Rangel Legislation: Mandatory Military Service For ALL Americans 18-42 yrs old

Rangel Legislation: Mandatory Military Service For ALL Americans 18...

Rep. Charles Rangel yesterday again called for bringing back the national draft -- right at the Times Square recruiting station.

For the third time since the Iraq War began, the Harlem Democrat announced his plans to introduce a bill requiring all Americans to serve in the armed forces.

"If you love your country, be prepared to serve," said Rangel, a Korean War veteran.

Congress should stop funding the war and, instead, use tax dollars to bring troops home, he said.

Rangel, who this year was stripped of his chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee, said the bill calls for men and women 18-42 to sign up
for the draft during wartime. It will likely be introduced next week.

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God bless your son, MGM. . . I'm so glad he made it home safe. It's sad that it has to come down to this (a new draft) in order to stop the madness, but i feel it's the only way left to end it. I gave this a lot of thought before I took this position.

Machinegunmomma said:
Vince I agree with you and it was my son an "Marine war vet" that got me to see the light on this subject. Shortly after he came home from Iraq quite a mess I'd say he had a complete turn around on his feelings towards the Military, this once lifer was now saying he thought the draft should be put in place. Shocked and amazed I asked him why he thought that was a good Idea, and his reply: The all the Senators Sons & Daughter can go to battle, some can die, then, and only then, will they bring enough pressure to make it all end.

He NOW HATES WAR because he experienced it first hand. Sometimes this is the only way - When it's the "other parents children" dying the ones in washington don't feel it, but you make it so everyone has to register, then you will see a lot of Mom's and dads saying OH HELL NO - NOT MY SON OR DAUGHTER!

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Good one. I made full circle on this one. I used to be against the draft, but now I know it's the only way to stop the endless repetition of war. I support this bill. Yeah, draft young rich kids. Quickly send them to the frontlines with House member's sons and daughters with no deferments or cushy, safe positions offered and see how long this carnage continues.
Jen, In addition to my other comment to you, here's an old 2003 article I wrote about the war. It further explains my position. Check it out:


Body Bags Filled with GI Joe and Jane: No Homecoming Trumpets for the Fallen?


by Vincent L. Guarisco

September 26, 2003

"Americans have been taught that their nation is civilized and humane. But, too often, U.S. actions have been uncivilized and inhumane."~~Howard Zinn, historian and author

Did Uncle Sam always have such a cold, black heart? Or did Sammy's heartstrings lose their chromatic charm and warmth when the Bush cartel dipped it into an oozing barrel of Texas Tea imported from the Middle East?

I know many of you are still wrapped in the flag, but can you at least pull it down past your eyes and ears for minute? The mouth area on down can remain star-spangled and entwined. I appreciate your cooperation. I need your quiet, patriotic attention.

Notice anything missing in the news media since all this war business started? Where is all the media attention for the more than 300 fallen military servicemen who have been killed in Iraq and shipped back home? I ask again -- has anyone heard the trumpets blaring or seen cameras clicking in patriotic fever as the body bags arrive and unload from military cargo planes? While I'm on the subject -- has anyone seen any televised funerals or heard any interviews with relatives of the deceased who are not happy campers? Hardly anything? Hmmmm, go figure.

I apologize for asking such disturbing questions, but duty calls in the wake of duplicity, and simply waving the flag is not enough, in fact it's not even close. If we want to call ourselves true American patriots, it's our duty to "ask questions," and lots of them. When considering all the brave souls who have given their lives for country and cartel, perhaps asking questions and demanding honest answers will be the true battle cry of our times.

Listen up:

For the record -- It's not my intention or desire to disrespect or dishonor our soldiers by calling the Bush administration a "cartel." Let me make one thing perfectly clear; our soldiers are our nation's bravest treasure -- unlike the cheap flyboy who stole his way to power and the expensive administrative white-collar "suits" who needlessly send our brothers and sisters into harm's way over an oil-well of cultivated lies.

Our society is purposely shielded from such upsetting details of homebound fatalities because the Makers of War want us to have a more pleasant, picturesque impression of war without the imagery of loss and death. It's a full-blown media blackout which acts as a nerve-block for the masses. Like they say -- out of sight, out of mind.

