MF'ing Bombshell! - Max Keiser: JPMorgan' DEATH THREAT Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts - UPDATES

Journalist Nomi Prins Reports on Jon Corzine Congressional Testimony Over MF Global Collapse



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 Dec 15, 2011


MF'ing Bombshell!

CME Exec Drops Bombshell that Corzine Knew About Customer Fund Transfers

The executive chairman of the CME told lawmakers that MF Global borrowed $175 million from customer accounts and implied that its former CEO Jon Corzine knew about it.

“Mr. Corzine was aware of the loans being made,” Mr. Duffy told the Senate Agriculture Committee, adding that MF Global had submitted documents to the CME, the major exchange where MF Global did business, that kept “regulators in the dark.”

Is Jon Corzine “Too Big to Be Indicted”? Part VI

Posted by Larry Doyle on December 15, 2011 10:22 AM | 

The ongoing saga to determine what may have happened at the critical points of demise within MF Global continues again today.

I once again encourage you to grab both a large popcorn and a barf bag while witnessing the House Financial Services Committee Hearing re: MF Global.

Will the committee members have the balls to drill down and address the critical questions as to who knew what and did what to violate the sanctity of segregated customer funds totaling a cool $1.2 billion at MF Global?

Will we be fed a line of questioning by committee members which fails to put Jon Corzine on the spot?

Might we witness a day not often seen in modern American history in which a once mighty financial and political titan is compelled to provide the truth? Will Jon Corzine be forced to confront the testimony provided earlier this week by Terrence Duffy, CEO of the CME.

Let’s help the committee members out and provide a line of questioning which they should pursue if they have any sense of rectitude and dignity. To this end, I welcome referencing BankThink’s Francine McKenna’s fabulous commentary, Hard Questions Lawmakers Should Ask at MF Global Hearing.

McKenna provides questions which the best prosecutors in the country would appreciate. She also provides a frame of reference for her questioning which can only be defined as enlightening.

CME Group plays old-school Chicago politics

In case you missed it, last night Jon Corzine was artfully thrown under what looked like a bomb-strapped bus being driven by the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, with no Keanu Reeves in sight.

Terry Duffy, chief executive of CME group, told the Senate hearing on MF Global that the former New Jersey governor “was aware” that money had gone missing from customer accounts.
From Duffy’s opening statement, via Congressional Quarterly:


MF Global’s segregation report for Thursday, October 27th, which was delivered to CME on Friday the 28th, also stated that MF Global remained in full compliance with segregation requirements. In fact, it showed that the firm held $200 million in excess segregated funds.
On Sunday, the CFTC informed us that they were aware of a draft segregation report for the close of business on Friday, October 28th, which showed more than a $900 million shortfall in required segregation….
… DUFFY: After receiving this information, CME remained at MF Global while MF Global attempted to identify funds that could be transferred into segregation to reduce or eliminate the discrepancy. A CME auditor also participated in a phone call with senior MF Global employees, wherein one employee indicated that Mr. Corzine knew about the loans that it had made for the customer — from the customer segregated accounts.
CME Group has provided this information and the names of these individuals to the Department of Justice and the CFTC for investigating these matters….
On Monday, October 31st, the day the SIPC trustee took over, MF Global revised its segregation report for Thursday, October 27th, indicating that the alleged $200 million in excess segregated funds should have been reported as a deficiency of $200 million.

ROBERTS: Is there anything else about this conversation you believe important for this committee to know?
DUFFY: No, sir. I was just asked to raise my right hand and tell the whole truth, so I’m telling you what I know.

  Max Keiser: JPMorgan Ordered Corzine to Pillage Personal Accounts at MF Global

Corzine to face questions about regulator contacts in another congressional grilling

note: provides this "CME Group Inc. Executive Chairman Terrence Duffy told a Senate panel Tuesday that Corzine might have known about a transfer of $175 million from customer accounts"

WASHINGTON  — Jon Corzine's third congressional grilling about MF Global's failure will likely examine his contacts with regulators and a fresh allegation about his role in the disappearance of clients' money.

Jon Corzine appears before congress last week to answer question on MF Global's collapse and missing client money. Corzine was the firm's CEO. 

Corzine is set to appear Thursday afternoon before the House Financial Services Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, a Republican-led panel known for aggressive questioning. It's his first public appearance since a financial-exchange executive alleged Tuesday that Corzine knew more than he's admitted about the firm's transfer of client money in its final days.
About $1.2 billion of customer money was unaccounted for when MF Global collapsed in late October, becoming the eighth-largest bankruptcy in U.S. history. Lawmakers, regulators and law enforcement officials are trying to find out what happened to the money.

Corzine, a former Democratic New Jersey senator and governor, resigned as CEO of MF Global last month.

In his two previous Capitol Hill appearances, Corzine said he never told anyone to "misuse" customer money. He learned about the shortfall in customer accounts late on Oct. 30, the day before the bankruptcy filing, Corzine insisted.


Corzine Busted, CT Mayor Wants Illegals Vote & More: Infowars Nightly New
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Alex breaks down the latest on Jon Corzine and the missing 1.3 Billion. Corzine may also be looking at prison time for his comments stating he knew nothing about where the money went. Alex also reports on a Ct mayor who thinks it would be just fine to allow ‘illegals’ to vote.


Tags: Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Terrence Duffy, Compliance Trading, MF Global, Jon Corzine, Compliance/Trading,


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Comment by truth on July 8, 2013 at 6:37pm
Comment by Ken Troxel on March 26, 2012 at 9:56pm

I am sure Celente will have a hardon with this news, least he will change his rant some with this news.


Comment by Meglamaniac on December 28, 2011 at 8:06pm

Corzine vs. Keiser in a cage match to the death...... My money's on Max.....

Comment by Tara on December 15, 2011 at 5:38pm

and the plot thickens..... Can we say, gangster banking? Max Keiser sure is right on about that.

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