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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

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Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:35pm


And the occupation government is even still calling upon the Supreme Security Committee, which is out of control and now in limbo, with “Interior Minister” Fawzi Abdelali today saying on rat television that an order had been issued to the SSC, which is still separate from the national army and tasked with “security” (terrorising the people), to prepare itself for a possible assault on Bani Walid.On Tuesday, CIA agent Megarief’s “National Congress” issued an ultimatum to Bani Walid to hand over those suspected of involvement in the killing of rat Omran Shaban, the Misratan “first credited with discovering Muammar Qaddafi in a drainage pipe in Sirte last October.”

The “Congress” voted overwhelmingly in favour of a motion authorising the ministries of interior and defence to “use all necessary measures to arrest the suspects” — the deadline expires 5 October.Yet the “Prime Minister” is at odds with these pronouncements saying that “no action has been authorised against Bani Walid and no mobilization order issued”, in an attempt to distance the occupation regime from any action that it gives the militia in off-record orders.Shaban had been killed in Bani Walid after being sent there as part of an effort to retrieve some journalist spies from Misrata who had been captured in Bani Walid.Foreign occupation media says reports of a “sizeable invasion force” mustered at the front line checkpoint of Bir Durfan, around 20km NE of Bani Walid are false, with the British propaganda publication “Libya Herald” having claimed to have visited the area.The Libya Herald is a publication tasked with creating pro-occupation regime anti-Qadhafi and anti-Jamahiriya propaganda under the guise of independent journalism, and feeding western media outlets with fake and “spun” news reports.In this it has been successful due to the western media outlets requiring only something which they can later pin the blame on others (Libya Herald), however the direct readership of the Libya Herald remains miniscule and it complains of Mathaba’s wide reach.The occupation regime is apparently hoping that the “threat of force” against Bani Walid will be enough for them to hand over the alleged suspects who carried out justice against the rat from Misrata, however they are clearly being naive.As much as Bani Walid has suffered what most people in the world would not have the strength to endure, the news has spread fast around Libya about the weakness of the regime, the inability of its foreign backers to protect it, or even their own key personnel.The resistance has continued to grow and adapt, developed networks and communications, renewed its strength and endless motivations, fired by the desire of every true Libyan Muslim to free his or her land from the rats and crusaders, and to exact revenge on the traitors.– This article was compiled by the Mathaba News Agency from information received from various Libyan Jamahiriya sources.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:34pm

Libya: Occupation Regime Facing Resurgance of Popular Resistance, Mulls Over Bani Walid Attack
Posted: 2012/10/01

With Benghazi all but declaring itself

independent, Tripoli resistance resurging, Sebha, Ghat, Brak all showing numerous successes against rat forces, now the regime is faced with what to do about Bani Walid, yet againThe “rats” are in dire confusion, panic, and unable to form a government that has any credibility. With top military generals, even top U.S. officials and agents in the country losing their lives to the resistance, the regime heads know that they’re next in line.Increasing divisions have left the regime of the so-called Prime Minister trying to form a government even weaker, Jibril abandoned by his own party members, and CIA agent and ‘Congress’ head Magarief calling for Libya to become a secular country without Qur’an as Law.Islamist militias ganging up with the popular resistance in a Jihad which Muammar Qaddafi called for, and the popular masses gaining confidence across the country and even openly celebrating Al-Fateh and the victories in Benghazi, with pro-Qadhafi Al-Fateh slogans.
The main terror wing of the regime, the Supreme Security Committee in open fights with the regime which has abandoned it, a weak national army, a police force in full mutiny, while a British “Deputy Editor” has a hard time smoking shisha and drinking coffee.Americans telling the regime what to do, the regime unable to implement those directives, the media now totally silent over Ghat, Sebha, the south of Libya, and truing to put a brave face and twist the fact in the east and west, what is happening at the centre, in Bani Walid?
Open display of Jamahiriya flags, open resistance, and clashes with so-called “Libya Shield Forces” at checkpoints, and continued defiance of the regime. Now the occupation regime is faced with a hard choice, what to do about Bani Walid?Their current solution lies once again in using the murderous terrorists of Misrata. Reports indicate they intend to give the orders to the Misrata militias to attack Bani Walid. The problem is these militias are allegedly supposed to be under the National Army.And the National Army, the Libyan masses, even those who are not engage in resistance, expect to be there to protect Libyans, not to oppress and massacre them. So if the militia in Misrata, which now belong to the army, attack Bani Walid, the whole plot unravels.
The regime is thus left with no support among the people, a weak national army, and militias which for the most part are unreliable with only the Misrata militia and a few other small ones left to do the dirty work, with many islamist brigades now in open war with the regime.“We are waiting for the command of the army chief of Staff [Yusuf Mangoush]“, Misrata Local Council chief Saleem Baitelamal said this afternoon October 1st. “The situation is that all militias belonging to the army have been alerted. All are ready.”
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:31pm
The battle of BANI WALID was decisive and remarkably quick–WITH GREEN RESISTANCE and BANI WALID
Celebration residents of Bani Walid, buoyed by victory and the resultant expulsion
For Almusratih militias that attacked the eastern border of the city of Bani Walid.
Celebration residents of Bani Walid victory and the expulsion of criminal militias Misrata
the battle had been done from the east side of Bani Walid it resulted a big lose to the rats ranks ,
5 cars with heavy weapons destroyed , 16 captured rats , more than 30 injured rats in Misurata Hospital ,
People of the city rejoicing after big victorious for today . »
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagel correspondent of Bani Walid today in clashes, 1 – killing 18 rat Musrati 2 -
the destruction of 6 cars 3 – the seizure of 4 launchers 4 – capturing 12 rat
Martyrdom Warfalli 2 -
4 of heroes injury and Rafla
Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:28pm