There are several layers of skin to this war business -- more than most Americans will ever imagine: The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) did not blink an eye when fabricating terrorist scarecrows for our peaceful garden for the sole purpose of germinating a conflict, another Pearl Harbor event was complementary to their goal and of public record. Most of us who dissent already understand the matrix. For those of you who are now beginning to awaken -- welcome to the PNAC Era of Bloody Oz. We welcome you with open arms for your involvement in helping us restore order to our traumatized nation.

The Bush regime proved it can successfully market high-tech wars to those watching on the sidelines -- TV clips of successful flight missions with bombers lighting off missiles on the horizon...Old Glory flying on tanks and Bradley vehicles rolling over distant sand dunes. Sprinkle a little homegrown-footage showing clear-channel pro-war attendees chanting and performing body waves and -- voila! -- it goes down the gullet like mother's milk. For those of you who attended these rallies, we hold no grudge. We are happy to have you on our side of the aisle marching now for peace instead of war.

The following will help our mission for peace: Televising dead or mutilated sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, friends and those not mentioned arriving home in gift-wrapped body bags has a reverse effect -- it quickly diminishes the flavor of the anticipated selling points of war and hostile occupation. Don't be fooled by the terminology -- war, hostile occupation, covert action, nation-building or whatever name you choose to give it is a deadly commodity manufactured, packaged and sold to the American consumer by elites who stand to gain immensely.

Make no mistake, such slaughter is engineered and carried into play from a safe distance (at no risk) to those who desire acquiring all the worlds natural resources on the planet. Unlike the rest of us poor souls who are forced to engage in battle, it's cut and dried; we're all considered expendable. I'm sure those who died would not mind being exploited for peace -- after all, it was a falsely propagated war that killed them in the first place.

It takes a shrewd, sickened mind coupled with a hardened soul to plan such bloody pilferage, but this is the reality we all must face. These 21st century power brokers have no remorse and will sacrifice innocent lives for their selfish gain. Our loss is very real, and so it seems -- becoming a casualty of war is not the last sacrifice. A final paragraph is written for the fallen in disappearing ink, a final insult before closing the last cryptic page -- a dead handshake, a zipper bag and a silent homecoming so as not to scare away future recruiting efforts and replacements. If there is a God, I'm sure He has a special place for those who do these horrible things.

The Bush cartel leaves no stone unturned, aside from the dead they have the living to manipulate. They fully understand that virtually every soldier who serves in Iraq is being exposed to high amounts of radiation from the massive amounts of depleted-uranium munitions that were exploded and handled during the war including many other deadly toxins and carcinogens (this includes munitions dropped in 1991).

I suspect, not long ago a baby vulture must have landed on Bush's shoulder and whispered into his ear that the VA Risk Management boys projected several hundred thousand medical illnesses will quickly arise, thus creating several hundred thousand medical claims to come flying through the VA system in the aftermath of all this. I'm sure that evil birdie also informed him of the astronomical genetic birth effects that will surely affect their children for generations to come. Yep, the good 'ol boys really know how to prioritize risk management.

Being a man of action Bush rose for the occasion and immediately slashed VA benefits and healthcare. Be advised -- he made these cuts while soldiers were engaged in combat. Back home we have a name for that -- a street whore calls it getting screwed without payment or getting all dressed up and having no one to blow, but in our nation's capital they call it "Damage Control." I apologize for the cheap comparison, but it does have its sobering similarity.

Bottom line -- America deserves better! This is the overpowering inspirational cry that transmits commentary such as this onto your computer screen, a beckoning desire for a kinder, caring establishment that reflects our best interest and good will. Like a majority of Americans, I did not vote for the idiot son of a defense contractor who's making a killing at our expense.

We don't have to be governed by fear and deception! A wise leader is a musical sharpshooter who orchestrates a poetic song for our peaceful prosperity, a gentle administrator who establishes a rhythmic expression that harmonizes a dance for everyone's joyful theatrical score. A true leader is a visionary who will aim softly, pull graciously, and deliver compassionately our target of transitory dreams. A leadership so marveled that it births an envious fellowship that is mimicked by the neighboring spectators around us.

