Food heals.

What you need to know - 
and no one is telling

In this expansive and self-revealing talk, John McDougall MD outlines the problems and solutions to the health crisis facing America, and how government, business and individuals can easily and quickly solve this crisis. This will be on the DVD from the full Expo weekend -- 14 amazing talks, about 14 hours of video. For more information and to your your copy of the entire weekend EXPO on DVD, go here:

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This truth is simple and is, therefore, easy to explain. You must eat to live. But the choice of what you eat is yours. There is an individual, specific diet that best supports the health, function, and longevity of each and every animal. The proper diet for human beings is based on starches. The more rice, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and beans you eat, the trimmer and healthier you will be -- and with those same food choices you will help save the Planet Earth too.

This talk is by John McDougall MD from the VegSource Healthy Lifestyle Expo 2010.

I first read his McDougall books back in the early 90's.  He has some very good information. I understand why he came to the conclusions he did based on his experiences in Hawaii.  And we should all know what is bad to eat such as fast food, processed food, sodas, GMO, etc. But a starch based diet is not healthy for everyone. He says that genes don't matter but they do. For example, those with Celiac have a genetic condition where they can't eat gluten containing grains and some can't tolerate any grains at all and other starches are difficult for them to digest as well.  Later on I found the Eat Right for You Bloodtype book which many people have had great success with including me.  It's not a weight-loss book, it's a book about figuring out the best types of foods for the person as an individual to eat.

Definitely spot on with that.

All diets cause weight loss due to the body gets a shock. I'm not Celiac that I know of, but I feel a lot better cutting out Gluten and so do the rest of the family. Megan's sinuses are clearer, her acid reflux has quit, and she has lost weight. Denise has lost weight, and so have I, plus my acid reflux is gone. All diets though throws the body in shock and cause weight loss until the body adjusts. A diet though of starches and carbs though isn't good and will cause weight gain.

  Maria, I grew up on a farm and still have a farm, bought the one beside where I grew up years ago. Eating vegetables is just as hard on the Planet as eating meat. With the chemicals out there most farms use and the genetic modifications on plants, be careful what you eat. I got a book the other day and family farming is about 1%, according to what they said. That leaves 99% of what you eat grown by corporate farms. Feedlots are hard on the ecology but just as hard are farming vegetables and fruits. You got the beef guys pushing the Paleo Diet and the Wheat guys pushing the Carb diet. Both get doctors, and most will whore out to a corporation and say whatever they're told to say. Vegan isn't healthy and neither is the caveman thing. Moderation. Plus carbs put a load on your blood sugars, why we see so much Diabetes today. This is on Quinoa, but you can search whatever food from this site to see the Glycemic Index and other nutrition, just type in the thing you want to see.

Anthony, I'm glad your family feels better off gluten.  For me, it saved my life.  I've had the genetic blood tests done because I had to know. Sure enough, I inherited two genes that are markers for Celiac so my risk level is at the top but the doc had already figured it out anyway. 

There is nothing healthy about wheat even if you don't have the genes.  Most all grains are high glycemic and humans did not evolve eating them. There is no one diet that's right for everyone. I believe McDougall had success with his plan because most of his patients were Asian who have mostly type A and type B blood.  People with type 0 blood do not do well with a high carb diet.

Everybody should watch this lecture. Particularly anybody dealing with the health sector.  

1. ANYONE with M.D. in their name addressing Health should be AUTOMATICALLY suspect. As in "What they have to say will be LIES". ANYONE pushing PILLS is Certainly NOT interested in Health. It is estimated now that 75% of ALL prescription Medicines in the US contain "un-named" chemicals added in Manufacturing to INDUCE illness. Yes INDUCE ILLNESS. My advice is: "take at your own risk". NOTE: I will take/be given NOTHING created After 1975. NOTHING.


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