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Freedom and Democracy (TM) Killing Continues

Started by Less Prone Dec 27, 2013. 0 Replies

Libya continues in chaos. This is how Freedom and democracy (TM) works.…Continue

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12,000 U.S. troops in Malta ready to descend into Libya

Started by Cryptocurrency. Last reply by Christella Bernardene Krebs Sep 23, 2012. 23 Replies

Cynthia McKinney Global Research January 14, 2012It is with great disappointment that I receive the news from…Continue

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Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 20, 2012 at 10:33am

في تقرير سري للغاية وصل اليوم التقرير النهائي لتحليل الحامض النووي للعقيد معمر القذافي من مركز التحليل في سراييفو ، وبعد اكثر من تحليل واخد عينة من الحامض النووي للدكتور المعتصم بالله تأكد ان الحامض النووي للجثة التي كان يعتقد انها للقائد معمر القذافي لا تتطابق مع الحامض النووي للقائد معمر القذافي ولا مع ابنه المعتصم بالله وقد صادق المركز المتخصص في سيراييفو وهو اكبر مركز في العالم على هذه النتيجة يوم الامس واحالها الي الحكومة الليبية التي تتكتم عليها خوفا من انتشار هذه الاخبار والله العظيم الخبر مؤكد مائة في المائة ..

In a confidential report very arrived today the final report to analyze the DNA of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi of Analysis Center in Sarajevo, and after more than an analysis Wakhd a DNA sample to Dr. Billah make sure that the DNA of the body, which was believed to be the leader Muammar Gaddafi does not match the DNA of the commanderMuammar Gaddafi and his son Mutassim has ratified the specialist center in Sarajevo, the largest center in the world on this result yesterday and forwarded it to the Libyan government, which keep quiet about it for fear of the spread of this news and God great news for sure one hundred percent ..
في تقرير سري للغاية وصل اليوم التقرير النهائي لتحليل الحامض النووي للعقيد معمر القذافي من مركز التحليل في سراييفو ، وبعد اكثر من تحليل واخد عينة من الحامض النووي للدكتور المعتصم بالله تأكد ان الحامض النووي للجثة التي كان يعتقد انها للقائد معمر القذافي لا تتطابق مع الحامض النووي للقائد معمر القذافي ولا مع ابنه المعتصم بالله وقد صادق المركز المتخصص في سيراييفو وهو اكبر مركز في العالم على هذه النتيجة يوم الامس واحالها الي الحكومة الليبية التي تتكتم عليها خوفا من انتشار هذه الاخبار والله العظيم الخبر مؤكد مائة في المائة ..

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 19, 2012 at 1:34pm

  1. galantarie's Avatar

    From the same series of shots made in MARCH 2012

    seen again in the picture is Iraqi hero General Izzy Ibrahim al-Duri...

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 8:03am

Spoke yesterday, Dr. Moussa Ibrahim in "a Light room" immediately Ever Balbaltok ...

He spoke in detail about the events from the beginning and spoke on the status of the Resistance now .... 

He was his very cool and very reassuring ..... I will summarize for you some of the most important presented by Dr. Moussa Ibrahim:

- Mundd beginning events in
Tunisia and Egypt, before it starts in Libya the commander directing a group of officers and soldiers, equipment and military vehicles to neighboring countries .. He knew that the goal was to occupy Libya and destroying its strength
- It was possible to prolong the war years, but will be Altantijh is the destruction of Libya and the loss of strength in final
- Now with military force and resistance organization and spread in all parts of Libya ... It has the ability to retrieve legitimacy
- As previously identified zero hour three times ... The goal was to see lurking among us and know the power of the enemy and his reaction and driven to the ground
- There was zero hour was imposed on us, a war on Bani Walid .... It was decided that the elimination of militias attacking and do all of the cells control the cities and the country's liberation, but hours before departure we discovered that the organization of 93 wants to convert to something they called the Liberation correct path revolution on February 17 .... And social leadership has rejected in Bani Walid this matter ... No waiver of legitimate green led by Muammar Gaddafi .... So, Social Council Beni Walid take all the young people who, Watteau from other areas to fight with them ... And let us know to take their fighters and their vehicles, and weapons .... And told the leadership of the resistance of all cells and groups to cancel the zero hour
- Leader Muammar Gaddafi is fine and in good health, one of the lead editorial
- The world began looking for legitimacy began looking about us ... The world can not possibly be Libya chaos .... Libya air transportation node .... International companies operating in Libya parked ... Illegal immigration to Europe is in full swing these days ... Al-Qaeda and Wu
- Finished a political body configuration represents resistance represents the Libyan people of all classes ... And we had contacts with the parties and organizations and so many countries ... And there are too many confessions ready as soon as the announcement of this political entity
- African countries stand with us strongly
- One of the countries that met with a recognizing us Tunisia
- Victory is very close Vosbero and Sabero .... Libya Independents


