regardless of your religion or spiritual beliefs, if it is based on LOVE, you are welcome...
Location: The Universe
Members: 29
Latest Activity: Jul 25, 2013
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Welcome Brother and Sisters, vibrations in the mind of the one true god whose name is LOVE ~ Bill Hicks
Welcome to the Cult of Love. Services are held 24/7, 365 in the temple within. Resonate on the higher frequencies and let the intense vibrations of love permeate all of existence. Let Love bathe your entire essence with its positive energy, be healed, be sealed and be at peace.
Now, brother Vernon will pass around the collection plate as you meditate to the peaceful sounds of Rodger Hodgson....
In reality, this will never truly be a cult for I will never actually ask for tithes.
Started by Tara Sep 30, 2012. 0 Replies 0 Favorites
Started by truth. Last reply by truth Sep 28, 2012. 14 Replies 1 Favorite
Any one knows fill us in :)Continue
Started by Tara. Last reply by suzie Jun 15, 2012. 9 Replies 6 Favorites
Alrighty, I finished up the lyrics to my bands latest song. I may be tweeking some things here and there as the song progresses but here's the rough version for now. Igniting Love As the time,…Continue
Tags: soul, fire, passion, lyrics, throwingstones
Started by Tara Feb 15, 2012. 0 Replies 3 Favorites
Then said Almitra, Speak to us of Love. And he raised his head and looked upon the people, and there fell a stillness upon them. And with a great voice he said: When love beckons to you, follow…Continue
Tags: truth, theProphet, beauty, love, poet
A smile is your umbrella...keep the world dry...
Thou shalt shower naked
Thou shalt laugh at all of TommyD jokes....
Thou shalt not Bogart thou neighbors stash...
The Love Commandments
The first commandment: thou shall not, NOT love
The second commandment: drink lots of the juice that we provide
The third commandment: smoke lots of weed that you bring
The fourth commandment: thou shall not covet they neighbors juice or magic wafers
The fifth commandment: thou shall remain wrapped in thy toga, robe or dashiki, at all times, unless the kool aide makes you feel extra happy
The sixth commandment: thou shall not kill thy neighbors buzz
The seventh commandment: if thou hath grievances with a group member, see second commandment
The eighth commandment: do unto others as the juice has done unto you
The ninth commandment: thou shall not steal thy neighbor's, drugs, there, I said it
The tenth commandment: thou shalt not deny the embrace of group hugging despite the pervasive sense of a three peckered owl squeezing you from all sides
We are Loves chosen people! Rejoice at Loves word!! Loves will be done!!!
I'll write a gospel of Krypke haha
Love conquers all, Vernon...even physical age....look at Methuselah
Definitely kicked in...
My band just wrote a new song today inspired by our beautiful and very talented keyboard player Carla. It's going to be song about love. I haven't written out the lyrics yet but this group will definetly aide me in finding the right words to emote the song.
Thanks for the group Tommy ! One thing that the world is in need of is more love. There is no other powerful emotion than love.
Ron Paul is older than you...just
"Destroying the New World Order"
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