You Could Never Anticipate This Happening in the United States of America

SO OUT OF CONTROL THEY ARE!!!! ( personal comment)

What began as a simple traffic stop ended in a humiliating and nightmarish ordeal for a New Mexico man. It won’t come as a surprise to most people why the man has now filed a federal civil rights lawsuit.

The incident began on Jan. 2 as David Eckert was leaving the local Walmart in Deming, N.M. He reportedly failed to make a complete stop at a stop sign, prompting police to pull him over.

The officers asked him to step out of the vehicle and claim the man appeared to be clenching his buttocks, Eckert’s attorney, Shannon Kennedy, told TheBlaze. It is unclear why police removed him from the vehicle in the first place. However, because the cops believed he was clenching his buttocks, they took it as reason to suspect him of hiding narcotics in his anal cavity.

New Mexico Man David Eckert Sues After Anal Cavity Search, Colonoscopy After Traffic Stop


Police officers detained Eckert after a narcotics sniffing dog allegedly issued a “hit” on Eckert’s car seat. Meanwhile, they sought a search warrant for an anal cavity search.

“What is so strange about this case is they held him with no evidence,” Kennedy said. “They seized him to collect evidence, to go on a fishing expedition on someone’s body.”

Upon securing the warrant, Deming police officers took the man to an emergency room, but hit their first snag when a doctor refused to perform the anal cavity search because he believed it to be “unethical.”

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It will only get worst Charles.

I read an article about this and a lawyer consulting on one case, a woman it happened to on the side of the road, said he advises "making it absolutely clear you do not consent." I think that's legalese for do whatever you gotta do to resist. At least that's how I took it. State sanctioned sexual assault= over my dead body mother fuckers.

As the saying goes: "all wars are banker's wars". I only realized the truth of this recently. The US petrodollar is doomed (thank God). I suspect that the lifestyle of the US is headed south rather severely. Hopefully, my family will prevail. Who knows.

Personally, I'm rooting for Putin and studying Russian.

I really like Putin. That may prove to wrong in the future but as of now I have a soft spot for the man.

it will get to the  point to where you are not allowing yourself to be pulled over in fear for your life.

What do you mean, "will get"? Right now we have a 50/50 chance a "traffic" stop will end up in a "police shooting". They have every incentive, a paid vacation, a promotion, a medal for bravery, a bonus, a "little office shin-dig", a bunch of pats on the back and high fives, pinches on the butt, 2 for one at Burger King coupons, for a month, a gift pack, discount coupons to 'Unkel Bob's kiddie park". So, why not plink off a couple of civies every now and then? Ya know?

Oh, yeah, and a "get out of jail free" card.

Oh well, hmmmm....I didn't know about the "Unkel Bob's" all is clear.

Pre Nazi Germany right here at home, how nice. We must like this kind of treatment, or there would be great fires, and destruction, rebellion and anarchy. Villians dragged into the streets and disemboweled, splayed forth on the street and spat upon, oh, sorry got kinda into the moment there. This is a pretty damning picture of "liberty and freedom" though.

People have been brainwashed into believing we are cared for. It is in every human to want to believe we are cared for. The government has worked long and hard to do exactly that. There fore people are scared to loose anything that symbolizes comfort and security and status. As long as people believe the government is taking care of the majority of this countries people the abuses will continue to continue. People feel sry for the ones of us that are abused and handled by authorities but as long as it does not touch everyone, people have the ability to ignore the truth, look the other direction and say boy I am glad that did not happen to me. People have been catered to so long now most have forgotten how to take care of themselves. De-evolving.

The scales will tip one of these days not to long in the future. More of us than not will be touched by the government abuses. That's when the SHTF scenario will goes into full speed. 


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