For that dream and for the memory of those who fell to keep the American dream alive I demand we make them all accountable for their actions.

I admit I hold very little respect for today's politicians; even for the ones within my own Democratic Party, for most have forgotten whom they serve. But if I could ask for one small concession -- one little request -- it would be that every official who voted in favor of going to war be required to unzip each body bag that returns home and view the contents inside. After doing so, they must attend each funeral within their home states, and then look into the eyes of each family member whose life was destroyed and confess if they made the right decision in authorizing such wanton destruction.

I would also ask that each American who takes a pro-war position also take a pilgrimage to Arlington Cemetery in Virginia -- and, while they're at it -- visit the Vietnam Memorial in DC.

If anyone can do all that and still wrap himself in the American flag while shouting for war, then perhaps we really do have a valid enemy who threatens our safety. But as it stands right now, our own worst enemy is within.


* * *

Vincent L Guarisco is a freelance writer from Bullhead City, Arizona, a contributing editor for Axis of Logic and a lifetime member of the Alliance of Atomic Veterans.

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
God bless your son, MGM. . . I'm so glad he made it home safe. It's sad that it has to come down to this (a new draft) in order to stop the madness, but i feel it's the only way left to end it. I gave this a lot of thought before I took this position.

Machinegunmomma said:
Vince I agree with you and it was my son an "Marine war vet" that got me to see the light on this subject. Shortly after he came home from Iraq quite a mess I'd say he had a complete turn around on his feelings towards the Military, this once lifer was now saying he thought the draft should be put in place. Shocked and amazed I asked him why he thought that was a good Idea, and his reply: The all the Senators Sons & Daughter can go to battle, some can die, then, and only then, will they bring enough pressure to make it all end.

He NOW HATES WAR because he experienced it first hand. Sometimes this is the only way - When it's the "other parents children" dying the ones in washington don't feel it, but you make it so everyone has to register, then you will see a lot of Mom's and dads saying OH HELL NO - NOT MY SON OR DAUGHTER!

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Good one. I made full circle on this one. I used to be against the draft, but now I know it's the only way to stop the endless repetition of war. I support this bill. Yeah, draft young rich kids. Quickly send them to the frontlines with House member's sons and daughters with no deferments or cushy, safe positions offered and see how long this carnage continues.
Jen, all the stuff you mentioned is on-going and easier to establish with an all volunteer army. Cause and effect is what is needed. Our citizens must feverishly revolt against the war. War is made too easy with a volunteer amry. It must get personal and affect their inner circle. Putting their own kids at risk is the only thing that may inspire them to take an anti-war position. At this point in time, it may be woefully too late to reverse course, sadly, the police state seems to be marching in.

Jen said:
Nice article Vincent. It brings out many things that should be known of the wars and losses incurred from them and you have much to say about the exposures and lifelong damage done to our vets but are you really sure that exposing hundreds... thousands of our people to the same things just to get back at the few "rich" kids that don't get out of it is the answer? And think of this... its not just the war that they will be fighting... it'll be the martial law being implemented here... The draft will dramatically increase the weapon force here in the US as well as abroad... I recently added an article "New York National Guard Units Scan Vehicles For Gun Confiscations" that shows how the military/national guard etc are being used to set up their presence here... just one (1) of the articles out there...

Why do you think John McManus and JBS addressed a body (I don't remember if it was the Congress or Senate or the UN) 15 +/- years ago about the Emerging New World Army and the questions on the military questionaires about how recruits would feel about firing upon US citizens that refuse to give up their firearms. 15 years ago they were already planning a "force" here in our streets. DO not be deceived my friend(s) this draft will not just be sending our troops to Afgahnistan. This is not being done to protect our country or our freedom... Has everyone forgotten that Hitler had his little ss troops too? Do we really want millions of trained, armed and ready soldiers to control our streets? Be careful what you wish for...

