What In The World Are They Spraying? The Chemtrail/Geoengineering Cover-up by Truthmedia Productions promises to have people looking up in the sky.
Chemtrails have long been debated and producer Michael Murphy and director Paul Wittenberger teamed up with world renowned author and documentary film producer G. Edward Griffin to combine their expertise and research to put an end to the debate about chemtrails. The world premiere of What In The World Are They Spraying? is being held in Atlanta, Georgia on October 23, 2010. This is the first-ever full length documentary about chemtrails.
Michael Murphy: Producer
Michael Murphy is an independent journalist and political activist from the Los Angeles area whose work focuses on issues that go beyond the interest of the mainstream media.
Permalink Reply by Tara on October 29, 2010 at 4:14pm
Thanks for posting Luggs! Boy, have we been getting bombarded with chemtrails this fall. For some reason there is much more spraying in the fall and spring here, not too sure what to make of it. All I know is that my sinuses have been all messed up since I noticed once again, the air assault from above.
Thanks, very well done. It's interesting how the death of trees in California has been blamed on global warming but it's actually due to the chemtrails.
Pentagon spokesperson Geoff Morrell denounced the leaks Friday evening, claiming the document dump was a "gift to terrorist organizations" that "put at risk the lives of our troops."
The above is an interesting remark, considering it is our own government (run by psychopaths), that is a terrorist organization. It is terrorizing its own citizens through the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, naked body scanners, metal detectors, cameras on the streets, taxes, obamacare, Federal Reserve, rigged elections, Executive Orders, poison food, poison water, chemtrails, pharmaceuticals, vaccines, television, radio, HAARP, inflation, newspapers, lies, and on and on.
Our government is the terrorist organization that has invaded countless third world countries causing the deaths and maiming of our own military, and the deaths and maiming of perhaps millions of civilians. Research the following programs and learn that our own CIA and the Pentegon are in the business of terrorisim (it's just a small start list):
I found this video posted in its entirety on Vimeo, via the careful observation of the Ron Paul nation 'usual sites', and recently forwarded this 'full-length' link to a few 'careful observers'. http://vimeo.com/16219493
I have to state publicly that Cliff Carnicom was the premier source of this information, before sites like Alex Jones, Rense, Quayle, and others actively started to 'get involved' in the obvious obfuscation of our atmosphere.
It's good to see G. Edward Griffin beginning to get his 'stride', in the personal involvment he is doing, in exposing this.
This movie cites several 'credible' reports, which all reinforce the general idea that this 'fecal matter' has been transpiring for the last 20 years.
Actually, if you go read my chemtrail blog, i attached the 1975 Weather Modification Treaty between U.S. and Canada. That makes it more like 35 years we`ve been sprayed. And usually when they announce or admit something, they`ve been doing it 5-7 years BEFORE......so that makes it closer to 40 years. The Iron Mountain Report even covers this !
Great post! G Edward Griffin will be doing an interview on our radio show, The Watchmen.biz. He and the film reporter, Michael Murphy will be interviewed by Doc. Will be a great show. And you can call in and ask questions. I will post on my page the day. Thanks for this, sharing it.
In a dystopian world a new form of A.I. weaponry has been created. All these drone bots need is a profile: age, sex, fitness, uniform, and ethnicity. Nuclear...