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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

Started by Less Prone Dec 27, 2013. 0 Replies

Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

Tags: Airlifted, Al-Qaeda, Libyans’, From, Aid

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 20, 2012 at 10:46pm

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 20, 2012 at 10:45pm

late 20 OCTOBER 2012 by Dr. Moussa IBRAHIM
(full English translation by Maren Cronsnest)

"al-Qathafi was the unity, savior, strength and charisma of Libya.."

Moussa Ibrahim audio message 20.10.2012
"In the Name of God, the Great, and in the name of Fatah the great. Salute to all of you, freedom fighters of Libya. I am Dr. Moussa Ibrahim and I am talking to you today...

after watching the country under the criminals of NATO...

I am here to tell them that we still have power, we still strong with God's help, and we trust our selfs that our duty is to bring safety to our country after all these killings, stealing that brought in our country the rats of NATO.

But today, after all these false news that are spreading via BBC, Al Arabyia, I have to tell you that all these is just to take the world's eye off what is really happening, and what are doing the NATO fighter to our families in Bani Walid. Its obvious from photos and videos that people of Bani Walid, women, kids, men have been killed by aircraft attacks in their homes and by all these criminals from misrata that are carrying guns. and this is all happening cause they are threatening the people of Jamahyryia to not stand by people of Bani Walid and they "thought" to talk about Moussa Ibrahim and Khamis Al Qaddafi. We are outside Libya, we have nothing to do with Bani Walid, we are not even to a place near Bani Walid.

They are hiting Bani Walid, they know that Bani Walid is a big tribe, Bani walid has geographical very important place and it's tribe has a strong meaning for the country, so they are afraid for what is going to happen between the tribes of libya. After all that what is happening now to Bani Walid has nothing to do with the regime this is clash between tribes, and after what happened to our leader Qaddafi and Sief Al-Islam , the channels of bbc, al arabyia, al DJajzeera (even RT) are spreading false news about Khamis Al Qaddafi and Moussa Ibrahim and other people, and this is the proof about these lies. But our families that still in Bani Walid and with God's help we will be back to them ...

But shame on you. Shame on you Libyans this is not about Muammar Al Qaddafi or not, shame on you a hall tribe , a hall libyan city to be attacked and cut in pieces , and killing its children, women and men and you are just watching. You have to think that this is not about policy, you have to think this is about the dignity of Libyans.
These people which attacks this city have no dignity, no beliefs, they have no brothers, they have no feeling of their nationality.

They lied about us , they told that we killed, they are the ones who killed people, they told we killed children, infact they killed children , they told we were stealing they are the ones who still stealing, and they brought the country under a demon western leadreship.Moammar Qaddafi was the man who cares about Libya, he was for the best of Libya , yes there were problems but these problems were resolving by conversation but all these traitors sold everything.

Please Libyans, has nonthing to do with all this mass, stand by the city, help the city , cause history will remain, history will write that Bani Walid cut in pieces, its people massacred and the western tribes were just watching. I have to tell many thanks the thousands of people who contacton FB , via Paltalk, twitter and by telephone. But my life does not worth more than other men from the regime who martyred and today on 20 October 2011, or the people who remains in jails. I still have Moammar al-Qathafi as my leader, Libya still my country and NATO is my enemy.

Thank you very much and i hope that we will meet soon on our land that have benn betrayed. Thank you and let the God guide you!'
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 20, 2012 at 10:43pm

Via Manuel Chavez
Bani Walid today, people returning from the frontlines, more than 439 rebels killed, hundreds wounded, the people attacked from every where, celebrating returning vehicles to Bani Walid from the frontlines. ...


Comment by sormiou on October 6, 2012 at 11:29am

U.S. troops invade Sirte for first time

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 5, 2012 at 12:51pm

Armed gangs of Misrata attacked a small village 60km distant from Bani el Walid and Resistance fighters in Bani el Walid have responded with great courage.

Bani el Walid, October 2, 2012 – The first attack resulted in the death of a Libyan resistance fighter from a small town near Bani el Walid, but the heroes of Bani el Walid have responded with great courage causing huge losses in the ranks of NATO/mercenaries from Misrata, pushing them out of the city. The defendants then celebrating the martyrdom of their heroic citizen. Then, variosu Kabaael came in Bani el Walid for the condolences to the tribes.

