From Ron Paul's Facebook page: RAND PAUL DETAINED BY TSA

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Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul (R) was detained Monday by the Transportation Security Administration in Nashville, Tenn. after refusing a full body pat-down, POLITICO has confirmed.

“I spoke with him five minutes ago and he was being detained indefinitely,” Paul spokesperson Moira Bagley said Monday morning. “The image scan went off, he refused patdown.”

Ky. Senator Rand Paul Held At Nashville Airport

Posted: Updated:

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – U.S. Senator Rand Paul was not allowed to board his initial flight at Nashville International Airport after refusing a pat down search after failing a full body scan.

Senator Paul said he came to Nashville International Airport on Monday morning to fly to Washington D.C. for a speech before a right-to-life march.

When he went through security, he said a scanner picked up something on his leg. When he declined a pat-down, he said he was "detained" at a small cubicle and couldn't make his flight to Washington for a Senate session.

"So I said ‘I'm happy to show you my leg' and I showed them my leg. But that wasn't good enough, they wanted to do a pat down. And I said well I'm happy to go through the re-screen, and walk through the screener again. And they wouldn't let me. So then I was detained in an area, and told if I used my phone I got the full-body pat down," Sen. Paul said.

Paul said he was calling TSA in Washington to confirm "the rules" when it made the TSA agents upset.

He believes he was asking to be rescanned, which he said was reasonable, and called the incident an example of the mindlessness Americans face every time they fly.

The TSA said Senator Paul was not detained at any point. They said he refused to complete the screening process after triggering an alarm during routine airport screening, and was denied access to the secure gate area. He was then escorted out of the screening area by local law enforcement.

The TSA issued this statement: "When an irregularity is found during the TSA screening process, it must be resolved prior to allowing a passenger to proceed to the secure area of the airport. Passengers who refuse to complete the screening process cannot be granted access to the secure area in order to ensure the safety of others traveling."

Senator Paul missed his flight but was able to rebook it through U.S. Air. He was rescreened without incident, according to the TSA.

The U.S. Senator said he believes he and everyone else should be treated the same.

Paul told the Associated Press that the situation reflects his long-standing concern that the TSA shouldn't be "spending so much time with people who wouldn't attack us."

The Kentucky Senator lives in Bowling Green and is the son of GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul.

Ron Paul had tweeted earlier in the morning that Rand was "being detained by TSA for refusing full body pat-down after anomaly in body scanner in Nashville."

(CBS News/The Associated Press Contributed To This Report.)

LOL they're so stupid this is just going to put the spotlight back on them for these pat downs again. Then again who ever said these people were smart?? You can bet If Ron ever gets into office these TSA asshats are going to be unemployed.

Limbaugh: Ron Paul ‘sounds like an Islamic terrorist’

By David Edwards
Monday, January 23, 2012
Rush Limbaugh on his radio show. Screenshot via Youtube

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh reacted to news that Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) might have been detained by the Transportation and Security Administration (TSA) by saying that it would have made more sense if they detained his father, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX).

“Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul has been detained by the TSA at the Nashville airport,” Limbaugh announced on his show Monday. “Now if this had been Ron Paul, you couldn’t really blame the TSA.”

“You have to admit Ron Paul almost sounds like an Islamic terrorist sometimes,” he added with a chuckle.

That does it for me. That pussgut Limbaugh just lost another listener. I heard that he was a shill for the Israhelli govt. Now I believe it. No more 24/7  I'd rather watch NPR than that fat schmuck!

      Ron Paul or No One at all!

VIDEO - Rand Paul Discusses His TSA Detention

I wonder what that strange looking image is on Rush's PC screen is. Looks like it could be the "Weapon of Mass Disstreuction" Grorge Bush was not able to find when he went to war in Iraq. Or maybe its a new weapon to use on the ETs when they finally get fed up with Earth and its 'killing ways' and land on the Whitehouse lawn.

Rand and certainly the good Dr should be aware of the cancer risk from the "Chertoff" Scanners. My friend a radiologist wont go through them nor will she allow her children to. I understand Rand's desire to take a stand against the groping, but a frequent flier is at serious risk from repeated exposure.