In response to the statement by the so-called rat General National Congress (GNC) head Megarief,


who has been in the employ of the CIA for over 30 years and headed terrorist operations against the Libyan Jamahiriya for over three decades, dozens of GNC members walked out of its session today October 2 in protest.
Ladies protest Magarief

His main allies in the rat occupation regime are the British created Muslim Brotherhood organization which has a rat Justice and Construction (J&C) party.

Majda al-Falah, GNC and J&C party member confirmed today that her party walked out this morning in protest at ‘the President’s (Magarief of the GNC) remarks of a secular state’.

Later on in the morning session a heated debate regarding the remarks by Magarief regarding secularism took place.

A number of GNC members were demanding that the GNC head clarify if these were personal remarks or was he speaking in his role as the head of the GNC.

Others were demanding that Magarief either withdrew his remarks or apologised.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:28pm
  1. Oh what a tangled web they weave

    When first they practice to invade

    A sovereign nation and deceive

    The world about their dark crusade.

    (Michael Leunig, Poet, Cartoonist, 1945:)

  2. CIA Employee Megarief . in GRAVE TROUBLE!
    Posted: 2012/10/02
    CIA M Megarief

    President of Occupied Libya as rat National Congress chief, long-time CIA agent …
    The entire issue of Islamic Law, secularism and non-secularism was solved long ago by the Third Universal Theory. Its application in the Libyan Jamahiriya, meant that the people themselves, through their people’s congresses, and thus forming the government themselves, decided that the Holy Qur’an is the Law of Society in Libya.

    The Constitution of Libya thus since 1977 has been the Holy Qur’an. However, the islamist heretics on the one hand, do not want the Holy Qur’an to be the Law of Society as they believe that they themselves should be in power, and rule over the people, and use their own misguided dogmas under the guise of Islamic Law.

    On the other hand, the secularists such as Megarief, also do not want the Holy Qur’an to be the Law of Society since again this would mean that they would not have a right to rule over others, nor to create parties, nor to enforce capitalism and exploitation, so they wish to rule under the guise of Secular Multi-Party Democracy.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 3, 2012 at 7:26pm

Libya: Weak Unlawful Government Without People`s Authority
Posted: 2012/10/02

Foreign backers of the occupation regime in Libya would do well to consider that the Jamahiriya is returning and when it is back will be stronger than ever before and include much of the Sahel Sahara region. Friends who are offering help, mainly in Latin America, will not be forgotten but nor will those who betrayed and those who plundered.

The attempts to form an illegitimate regime without the People’s Authority remain doomed for failure, with only the Jamahiriya being the lawful governing system in Libya. This is underscored by Libya still being in flames and with the popular resistance forces gaining strength each week with ever more resounding victories.

The rat Prime Minister-elect Mustafa Abushagur again failed to meet self-imposed deadlines to form a new government for his foreign backers.

On 19 September, Abushagur announced that he would finalise his proposed government for submission to the rat National Congress by the end of September.

Having subsequently requested an extension, Abushagur was given until 7 October by the rat Congress or to face being dismissed from his post.

The rat so-called General National Congress which seeks to replace the General People’s Congress but which has no legitimacy whatsoever within Libya, is headed by Megarief, an employee of the CIA for over 30 years.

Then, a senior member of Abushagur’s staff stated that 1 October would be the latest that a government would be formed, although this deadline was also missed.

Two rats both favoured by the foreign occupation forces after Megarief, are Abushugur and National Forces Alliance party leader and traitor Mahmoud Jibril.

