun about two weeks before the planet got there.

“The world escaped an EMP catastrophe,” said Henry Cooper, who led strategic arms negotiations with the Soviet Union under President Reagan, and who now heads High Frontier, a group pushing for missile defense.

“There had been a near miss about two weeks ago, a Carrington-class coronal mass ejection crossed the orbit of the Earth and basically just missed us,” said Peter Vincent Pry, who served on the Congressional EMP Threat Commission from 2001-2008. He was referring to the 1859 EMP named after astronomer Richard Carrington that melted telegraph lines in Europe and North America.

“Basically this is a Russian roulette thing,” added Pry. “We narrowly escape from a Carrington-class disaster.”

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We may have dodged this one, but the danger is still very real. Aside from the chaos of losing electricity, think of all those nuke plants that would probably go into meltdown mode when the cooling towers fail. Bad mojo rising...

Four Hundred Chernobyls: Solar Flares, Electromagnetic Pulses and Nuclear Armageddon


For the cost of a single B-2 bomber or a tiny fraction of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bank bailout, we could invest in preventative measures to avert what might well become the end of life as we know it. There is no way to protect against all possible effects from an extreme GMD or an EMP attack, but we could implement measures to protect against the worst effects. Since 2008, Congress has narrowly failed to pass legislation that would implement at least some of the EMP Commission's recommendations.[13]

  1. Solar storm of 1859 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A solar flare and/or coronal mass ejection produced a solar storm which hit
    Earth's ... People who happened to be awake in the northeastern US could read
    a ... Telegraph systems all over Europe and North America failed, in some cases
    ... "Those who happened to be out late on Thursday night had an opportunity of ...

We all need to learn fast how to be prepared for an "electric grid" failure and keep "back-up" supplies of all sorts.  If you have a big garage or basement you can build various sized "farraday cages" to protect various electronic equipment inside.  The website offers farraday cage "pouches" big enough to protect items the size of laptops.

City people will freak.

GEEE wizzzz - the sun isn't cooperative .. This kind of reporting is bull sh*t reporting from the majick weapon of mass hysteria and massive hypnotic mnemonic and harmonic control from the "owners " of what's allowed to be reported on the weapon television .. How wonderful it will be to blame the sun for a world wide black out of all the technology were all addicted to.. How bad would it really be if we were forced to go back 100yrs and actually have to talk to our neighbours and grow our own food and use bartering again .. But geeee I guess the sun can be classified as a "terrorist " and how convenient it would be as a reason for Marshall law.. Bring it on sun I welcome you :). Fast forward this video to 32 minutes and look at the mnemonics that bright light looks a lot like a sun with a big chunk missing ...

i welcome the second coming of the sun


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