Rand Paul Talks About TSA Detainment on FOX News 01/24/12

The TSA Won’t Stop Itself. So The States Will.

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On Monday, TSA agents escorted Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) from the security checkpoint at the Nashville airport when he refused to submit to an invasive pat-down, once again focusing attention on this out of control federal agency. But even as the TSA continues its heavy handed treatment of Americans,  a number of states around the country are currently considering legislation to put a stop to such actions.

Paul says he missed his flight, but later rebooked and passed through security without further incident.

The confrontation started after the Kentucky senator walked through a scanner and it alerted to an irregularity. Paul says he offered to walk back through the scanner again, but TSA agents insisted he must undergo a pat-down.

Paul refused. He says he showed them his leg, the area supposedly causing the problem, but that wasn’t good enough. When he tried to use his cell phone to call TSA headquarters in Washington D.C. to get clarification on the rules, he says agents told him that he would have to endure a full body pat-down.

“For an hour and a half, they said ‘absolutely, I would have to [accept a pat-down],’” Paul said in a phone interview with the Daily Caller. “And, because I used my cell phone, they told me I would have to do a full body pat down because you’re not allowed to use your cell phone when you’re being detained.”

Paul says agents detained him in a cubical area, actions TSA officials deny. They say local law enforcement officers simply escorted him away from the secure area and did not detain him.

“I tried to leave the cubicle to speak to one of the TSA people and I was barked at: ‘Do not leave the cubicle!’ So, that, to me sounds like I’m being asked not to leave the cubicle. It sounds a little bit like I’m being detained,” Paul told the Daily Caller.

Paul’s father, Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul reacted strongly to the incident.

“The police state in this country is growing out of control. One of the ultimate embodiments of this is the TSA that gropes and grabs our children, our seniors, and our loved ones and neighbors with disabilities. The TSA does all of this while doing nothing to keep us safe,” he said.

The White House defended the TSA’s actions.

“I think it is absolutely essential that we take necessary actions to ensure that air travel is safe,” White House press secretary Jay Carney said.

Rand Paul is not the first public official to endure harsh treatment at the hands of the TSA. One Alaska legislator’s experience led her to take up James Madison’s admonition and interpose for the people she represents.

In February 2011, Alaska State Rep. Sharon Cissna (D-Anchorage) was heading back to Juneau.

“The evening of the 20th of February 2011 started with relief, as I was anxious to get back to the important work of the Alaskan Legislature. Heading into security after time with the line of passengers, I felt upbeat.”

Her upbeat demeanor quickly turned into apprehension when TSA agents directed her into a full body scanner. She knew from experience what was coming.

“The horror began again. A female agent placed herself blocking my passage. Scan results would again display that my breast cancer and the resulting scars pointed a TSA finger of irregularity at my chest. I would require invasive, probing hands of a stranger over my body. Memories of violation would consume my thoughts again,” she wrote, chronicling her experience on her blog.

This time around, Cissna refused to comply.

“Being a public servant and elected representative momentarily disappeared. Facing the agent I began to remember what my husband and I’d decided after the previous intensive physical search. That I never had to submit to that horror again! It would be difficult, we agreed, but I had the choice to say no, this twisted policy did not have to be the price of flying to Juneau!” she wrote. “So last night, as more and more TSA, airline, airport and police gathered, I became stronger in remembering to fight the submission to a physical hand exam. I repeatedly said that I would not allow the feeling-up and I would not use the transportation mode that required it.”

Instead of undergoing the invasive pat-down, Cissna rented a car and then took a small private plane to Prince Rupert, B.C. From there, it was a two-day ferry trip up to Juneau.

“For nearly fifty years I’ve fought for the rights of assault victims, population in which my wonderful Alaska sadly ranks number one, both for men and women who have been abused. The very last thing an assault victim or molested person can deal with is yet more trauma and the groping of strangers, the hands of government ‘safety’ policy,” she said. “For these people, as well as myself, I refused to submit.”