Denis Serdyukov
Аминат Сабирова

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 8:01am

Those officials and others who are prevented from carrying out the proper functions should gather in Venezuela where you will find the assistance, security and facility to continue the Jamahiri legitimacy at the international level, and extend the borders of the Great Jamahiriya under occupation to a Greater Jamahiriya including other free peoples.

As to the revolutionary committees movement, you should shun your old methods which only obtained the false international support of a few fake revolutionary committees based upon what money they could get from Libya. Instead you should join the genuine international movement and work with it.

Create your new platform and publication and join the International Green March which you previously destroyed after its success, join as equals with other Jamahiri citizens, and devise and publish the Comprehensive Strategy (of Jamahiriya).

You are not alone in the world of people seeking liberation from the clutches of globalisation, capitalism and tyranny. But you have to stand up and be counted.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 8:00am


It is time for you to wake up, but you have to learn the hard way. You had to destroy everything so that you could claim you built something. But you’ve built nothing. And you will build nothing. You cannot build without a plan and you have no plan.

For this reason the revolutionary committees must seize the initiative. You must make a Comprehensive Strategy. This must include many issues and areas such as political prisoners, human rights, democracy, jamahiri legitimacy, revolutionary warfare, liberation, regional and universal relations, power, unity, socialism, freedom.

You must form the General Emergency Committee of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and work toward a Greater Jamahiriya. There is no such thing as the end of the Jamahiriya simply because most of its functions have been suspended by war, imprisonment, murder and intimidation.

This simply means a suspension: all the laws and decisions remain as at the last time the people could convene in their people’s conferences in late 2010. Since then, the Libyan people have been prevented from decision-making and forced to accept elections that excluded the majority from participation.

We don’t need any elections, nor will we contest in those elections, to do so is a fallacious reformist solution, not a real solution. We have over 6,000 people’s conferences open to all the Libyan masses and which have not been allowed to convene since the war and imposition of dictatorship of the minority.

The General Emergency Committee of the Great Jamahiriya will consist of those authorities who are still free, and will simply continue the jamahiri legitimacy as all the agreements regarding legal issues, relations, properties, assets, are still intact and legal, signed under Jamahiriya and still valid as Jamahiriya.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:59am

Instead you create groups, movements, brigades, parties, all of which run counter to the Holy Qur’an with the reality that Shura can only be exercised by all the free people who have not been convicted and sentenced for crimes, and this can only occur in People’s Conferences even if by any other name.

Did you not realize that there is already a flag, but not one that contains emblems that satisfy always only a minority while enraging others? Did you decide that you hate green and so you will destroy all the grass, the mountains, stop eating salad, wear anything but green, and delete the green colour?

What is wrong with the colour? It is the colour of Islam, of hope, of peace, of tranquillity of the environment, of life. Anyone can make a flag out of green cloth and fly it without going to a shop or special authority and this is the idea of people’s power and not a state or symbol that represents a group or limited complication.

What is wrong with “Allahu Akbar” as our anthem? Is it not universal? Is that your problem also, like the flag, you want to limit it to make you feel special as a Libyan or as your tribal affiliation rather than as a Muslim? Do you think Allah recognizes the borders of Libya or your nationality or your passport?

