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Comment by steve on October 1, 2023 at 2:54pm

You are damn skippy right LP. I lived in Baltimore growing up and that was when niggers started to migrate to decent clean WHITE neighborhoods ,it was easy to tell cause BIKES WERE STOLEN and trash piled up at certain homes. They are like a cancerous plague ,first they smile and are glad to be with the WHITE folks then they start whining about discrimination and more come and the next thing you know your quiet neighborhood is the fukin slums. Then the liberals cover for these fukin animals and giving more and more freebies and housing and other preferential treatment and the whole damn thing just snowballs til we are where we are today with these fukin niggers rioting in our once great cities and the juws having positions of power in gubberment throw the boarders open and hoards of these worthless parasites invade and call for KILLING THE HOST that was conned with the sweet sounding words of tolerance and DIEversity.

I have thought long and hard about this and the only logical rational thing to do is separate from these violent fukin creatures and quit feeding them, housing them and tolerating them ,if you could see the commercials on T V here in the states you would think we were a nation with no WHITE people, where every show has the smart nigger with the beautiful WHITE girl out doing the dumbshit nerdy WHITE cuck(can understand why they aspire to grab a WHITE girl as sheboogs are apelike ugly) but this is juw programming run amuck,and the halfmen half child WHITE guys idolize these savage boogs playing silly assed kids games.You know the highest paid public employ here in a college  fukin football coach, how sad is that not a professor or engineer but a fukin kids game coach. But times are changin where more and more WHITE peolple are waking up with negroe fatigue. I live in one of the few places where these niggers still get run off if they try to live among us hill billies but companies like UPS and FEDEX send nigger drivers here to deliver the useless chinese crap people order on their "smart phones".I still live without a cell phone of any kind and only have what is called a landline attached to the wall.

 Youwait and see when the shooting starts these cockroaches will be sorry they bit the hand that fed them when the SAXON finally wakes up to the juw/nigger threat.


Comment by Less Prone on October 1, 2023 at 2:20pm

It's war. They don't come because they like us. They come because they hate us. It's an invasion. 

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