Recognizing that the TSA wasn’t going to rein in itself, on Jan. 17, 2012, Cissna introduced HB 262 in the Alaska House, “An Act relating to the offense of interference with access to public buildings or transportation facilities.”

The bill would make it a class A misdemeanor for any agent to require a person seeking access to a public building or transportation facility to “consent or otherwise submit to (1) physical contact by any person touching directly or through clothing the genitals, buttocks, or female breast of the person seeking access; or (2) any electronic process that produces an electronic image of the genitals, anus, or female breast or otherwise creates an electronic image of the person seeking access that exposes or reveals a physical characteristic that is normally hidden by clothing and is not normally visible to the public.”

After her experience, Ciccna explained why stopping overreaching TSA searches means so much to Alaskans.

“The TSA threat of ‘Do you want to fly?’ means something very different to Alaskans, she said. “Flying in Alaska is not a choice, but a necessity. The freedom to travel should never come at the price of basic human dignity and pride.”

Alaska joins four other states considering legislation to halt invasive TSA searches within their borders. Lawmakers in New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan will also consider bills designed to rein in unwarranted TSA searches without probable cause.

The New Hampshire House passed a bill earlier this month that would require state and local law enforcement officials to document complaints from citizens who feel TSA searches cross the line and then place the report in a public data base. It would also allow citizens to videotape encounters with the TSA and require police officers to take the citizens’ side against any TSA officer trying to stop them. The legislation includes TSA searches conducted at bus stations or along the state’s roadways. The state Senate will now take up the bill.

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The Tenth Amendment Center expects as many as 12 states to introduce legislation aimed at the TSA in 2012, and with recent events once again putting the agency in the spotlight, even more could follow suit.

To track freedom to travel legislation across the U.S., click HERE.

For model freedom to travel legislation you can encourage your legislators to file in your home state, click HERE.

Michael Maharrey [send him email] is the Communications Director for the Tenth Amendment Center. He proudly resides in the original home of the Principles of '98 - Kentucky. See his blog archive here and his article archive here. He also maintains the blog, Tenther Gleanings.

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Ron Paul 2012: 'End the TSA' Raises Over $214,000 in Two Days

By Sara Dover: Subscribe to Sara's

January 25, 2012 10:03 PM EST

UPDATE: Ron Paul surpassed his goal of $250,000 Thursday night, just three days after he launched the "End the TSA" grassroots money bomb.

Ron Paul raised close to a quarter-million dollars just two-and-a-half days into his campaign to "End the TSA," launched shortly after his son made headlines for refusing a security patdown.

As of Wednesday night at 9:30 p.m. ET, the Texas congressman and Republican presidential hopeful had raised more than $214,000 since announcing the "End the TSA Money Bomb" on Monday, according to his campaign Web site. Paul has been a long-time critic of the Transportation Security Administration, claiming it violates civil liberties and "gropes and grabs our children, our seniors, and our loved ones an neighbors with disabilities ... while doing nothing to keep us safe."

"Please, give whatever you are able right away to our End the TSA Money Bomb to help us keep the spotlight on this out-of-control organization and restore respect for freedom and common decency to the White House," Paul said in an e-mail to supporters, according to the Daily Caller.

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Paul had already brought in $125,000 of donations a day after announcing the effort, according to Business Insider. The goal for the campaign is $250,000, which at this rate, will likely be reached in the next few days.

The money bomb was inspired by an incident at the Nashville, Tenn., airport when Paul's son, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul, walked through a security scanner and triggered an alarm. Rand Paul apparently refused a full-body patdown while he was on his way to the anti-abortion March for Life protest in Washington, D.C.

Reports that Rand Paul had been detained by the TSA wildly circulated the Internet after Ron Paul tweeted about the incident, but the agency denies formally detaining the senator.

Paul has been outspoken about his criticisms of the TSA for years. In 2010, he introduced legislation that would make it illegal for federal agents to "look at nude pictures," "grope another person" or expose them to X-rays for under the pretense of security.

Last year, Paul questioned TSA Administrator John Pistole on procedures and protocol after a 6-year-old girl from the senator's hometown was patted down.


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