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Concerns Over Measurement of Fukushima Fallout

Started by Tara. Last reply by Central Scrutinizer Mar 17, 2014. 1 Reply

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Started by Wolf. Last reply by Wolf Feb 3, 2013. 3 Replies

Radioactive fish from Fukushima found near California

Started by truth. Last reply by Central Scrutinizer May 30, 2012. 2 Replies

RadioProtective Supplements

Started by Quickening. Last reply by Quickening Apr 27, 2012. 7 Replies

Miso soup: Powerful antidote to radiation

Started by Nana Silvergrim. Last reply by Patriot Horse Apr 20, 2012. 1 Reply

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Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on March 19, 2011 at 12:40am
I can't help but wonder what else is being done during all of this. Somehow too I'm missing something. Why is it that the USA and Canada are on the radar screen and neighboring countries aren't even worried. Maybe it's our mountains here but the wind can change back and forth here. Maybe it's different there or everywhere else. Where I come from fart and the closest one smells it first and it spreads pretty much around before heading anywhere.
Comment by Brian Cooper on March 18, 2011 at 11:51am
Comment by Brian Cooper on March 18, 2011 at 11:26am  judge for yourself but I'm more worried about quakes and solar flares then contamination. Since the ozone is extremely thin and most scientist are even worried. Exactly Larry that symbol represents the three types of the radioactivity.I would be more worried about the coolant leaks in Canada . Contaminated cooling water released into Lake, contaminates millions of peoples drinking water.
Comment by Basil on March 18, 2011 at 12:14am
Comment by Basil on March 17, 2011 at 11:58pm

A new page just went up on iodide available, in case anyone 

is in need.

Comment by Brian Cooper on March 17, 2011 at 9:12pm
Check out Robert Felix has been way ahead off the game.
Comment by Nikki on March 17, 2011 at 8:57pm
Good explanation, Jenny.  And the poles have shifted many, many times before.
Comment by jenny green on March 17, 2011 at 8:52pm
This from their free newsletter a couple of weeks ago...(

Magnetic Pole Shift

Now In Process

by Mitch Battros - Earth Changes Media
February 03, 2011

First, let me address what is not going to happen. Some believe the term "pole shift" means the actual flipping of the planet. This is to say, Argentina would be in the northern hemisphere, and Alaska would suddenly be in the southern hemisphere. I have not met or heard of one single accredited scientist affirm any such notion. I would say no one needs to be fearful of being thrown into outer space as they're driving to work.

The loosely used term 'pole shift', scientifically speaking, is related to a magnetic pole shift. This is to say your GPS or compass will in fact change directions - eventually 180 degrees. However, the process of north becoming south takes many years.

However, let me highlight this note: Recent scientific studies indicate the time period of a pole shift to complete its cycle is not measured in centuries or millennia, but perhaps measured in "decades." Some peer-reviewed studies suggest the cycle of a magnetic pole shift begins with periodic magnetic shifts between 1-3 degrees, then later in the cycle will increase to more rapid and intense shifts bouncing back and forth as much as 40 degrees. In the end period of the cycle, a full 180-degree "flip" occurs within the shortest time-linked period of perhaps weeks.

It is believed the current escalation of natural phenomena such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and hurricanes (cyclones typhoons), may be a result of the inter-play between the Sun, Earth's magnetic field, and Earth's core. The common denominator is 'magnetic flux'. As mentioned in the last newsletter, new discoveries indicating sudden periodic pulse of charged particles known as "blowback," highlights the cosmic dance as related to the Sun-Earth connection.

It is my belief the Mayans knew of todays and coming events. It is a natural rhythmic cycle the Earth has seen many times before. It just so happens we are living in this time; the time of change, transition, and hopefully progressive evolution. This may be difficult to understand given our state of the world. Uprising in Egypt, US Invasion of Iraq, Winless war in Afghanistan, Western alliance economy in disarray brought on by gluttonous greed destroying the middle class contributing to an ever increasing divide of the 'haves' and 'have not's'.

Regarding the earth changing events themselves could also appear 'counter-intuitive'. It is not too difficult to understand that such events lead one to believe they are being punished, or somehow they contributed to the event. One might ask - how could natural disasters be part of a prophesied awakening to something new? Change is one of the most challenging ventures we endure, especially if it appears negative. But our ancestors remind us change is good - it is our "reaction" to change which can make it hell-on-earth, or a doorway to a whole new perceptive of who we are, and of our surroundings.
Comment by Brian Cooper on March 17, 2011 at 7:43pm
No Leeann the alignment of the solar system only happens every 12,000 years. This is not the equinox. We are going into the new Eon{era,age}. Which will be the Aquarius.
Comment by Nikki on March 17, 2011 at 7:25pm
Wakeupdvds, I got the liquid a few days ago as the pills were sold out. May of the legit companies were low in stock because they donated to Japan. The others are price-gouging, shame on them. In the future, once they have restocked, buy some pills for your disaster preparedness. They last for 7 years but the liquid only is good for 1 year.

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