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Jen, In addition to my other comment to you, here's an old 2003 article I wrote about the war. It further explains my position. Check it out:


Body Bags Filled with GI Joe and Jane: No Homecoming Trumpets for the Fallen?


by Vincent L. Guarisco

September 26, 2003

"Americans have been taught that their nation is civilized and humane. But, too often, U.S. actions have been uncivilized and inhumane."~~Howard Zinn, historian and author

Did Uncle Sam always have such a cold, black heart? Or did Sammy's heartstrings lose their chromatic charm and warmth when the Bush cartel dipped it into an oozing barrel of Texas Tea imported from the Middle East?

I know many of you are still wrapped in the flag, but can you at least pull it down past your eyes and ears for minute? The mouth area on down can remain star-spangled and entwined. I appreciate your cooperation. I need your quiet, patriotic attention.

Notice anything missing in the news media since all this war business started? Where is all the media attention for the more than 300 fallen military servicemen who have been killed in Iraq and shipped back home? I ask again -- has anyone heard the trumpets blaring or seen cameras clicking in patriotic fever as the body bags arrive and unload from military cargo planes? While I'm on the subject -- has anyone seen any televised funerals or heard any interviews with relatives of the deceased who are not happy campers? Hardly anything? Hmmmm, go figure.

I apologize for asking such disturbing questions, but duty calls in the wake of duplicity, and simply waving the flag is not enough, in fact it's not even close. If we want to call ourselves true American patriots, it's our duty to "ask questions," and lots of them. When considering all the brave souls who have given their lives for country and cartel, perhaps asking questions and demanding honest answers will be the true battle cry of our times.

Listen up:

For the record -- It's not my intention or desire to disrespect or dishonor our soldiers by calling the Bush administration a "cartel." Let me make one thing perfectly clear; our soldiers are our nation's bravest treasure -- unlike the cheap flyboy who stole his way to power and the expensive administrative white-collar "suits" who needlessly send our brothers and sisters into harm's way over an oil-well of cultivated lies.

Our society is purposely shielded from such upsetting details of homebound fatalities because the Makers of War want us to have a more pleasant, picturesque impression of war without the imagery of loss and death. It's a full-blown media blackout which acts as a nerve-block for the masses. Like they say -- out of sight, out of mind.

There are several layers of skin to this war business -- more than most Americans will ever imagine: The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) did not blink an eye when fabricating terrorist scarecrows for our peaceful garden for the sole purpose of germinating a conflict, another Pearl Harbor event was complementary to their goal and of public record. Most of us who dissent already understand the matrix. For those of you who are now beginning to awaken -- welcome to the PNAC Era of Bloody Oz. We welcome you with open arms for your involvement in helping us restore order to our traumatized nation.

The Bush regime proved it can successfully market high-tech wars to those watching on the sidelines -- TV clips of successful flight missions with bombers lighting off missiles on the horizon...Old Glory flying on tanks and Bradley vehicles rolling over distant sand dunes. Sprinkle a little homegrown-footage showing clear-channel pro-war attendees chanting and performing body waves and -- voila! -- it goes down the gullet like mother's milk. For those of you who attended these rallies, we hold no grudge. We are happy to have you on our side of the aisle marching now for peace instead of war.

The following will help our mission for peace: Televising dead or mutilated sons, daughters, uncles, aunts, friends and those not mentioned arriving home in gift-wrapped body bags has a reverse effect -- it quickly diminishes the flavor of the anticipated selling points of war and hostile occupation. Don't be fooled by the terminology -- war, hostile occupation, covert action, nation-building or whatever name you choose to give it is a deadly commodity manufactured, packaged and sold to the American consumer by elites who stand to gain immensely.

Make no mistake, such slaughter is engineered and carried into play from a safe distance (at no risk) to those who desire acquiring all the worlds natural resources on the planet. Unlike the rest of us poor souls who are forced to engage in battle, it's cut and dried; we're all considered expendable. I'm sure those who died would not mind being exploited for peace -- after all, it was a falsely propagated war that killed them in the first place.