Why do you shout Allahu Akbar when committing the most heinous of crimes, while you cringe from the people’s anthem that was played in the Jamahiriya.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:59am


Who said you have to be sitting in Tunisia or Egypt, waiting for a new Qaddafi to come out of nowhere, when you are not deserving. The price you are paying today is one you fully deserve. Are you saying Allah is unjust? All things are known and all things have their reason. This is al-Qadr. It is your just rewards.

Those companies which are stealing your wealth and making you slave in your own countries do not recognize the borders of Libya, so why should you? Strike them wherever you find them, they don’t operate only in Libya. Regroup in sanctuary wherever you can. Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Moldova, you have endless possibilities.

When you are struck down in your homes, when you did nothing but appease the devil, why are you appealing to reason? Do you think the false organizations that we have all exposed long ago are going to come and help you? Don’t you wish to free your families from the prisons, from poverty and despair, from ignominy?

What are you waiting for? Why are you hiding in the shadows? Which countries have occupied your land, raped your mothers and stolen your wealth? Do they include some forty countries in Europe and elsewhere? Which are those countries? Did you make a list? Did you determine which one of them citizens are innocent as they are opposed to their regimes? And which ones are supportive?

Are you making excuses for the ignorant, when everyone is born with a brain to think, eyes to see and ears to hear? Is it not a fact that people are willingly blind and deaf because they are selfish? So why should you spare them? Grab them wherever you can, and trade your prisoners one white for one hundred of your family.

Soon the prisons will be emptied, if you were to adopt this strategy. What do you think would happen if Libya had occupied France, or Italy or Britain or Qatar? Do you think they would do as you are or would they be hunting every Libyan in every remote location and making them pay a price until their families are released?

Did you not learn from the example of Vietnam? Of what happened in Iraq, Afghanistan? Yes, some of you want to turn Libya into Afghanistan. But that is the deranged minority that rules without any brain nor heart, content to follow fake religious edicts like slave machines without any thought process.

Yet what of you rats, revolutionaries or rebels? What are you looking for? Are you not seeking the very same things that we all seek, prosperity, wealth, justice, accountability, power, ownership of the means of production, share in the production, share of the national wealth, participation in decision-making, consensus?

Are you not seeking peace, security, stability, prosperity? Did you think that this will be achieved by your current methods or do you see that all you ask for is exactly what is in fact Jamahriiya? Is not a rose a rose by any other name? But you fight each other and will get nothing, because you are divided.

You swallowed the simple propaganda of the enemy who has a clear plan to occupy not only Libya but all of Africa. You fell for the simple trinity of “Constitution, Flag, Anthem”. These are the false trappings of traditional state apparatus, with government on the one side and the people on the other.

Did you not realize that there is already the perfect Constitution? Is the Holy Qur’an not sufficient for you? You want to interpret it and lay down rules for all that only a few participate in shaping? Or do you want to instead take the Qur’an, study it and apply it. Read al-Shura. The people’s conferences are the way to implement shura (consultation), how else? Call them donkey or rat conferences if you prefer, but conference together is the ONLY way for Shura.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:58am

Everything was already written in The Green Book. But many of you chose not to read it or not to take it seriously. We already warned of an age of anarchy and demagoguery if the Authority of the People should relapse. For years, it has been relapsing, and you isolated me and gave us false information.

You brought people to conferences and showed videos of those conferences and gave false reports. Nothing you did was true. You held up The Green Book and shouted slogans and then you forgot those powerful slogans. After that you shouted Allah, Muammar, Libya and that is all.

What happened to the Al-Fateh and its principles of Unity, Socialism and Freedom? You abandoned it. Did you understand what has been said all these years, about the need to seize power by the people again as the Libyan masses had been sidelined and excluded from power, while the corrupt were brought in to steal?

Yet instead of rising up to seize back power, you sought to exact revenge against perceived enemies while doing the bidding of Satan and the biggest enemy of all became your friend and supporter, you served Satan while proclaiming loudly that God is Great.

What are you doing to free the political prisoners? Why do you lack imagination? Is it only by attacking the prisons that you think you will be able to free the prisoners? Those heavily guarded prisons, while you have insufficient weapons?

