Danny Boyle insists Olympic sheep will avoid the abattoir

2012 Olympics torch

Olympic gossip: Reassurances over animals in opening ceremony, Kenyan runner's 'knife attack'

LAST UPDATED AT 12:10 ON Fri 29 Jun 2012

DANNY BOYLE, director of the London 2012 opening ceremony, has reassured animal rights campaigners that the farm animals used in the show will be well looked after and will not end up being eaten. Several groups had expressed concern about his plans to use 100 animals in the show, claiming the experience would be "highly stressful" for the animals, said The Guardian. Boyle said they would only feature at the very start of teh show and that "genuine care" would be taken of them. He also said he would ensure they were retired to animal sanctuaries.


Olympic opening ceremony sparks 'animal cruelty' row

Danny Boyle's Olympic ceremony model

Danny Boyle's Olympic vision of Britain is dismissed as 'believable as Teletubbies'

LAST UPDATED AT 12:40 ON Wed 13 Jun 2012

JUST A day after Danny Boyle revealed details of the Olympic opening ceremony and the backlash has already begun, with an animal rights group slamming his plans to use sheep and other farmyard animals in the show.

Metro reported the concerns of vegetarian organisation Viva, which described Boyle's vision as "wrong on so many levels".

The group said: "Why would anyone think it was a good idea to subject farmed animals to the pandemonium of an Olympic opening ceremony? It smacks of the Roman gladiatorial arena. Many of those animals, especially the sheep, are likely to be terrified."

Viva campaigns director Justin Kerswell also took Boyle to task over his depiction of the English countryside. He said most farm animals were intensively farmed and described the pastoral scenes as "about as believable as the set of Teletubbies".

However, Metro reported that the RSPCA would be on hand throughout the rehearsals and the ceremony to look after the animals. Games organiser, Locog, told the paper: "The welfare of the animals in the opening ceremony is of the utmost importance."

Boyle was also quick to defend his plans, telling The Independent, "[The animals will] be treated very well... Far better than the volunteers."

The ceremony has also attracted criticism for its £27m budget, but today it was revealed that the Olympics will come in at under their £9.3bn budget. Government figures show that there is £476m left in the contingency fund that will now be returned to the Treasury.

But as the BBC reports the Games have not come cheap. "The £9.3bn budget, which included a £2bn contingency, was set in 2007 and was almost four times the estimated cost at the time London bid in 2005," it says. The original budget did not cover VAT, security costs and regeneration plans for the area around the Olympic park. · 


Olympics opening ceremony: Danny Boyle reassures Peta over animal usage

12 horses, three cows, nine geese, two goats and 70 sheep among participants in Isles of Wonder-themed event

, Olympics editor

guardian.co.uk, Friday 29 June 2012 01.36 BST


Danny Boyle
Danny Boyle has reassured animal rights groups over the treatment of the livestock used in the London 2012 opening ceremony. Photograph: Joe Corrigan/Getty Images

The director of the London 2012 opening ceremony, Danny Boyle, has moved to assuage concerns about the welfare of animals who will feature in his £27m show by promising to remove them from the stadium early and ensure they do not face a grisly end afterwards.

In response to concerns raised by six animal welfare groups, Boyle has sent a letter to Peta's founder Ingrid Newkirk to offer a range of assurances over plans to use live animals in his Isles of Wonder-themed opening ceremony.

After revealing this month that 12 horses, three cows, two goats, 10 chickens, 10 ducks, nine geese, 70 sheep and three sheepdogs would be part of the opening scene, animal rights campaigners claimed it could breach the Animal Welfare Act by subjecting them to undue distress.

Boyle said that "genuine care will be taken of the animals" who "will feature only in the very beginning of the show during daylight hours and will leave the stadium shortly after the 9pm start and before any large effects or noisy sequences take place".

The opening "green and pleasant" tableau is expected to give way to a more urban environment of dark satanic mills and protests.

The Slumdog Millionaire director also promised that he would "follow up vigorously" concerns about the fate of the animals after the show, to ensure they were safely retired to animal sanctuaries.

Peta said it would offer its assistance and suggested Boyle team up with fellow film director Chris Noonan, who made sure that all 48 piglets used in the making of the film Babe were spared the abattoir.

But the group said that Boyle's reply did not fully address their concerns.

"We are satisfied that the animals won't now end up in an abattoir and that much more attention is now being paid to their welfare," said a spokesman.

"But their transport and the stress of unfamiliar surroundings as well as their use as props rather than sentient, sensitive individuals have still not been addressed."

The London 2012 organising committee has insisted that "the welfare of the animals in the London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony is of the utmost importance". It is working with the RSPCA, which is providing animal welfare advice.

In their original letter the six groups – Animal Aid, Animal Defenders International, Captive Animals Protection Society, Compassion in World Farming, Peta and Viva – said it would be a "highly stressful and probably terrifying experience" for the animals.


Numerology (12 horses, three cows, nine geese, two goats and 70 sheep) & symbolic sacrifice anyone?

Views: 565

Replies to This Discussion

The animals are safe but the people are F-----.

Sheep, eh?  Subtle.  Not.  Yes, symbolic sacrifice...for the upcoming not so symbolic sacrifice when the false flag ritual gets under way.  (I suspect 08-08-12...)  So do We do nothing but talk?  Gawk as it all goes down?  Or do We become proactive?  Do something?  What? You might ask...  Spread a solution.  What solution?  This one:


Not only spread it - email, Hotel Califacebook, Twitter, contacting organizations... - recruit Others to be proactive.  In order to work awareness of the solution must reach the tipping point, and I can't do it alone.

Livestock , sheep , farm animals , symbolic sacrifice ! This is just too much ! They are piling on the Luciferian stuff really thick  . This year has been one huge nightmare for me I am seeing illuminati symbolism everywhere everyday .  Its obvious that the NWO has some big plans for us and the ol;ympics seem to be their big finally.

It blowed up real good yet????


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