It takes a shrewd, sickened mind coupled with a hardened soul to plan such bloody pilferage, but this is the reality we all must face. These 21st century power brokers have no remorse and will sacrifice innocent lives for their selfish gain. Our loss is very real, and so it seems -- becoming a casualty of war is not the last sacrifice. A final paragraph is written for the fallen in disappearing ink, a final insult before closing the last cryptic page -- a dead handshake, a zipper bag and a silent homecoming so as not to scare away future recruiting efforts and replacements. If there is a God, I'm sure He has a special place for those who do these horrible things.

The Bush cartel leaves no stone unturned, aside from the dead they have the living to manipulate. They fully understand that virtually every soldier who serves in Iraq is being exposed to high amounts of radiation from the massive amounts of depleted-uranium munitions that were exploded and handled during the war including many other deadly toxins and carcinogens (this includes munitions dropped in 1991).

I suspect, not long ago a baby vulture must have landed on Bush's shoulder and whispered into his ear that the VA Risk Management boys projected several hundred thousand medical illnesses will quickly arise, thus creating several hundred thousand medical claims to come flying through the VA system in the aftermath of all this. I'm sure that evil birdie also informed him of the astronomical genetic birth effects that will surely affect their children for generations to come. Yep, the good 'ol boys really know how to prioritize risk management.

Being a man of action Bush rose for the occasion and immediately slashed VA benefits and healthcare. Be advised -- he made these cuts while soldiers were engaged in combat. Back home we have a name for that -- a street whore calls it getting screwed without payment or getting all dressed up and having no one to blow, but in our nation's capital they call it "Damage Control." I apologize for the cheap comparison, but it does have its sobering similarity.

Bottom line -- America deserves better! This is the overpowering inspirational cry that transmits commentary such as this onto your computer screen, a beckoning desire for a kinder, caring establishment that reflects our best interest and good will. Like a majority of Americans, I did not vote for the idiot son of a defense contractor who's making a killing at our expense.

We don't have to be governed by fear and deception! A wise leader is a musical sharpshooter who orchestrates a poetic song for our peaceful prosperity, a gentle administrator who establishes a rhythmic expression that harmonizes a dance for everyone's joyful theatrical score. A true leader is a visionary who will aim softly, pull graciously, and deliver compassionately our target of transitory dreams. A leadership so marveled that it births an envious fellowship that is mimicked by the neighboring spectators around us.

For that dream and for the memory of those who fell to keep the American dream alive I demand we make them all accountable for their actions.

I admit I hold very little respect for today's politicians; even for the ones within my own Democratic Party, for most have forgotten whom they serve. But if I could ask for one small concession -- one little request -- it would be that every official who voted in favor of going to war be required to unzip each body bag that returns home and view the contents inside. After doing so, they must attend each funeral within their home states, and then look into the eyes of each family member whose life was destroyed and confess if they made the right decision in authorizing such wanton destruction.

I would also ask that each American who takes a pro-war position also take a pilgrimage to Arlington Cemetery in Virginia -- and, while they're at it -- visit the Vietnam Memorial in DC.

If anyone can do all that and still wrap himself in the American flag while shouting for war, then perhaps we really do have a valid enemy who threatens our safety. But as it stands right now, our own worst enemy is within.


* * *

Vincent L Guarisco is a freelance writer from Bullhead City, Arizona, a contributing editor for Axis of Logic and a lifetime member of the Alliance of Atomic Veterans.

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
God bless your son, MGM. . . I'm so glad he made it home safe. It's sad that it has to come down to this (a new draft) in order to stop the madness, but i feel it's the only way left to end it. I gave this a lot of thought before I took this position.

Machinegunmomma said:
Vince I agree with you and it was my son an "Marine war vet" that got me to see the light on this subject. Shortly after he came home from Iraq quite a mess I'd say he had a complete turn around on his feelings towards the Military, this once lifer was now saying he thought the draft should be put in place. Shocked and amazed I asked him why he thought that was a good Idea, and his reply: The all the Senators Sons & Daughter can go to battle, some can die, then, and only then, will they bring enough pressure to make it all end.

He NOW HATES WAR because he experienced it first hand. Sometimes this is the only way - When it's the "other parents children" dying the ones in washington don't feel it, but you make it so everyone has to register, then you will see a lot of Mom's and dads saying OH HELL NO - NOT MY SON OR DAUGHTER!

