Will chronic GOP fratricide mean the long-term decline of the party — and the country? The book's authors analyze the GOP’s woes and call for radical realignment. Ed Hudgins argues that constituencies rejecting the restoration of liberty should be allowed — or asked — to leave. David N. Mayer, a constitutional scholar, calls for "Competing the American Revolution" and contends that "The American Revolution was not quite radical enough." David Kelley, a script consultant to the Atlas Shrugged movie trilogy, offers a devastating critique of the welfare society, and concludes: "The ethical principle that individual ability is a social asset is incompatible with a free society. If freedom is to survive and flourish, we need a fourth revolution, a moral revolution, that establishes the moral right of the individual to live for himself."
Included are insightful essays on America’s founding principles and the difference between true free markets and crony capitalism.
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