The NATO/mercenaries from Misrata had begun to attack a town near Bani Walid that had refused to accept the government of the NTC in their area. The murder of a citizen of that village caused the reaction across the country, a majority loyalist, who rejected the rats and pushing them out of the city, causing them heavy losses.

All fighters resistant from Bani Walid who had been injured days ago are now in good conditions and have already left the hospital

The people of Bani Walid said that they are always ready to defend Bani el Walid. Mobile units of the NTC mercenaries were placed outside of the town.

False news are circulating, stating that the citizens of Bani Walid have fled and have abandoned the town. All citizen are in the village and in their homes.

The Council of the tribes of Bani Walid had a meeting to discuss the latest attacks on the city and how to deal with more attacks in the future.

The citizens of Bani Walid condemn the intentional blackout in the media about the news about their city, especially with regard to the latest news.
At the time, terrorist groups of jihadist NATO/mercenaries are blocking the two entrances of the town of Bani el Walid, to the north and south, to stop access for oil and food.

This is not the first time that the population of the town and the whole area resists and reacts to these attacks: the joining of forces of the tribes will maintain Bani el Walid free from the presence of the NATO/rats, traitors and mercenaries.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 5, 2012 at 12:51pm

Resistance in Bani al Walid ~ Resistenza a Bani Walid ~ (ENG-ITA~Text & Video)







Video Published on 04 Oct, 2012 by AldardanelTV

News from Arabic source, translated in English and Italian Network at

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:37pm


We have said that the people rule themselves not by bringing them to a single chamber, which is a very superficial view. The people stay wherever they are, and convene people’s congresses, where they decide whatever they want.

These congresses, unlike assemblies, include all the population without exception. There is a difference between assemblies and congresses; assemblies are elected by the people, but the congresses comprise all the people, leaving no one outside them.

These congresses form people’s committees, which implement the decisions of the congresses. This is self – management. Thus, no law is passed unless endorsed by all the people. It is not proposed by the government or the parliament.

They, if present, have the right to make proposals, but every ordinary citizen who has an idea for a law is entitled to propose it to the entire people. If the people endorse the law, it goes into effect. However, in view of the prevailing injustice, the ordinary citizen is marginalized, and cannot propose an idea for a law in his country.

Who would listen to a citizen in India, who says, “I have a wonderful idea for a law.”? No one would, because this is not considered within his competence. Why? Because that citizen has been robbed of his will, and even his dignity, for the sake of the representative. Since you have elected a representative for you, then you are a member of a constituency represented by him, and he proposes the laws.

Then can one as an ordinary citizen contact this representative? No, that is impossible, because your relation with him and been completely severed the day you placed that ballot in the ballot box. He became a representative and you became an ordinary citizen robbed of everything it is the representatives who are entitled to propose or pass laws. Then, the millions who make up the people, the entire nation, do not have this right and are marginalized.

Al long as the nation is marginalized and has no right; thin what’s the need for this whole process, including the representation, the government and all these mechanisms?

This shows the invalidity of these mechanisms and structures extant in the whole world. It is impetrative to sweep away the representatives, the rulers, the classes and the parties, and leave the people to rule themselves by themselves. Partisanship Itself is an obsolete tool among the classical structures that cannot stand the challenges and the requirements of the modern age.'

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:36pm



For people to be happy, they must be free, and to be free they must not be in need, according to the Green Book. It is the history of mankind which says that on the basis of lessons learned. Humanity, which says this, authored the Green Book.

Now, thank God, the Green Book and the ideas of the Green Book may have launched the Third Universal Theory, which is beginning to be heard and studied in the age of the internet, satellites and the information revolution. Nobody, no matter how hostile to humanity and the Green Book, can stop the ideas of the Green Book from spreading, and they will spread despite those who do not want that.

The Green Book and its ideas will be diffused over the internet and through all the modern mass media all over the world. Now, in Russia, in the Duma, professors and friendly writers have organized societies for the Friends of the Green Book, which shows that the Green Book is beginning to reach America. Some say that a country like Libya with a small population is suited to the Jamahiriy system.