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Good one. I made full circle on this one. I used to be against the draft, but now I know it's the only way to stop the endless repetition of war. I support this bill. Yeah, draft young rich kids. Quickly send them to the frontlines with House member's sons and daughters with no deferments or cushy, safe positions offered and see how long this carnage continues.
Greg, a lot of folks thought Obama would end the wars (not) if he got elected to office. He proved himself to be the next war pimp and with an all volunteer military at his disposal and with little to no media coverage about the war, most Americans have put the whole notion out of mind.

In fact, most folks are too busy trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

To some degree, War is also on the back burner because those who serve (a small fraction of people), knowingly enlisted and their families accept it. If you want to end the wars we need a massive public awakening with much outrage. The best best way to achieve that (cause and affect) is to impliment a draft. Thus, that would quickly thrust the anti-war movement to the "front" burner for public debate.

Don't forget, Greg, the wars have been on-going for many years now. It's way past time for a shake-up. Indeed, a draft would make the war drum skip a beat or two. Will it be enough to end the wars? I don't know. So far, all I know is this - nothing else seems to be working.

Greg said:
Where Did All The Anti War Outrage From The Bush Years Go? America is deeper in war now than ever before. Obushma!!

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Good one. I made full circle on this one. I used to be against the draft, but now I know it's the only way to stop the endless repetition of war. I support this bill. Yeah, draft young rich kids. Quickly send them to the frontlines with House member's sons and daughters with no deferments or cushy, safe positions offered and see how long this carnage continues.
Yes, greg, it would but. . . it's been nine whole years since the false flag attack on our nation. Has anything changed? Is the media reporting it? No. The only way to get people motivated is when something affects them personally. Otherwise, they don't care. Who would have thought we would have rolled over this long after everything that has happened? How many smoking guns does it take? A draft may be the answer. Don't worry about it though. . . a draft won't happen because the makers of war already know it would work against them to do so. All they have to do is keep the economy all screwed up and the only jobs available will be the armed services.

Greg said:
The truth about 9/11 is so explosive that if fully admitted, any lingering public support for America’s wars in the Middle East would totally collapse, and the ground on which the masters and dogs of war are wreaking destruction will breakdown overnight.

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Greg, a lot of folks thought Obama would end the wars (not) if he got elected to office. He proved himself to be the next war pimp and with an all volunteer military at his disposal and with little to no media coverage about the war, most Americans have put the whole notion out of mind.

In fact, most folks are too busy trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table.

To some degree, War is also on the back burner because those who serve (a small fraction of people), knowingly enlisted and their families accept it. If you want to end the wars we need a massive public awakening with much outrage. The best best way to achieve that (cause and affect) is to impliment a draft. Thus, that would quickly thrust the anti-war movement to the "front" burner for public debate.

Don't forget, Greg, the wars have been on-going for many years now. It's way past time for a shake-up. Indeed, a draft would make the war drum skip a beat or two. Will it be enough to end the wars? I don't know. So far, all I know is this - nothing else seems to be working.

Greg said:
Where Did All The Anti War Outrage From The Bush Years Go? America is deeper in war now than ever before. Obushma!!

Vincent L. Guarisco said:
Good one. I made full circle on this one. I used to be against the draft, but now I know it's the only way to stop the endless repetition of war. I support this bill. Yeah, draft young rich kids. Quickly send them to the frontlines with House member's sons and daughters with no deferments or cushy, safe positions offered and see how long this carnage continues.
A great way to find out what a bill introduced in Congress is all about is by reading it first. Text of H.R. 5741: To require all persons in the United States betw... Rangel is definetely a stooge on the loose!
.....and it seems that Rangel has been filling up poopy diapers too, he's been a bad, bad boy. House Panel Will Try Rangel in Ethics Cases Thankfully this bill will never see the light of day, at least that's the way it looks in the here and now.

Tara said:
A great way to find out what a bill introduced in Congress is all about is by reading it first. Text of H.R. 5741: To require all persons in the United States betw... Rangel is definetely a stooge on the loose!
It is my thought if this passes , the elite will continue to find a way out of direct combat situations and the rest of us will not.


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