Did you not learn from history? Did you not listen? Libya is not Libya any more, it is open country for every criminal in the world. Every capitalist company can freely come to Libya and avoid the paying of taxes, providing services to other foreign capitalist companies without declaring their real income neither here nor abroad.

They take, take, take, stealing the wealth of Libya, Africa, Muslims. They do so with impunity. Yet you leave them alone, you have not attacked one single one of these vultures. As we said, Libya is not Libya, so the world is also open to you: what does Allah say in the Quran that you will be asked on the Day of Judgment? Was the Earth not wide enough for you to migrate?

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:57am

Education is key, and those who wish for positive change must study The Green Book in order to avoid pitfalls in finding the way forward. The Mathaba is your sanctuary, your platform for unity and sharing of positive ideas, news and developments. The future of the world lies in the universal Jamahiriya.
But this can only come about if there are sufficient people caring and willing to make the required changes and to work together for the benefit of society. You can start by adopting the International Green Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms and forming Revolutionary Committees to work for the attainment of freedom.

Any of you anywhere can open a Universal Jamahiriya People’s Bureau, in effect, an Embassy of the World Jamahiriya. You need only to pitch a tent or occupy a house and hoist a green flag and serve as an information center for the people. You can connect via the Internet or other means with other People’s Bureaux worldwide.

In this way the masses can obtain information about the Third Universal Theory and the Salvation it provides as well as the genuine human rights and freedoms of the Green Charter, the ideas put forward by The Green Book. You will find more good people and connect with others around the world.

These people’s bureaux (embassies) are the counter to the government embassies which serve not people but their masters. No one can stop you from opening such embassies in any place, for if they stop you then that is an oppressive society and you should move to one of the free areas in the world.

Comment by Christella Bernardene Krebs on December 18, 2012 at 7:57am

These are just some of the reasons why the AU was destroyed and why we were attacked and why Libya was occupied. But what has happened in Libya over the past more than one year while I have been observing in silence, depressed with the reality of the fickle and weak nature of people, this selfish world?

Libya has gone from a stable, peaceful, secure country where everyone was safe, to a chaotic, insecure one where millions suffer for the limited benefits of a few stray dogs that we made the mistake of allowing them back into Libya. And yet all this was predicted by The Green Book, if the Authority of the People should relapse.

Even those who seek to destroy the Jamahiriya, socialism and direct participatory democracy have failed. They have built nothing in its place. They have only opened up Libya as a free-for-all for every criminal and thieving enterprise.

They cannot and will never be able to form a government. Only those who love chaos, violence, blood, suffering, dirt, and all things satanic have benefited.

Today they argue about the things that The Green Book provides the very solutions for. Yet they cannot implement those solutions since people will point out that this is Jamahiriya. They are cursed for there is no other solution than Jamahiriya and they cannot bring themselves to admit this.

From the first day we warned that nothing will be gained and everything will be lost. We had been inciting for the masses to seize power back from the corrupt and deviants but not like this. The manner to seize power back was to occupy your houses, attend the people’s conferences, seize and distribute the oil wealth.

Now you have destroyed almost every family, killed on all sides, and brought about nothing. Even those misguided who supported you have had to flee to their masters in England or other countries and seek refuge there, alone and cut off. Run away leaving your country to be occupied and wealth stolen by the foreign capitalists.

Yet some rats will still today claim that all the hundreds of thousands of dead, the murder, rape, torture, lawless abductions and imprisonment, the flight of one million Libyans from their homes, has all been worth it, just to get rid of a hero that you will never be able to kill. Just to hold fake elections and change the colour of the flag.

How many of our youth know anything about the values and principles of revolution and Islam? These days all knowledge comes from Facebook. Every idiot on Facebook counsels the next idiot with his or her wisdom. Every idiot is king. We have moved from the Era of the Masses to the Era of the Fools.

The only hope for the entire world lies in the Third Universal Theory. All over the world with a few exceptions, people are deprived of power and responsibility. This leads to apathy. Selfishness does not achieve success, since if everyone takes and no one gives, the end result is more suffering and deprivation.


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