On the contrary, a small state does not need the Green Book, the Jamahiriy system, and people’s power as much as the big state. The greater the population of a state, the more it needs the Jamahiriy system. If we take China as an example, it is inconceivable for a single individual or entity to rule this empire.

Also, one in Beijing cannot know the problems of people all over China, and no government, no matter how sincere, intelligent and concerned with the people’s interests, can manage the affairs of the population of China. This is not possible, because the representatives, who will be in the hundreds, cannot represent people in the billions.

We were in the process of answering the question regarding the manner in which the people can rule themselves by themselves. It is the government that rules and the representatives who rule, but how can the people rule?'

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:35pm



If it was the peoples who passed laws, made decisions and crafted policies, the world would be a world of peace, equanimity, stability, love and cooperation, because peoples do not hate each other and seek peace and stability . No people would leave their land to occupy the land of another people.

An army that leaves its country to occupy other countries is made up of needy people drafted by an unjust authority which is the product of the wealth owned by a handful of exploiters, who made the politicians, who drafted the needy to form an army, and ordered them to go and die outside their land, and if they come back, they are missing a leg, an arm, their eyesight or their hearing.

This is happening in the world today. If those soldiers, who left their land to occupy and destroy another land, had stayed home as ordinary people they would not have had the desire to cross their borders and commit such heinous acts, but orders and need forced them to become soldiers for the politicians and the exploiters, and as long as they were soldiers, they would be given orders to die and colonize.

Thus, in the world today, a blackout in imposed on the Green Book. They say: “The Green Book is a dangerous book written by Algathafi, whereas in actual fact the Green Book was not written by Algathafi, but by the history of mankind.”

The Green Book is the lessons learned from our history as human beings; it is an analysis of all the facts of our past life, both sweet and bitter. The Green Book states, “Such and such a problem occurred, because things were not handled this way; handle them this way and there will be no problem.” Why were people unhappy in the past? We have found out that he who is not free cannot be happy.

We have found out that he who is need cannot be free. Therefore, freedom lies in need, and in freedom lies happiness. You will not be happy unless you are free. We found out in the past that people were not happy, because they were not free, and they were not free, because they were in need.'

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 4, 2012 at 5:34pm


So, you would willingly submit to the punishment, because you took part in drafting the law, and were convinced of it, because it would not be fair for you to submit to such a punishment under a law passed by others. Those others may be called a parliament, a government, a revolutionary council or what you will. Such a law that you had no hand in, you would not obey, not only in regard to capital punishment but even in paying a fine, imprisonment or arrest...

This defect in the social, economic and political structures in the world today has precipitated the crisis besetting the world at present, and produced the rulers who brag, fabricate and distort the truth to justify their rule and their unjust policies. This policy is of no use to the peoples and the world and cannot solve problems.

When a reaction occurs, the people would say: “This reaction against us was by a person for whom we caused a problem”.

However, the ruler would not only transgress against another, but would not admit his error. Such fraud and deception does not serve the people, peace, mankind or even those who espouse such logic. Since the social, economic and political structures are based on error, so all actions are taken to justify this error, which breeds injustice, exploitation and dictatorship. Peoples do not rule themselves and there are no Jamahiriya and no popular socialism, because all social relations are based on injustice and exploitation.

Peoples are ruled by proxy, and laws are not passed by the people, but by someone else in the name of the people, which is a sham. The wealth of the earth belongs to all the inhabitants of the earth, and the wealth of every country belongs equally to all the people of that country.

But this is not the case, because power and wealth are controlled by a handful which only attained its position by crooked means. Therefore, whatever policies are pursued is only designed to justify this fallacy.

We, the common citizens, hear astounding things from governments and politicians; they tell us that black is white, and white is black. What we see as black they say is white, and we are expected to accept such distortion. This is amazing! The truth is that if you say: “

This is white not black,” then you are a rogue, a deviant and wrong. They tell you, “We said that it is black, and you say that it is white, which means that you disagreed with us, and whoever disagrees with us is a rogue and insane.” This is a falsehood and a fallacy which is prevailing in the world today as a result of the marginalization of the peoples from wealth and power.'


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