However the two had been unable to agree on how best to handle the resistance and militias as well as the never ending loyalties of the Libyan people to Muammar Qadhafi and the ideology of the Third Universal Theory, with the Holy Qur’an being the Law of Society in the Libyan Jamahiriya.

Megarief himself has attempted to stamp western secularism on the government in a recent speech (see related news item).

Jibril stood firm demanding that his program for how to deal with “Qadhafi loyalists” and the various militias which are now turning on the occupation regime, be adopted for him to agree to join the occupation government. A meeting between Jibril and Abushugur to negotiate did not materialise on Monday.

Already on Monday many of Jibril’s party deserted him and put themselves forward independently to join Abushugur, driven by a desire to reach power. With the loss of the support of his own members, Jibril was forced into an acceptance to join the regime.

All these games are being played out among the chosen elite puppets of the foreign occupation powers, and not with the blessing nor participation of the Libyan masses, who largely boycotted fake elections that took place in July after several postponements and barring the millions of Libyans connected to the Jamahiriya.

Traitor Mahmoud Jibril’s acceptance to support the new attempt at rat government of Mustafa Abushagur was however announced on Tuesday not by him, but by Abushagur who did so in a short Tweet on his Twitter.

Twitter, the platform basically owned by the U.S. State Department is the favoured means of communication by its stooge politicians around the world, and allows the handlers and paymasters of those politicians to monitor their developments.

Jibril recently re-tweeted a Mathaba Tweet containing a link to an article denouncing the regime.

Comment by J. Patriot on October 3, 2012 at 6:27pm

What The Media Doesn't Tell You About Gaddafi

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 2, 2012 at 12:32pm

01 OCTOBER 2012
Muammar al-Qathafi calls for National RESISTANCE to the FORCED Occupation and their brutal armed-personel now inhabiting Libya illegally.
Free Brother intervention on inciting Resistance to liberalization.
His voice is a bit deeper than usual--but it is he.
It sounds almost like Khamis, but pauses and has certain charactericts we identify and know is Muammar.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on October 2, 2012 at 12:27pm

02 OCTOBER 2012
BANI WALID: The FINAL STORM before the Sun breaks….

Alexander Beck of Millions Supporting Al Gaddafi writes us:

Breaking news

#Bani Walid #Libya

“Rats attacking right now Bani Walid, Libya from place called Marduum ( near East side of city) with heavy weapons.
Their ultimatum was a trick, in order to reduce level of warning for defenders.
Wait further news from battlefields”

  • Important for each Adinmah our pages Resistance
    “We hope that all pages not to publish anything for Resistance in Bani Walid and field achievements
    And assure everyone that the situation and things are all excellent and und
    er the control of
    Helena in Bani Walid honorable and all Libyans Liberal now present in the fronts are their national and religious duty toward home
    Please everyone’s obligation not to transfer News fronts Bani Walid
    And forward the revolutionary struggle continues”

    هام لكل ادمنيه صفحاتنا المقاومه
    نرجو من جميع الصفحات عدم نشر اي شي يخص المقاومه

     في بني وليد وانجازاتها الميدانيه
    ونطمئن الجميع بان الاوضاع والامور كلها ممتازه وتحت سيطرة هلنا في بني وليد الشرفاء وكل الليبين الاحرار موجودين الان في الجبهات يقومون بواجبهم الوطني والديني اتجاه الوطن
    نرجوا من الجميع اللتزام بعدم نقل اخبار جبهات بني وليد
    والى الامام والكفاح الثوري مستمر
  • THIS is to insure that the BANI WALID mission is successful–and not undermined by unsuspecting BUT STUPID journalists wishing to cover the events.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on September 24, 2012 at 5:22pm

from Mark Robinson and Finnian Cunningham of "Global Research" we read:
'Regarding the Benghazi incident, the mass denial begins with basic facts. For example, most people refer to
 “the US consulate,” when in reality the US site in Benghazi was not an embassy or a consulate, or even a “compound”. It was a collection of villas (that is, a gated community) privately owned by one Mohammad Al Bishari, who was leasing the villas to US State Department personnel. (12)
Collectively the villas were what the US State Department calls an “interim facility”. It had a level of security known as “simple lock and key,” meaning it had no bulletproof glass, reinforced doors, US Marines, or other features common to embassies and consulates. (In Mexico, for example, Washington has an embassy and 22 consulates, but in Libya the US government had only a single embassy in Tripoli – and then, after the NATO bombardment campaign, used the Benghazi villas.)
The corporate media falsely use the term “US consulate” to make it seem that “terrorists attacked US sovereignty”. This justifies the “war on terror,” plus the past destruction of Libya.'


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