The Affordable Health Care Act Hell Hole


The Affordable Health Care Act Hell Hole

VeryBarry Care is DEAD!!!!! REJOICE!!! 

Location: Bowels of Fiscal Hell
Members: 25
Latest Activity: Jun 12, 2019



Discussion Forum

Obamacare: Again, An Admission You Were SCAMMED

Started by Central Scrutinizer Mar 8, 2015. 0 Replies

Millions to owe Obamacare tax penalty

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by Deep Space Feb 1, 2015. 1 Reply

ObamaCare System Quietly Passing Personal Data to Outside Websites

Started by Central Scrutinizer. Last reply by Central Scrutinizer Jan 21, 2015. 2 Replies

Two New Studies Raise Red Flags on Obamacare

Started by Central Scrutinizer Apr 10, 2014. 0 Replies

Comment Wall


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Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 6, 2017 at 7:07pm

Comment by Hunter N. Gatherer on June 25, 2015 at 11:40am
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on February 26, 2015 at 7:21pm
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on January 31, 2015 at 8:53am
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on October 14, 2014 at 9:40pm
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 25, 2014 at 10:20am
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 23, 2014 at 9:22am

The Truth About Obamacare

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 23, 2014 at 12:33am

Dr Barbara Bellar Obamacare The best video ever 

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on June 15, 2014 at 11:36pm
Comment by Leigh James on May 14, 2014 at 11:14pm

"States Signing Up Prison Inmates for Obamacare"

This is just a real funkin nightmare for anyone still under the control of the den of thieves we call government. Now they want to medically govern the bodies and minds of Americans, against their will if necessary.. makes them no difference, really.

Anyone half awake and unaware, be advised that these sick psychopaths really only care rather the health or death of Americans can be sold to sicker animals than they for shekels. And why, yes, they can. Medical doctors *snorts* today are worse than politicians, frankly. These insidious killers know full well their part in the annihilation of certain groups in this police state, and will prescribe death in a pill to an innocent patient that trusts them, and then go straight to lunch. 

"The political element of Obamacare is that we were helping what we called the deserving poor or what we used to call the deserving poor. A group of people who are just down on their luck...bring them the opportunities they need to get ahead and get back on their feet," said Roy. "And sometimes that's true of people who served time in prison, and sometimes it's not."

I literally just got dumber for having read this trash. What in the hell is a "deserving poor" bloke? Poor but deserving riches? Who the funk "deserves" anything? Keep feeding the entitled trolls, Barry. Or perhaps those that deserve poverty is what is meant? Either way, the quality of this piss poor propaganda insults me more and more these days. At any rate, the luck statement is just sad and begs the question "Does the writer speeek-ee Eenglees?" Anyone's guess. The slap in the face to the millions of victims in the gulags called US prisons, where more people are caged than ever before in recorded history ANYWHERE, is just a tacky and classless way to finish this mess.

Cheap animals wont even spring for the semi-talented or hell, even literate writers anymore.

John Carman

Suicide is cheap......

Not when you factor in the price one pays in eternity for bailing instead of standing against evil men, against evil powers that rule those trapped in snares. Not when you consider many will only escape momentarily, only to return immediately to this same $hithole, only less memory and power in the next round in the ring of hell we call the world.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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