Calling all 12160 truth musicians, bands and rappers.....let's unite to fight the NWO

I've had this idea floating around in my head for awhile now. In the future, I'd like to put together a compilation of original truth music from the members of 12160. I'd like to see the music all in one place, like a group and ultimately produce a compilation CD. Does this sound like something that may interest you?

Of course, like anything in life this will be a work in progress. My band currently is working on getting into the recording studio and we'll eventually have a CD in hand, so there is no rush on getting this accomplished. My hope is that I can get enough members on board that are interested and then I'll know if we can pull this off. Let's unite to fight the NWO, fellow 12160 musicians, bands and rappers, WOOT!

In the meantime, please let me know if you'd be interested in being a part of 12160's truth music anthology! My band "Throwings Stones" have a "Pocket Full of Rocks" just ready to be thrown. We'd definetely be down for adding a song or two to the compilation.

Anybody that's interested, either contact me through a message or just leave me a comment here.

Thank You.....Rock on~


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The Gitmos are open to being a part of any and all projects like this. 

However, I'd suggest doing this as CDR burned copies with small-run artwork.  Redbook manufactured CDs are better, but they are expensive.  It only makes sense to have a thousand or more made because the price is not much less to have less made.  Burned copies won't last as long, but they can be made as orders come in instead of ya having a pile of CDs ya gotta live with for who knows how long. 

Not trying to be a bummer.  I just have a basement full of old band products.  And hardly anyone buys music any more.

It could be an interesting compilation.  But it will only appeal to die-hard anti-anglo-american-imperialist freaks like us.  The stylistic differences will keep it inside that niche audience.


These folks put something like this out:




Thanks for your input Jim. You're right, not many folks buy music anymore and that is a bummer. I was hoping that it could be a way to promote the talent on the site, the site itself and maybe even make a little money for our sites expansion. If there's a will there's a way as the old saying goes. There's many things to consider none the less.  Peace~

New Track off our album Illadellica

Vibrant EYEris

I Am Not Your Slave:


Excellent, thanks for adding! I love the title alone, wOOt!!!!

Here's another track! I hope you enjoy!



My band "Throwing Stones" is going to have a demo recording of 6 of our songs in the near future, wOOt! I'll surely share them here when the time comes. Actually, I'd like members input into what song or songs would be best suited for this compilation project.

And don't forget to add your songs here if you'd wish to share them on the compilation.


Thanks so much, peace~

Right on Tex. You wouldn't happen to have a mp3 copy of this song would you? I could add it to the future 12160 truth musician, bands and rappers music playlist. Thanks:)


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