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Comment by DTOM on March 12, 2017 at 11:54am

AE - When the government convinces you with deception they have taken your 'RIGHT' to do something and then sells it back to you...

...and uses violent force and coercion to enforce such deception - i.e Competent Authority

The term and definition of 'COMPETENT AUTHORITY' speaks volumes...

Comment by Anti Everything on March 12, 2017 at 9:44am

Blacks Law 2nd edition -

What is LICENSE?

In the law of contracts. A permission, accorded by a competent authority, conferring the right to do some act which without such authorization would be illegal, or would be a trespass or a tort. State v. Hipp, 38 Ohio St. 220; Youngblood v. Sexton, 32 Mich. 406, 20 Am. Rep. 054; Hubman v. State, 61 Ark. 4S2. 33 S. W. 843; Chicago v. Collins, 175 111. 445. 51 N. E. 907, 49 L. R. A. 40S, 67 L. R. A. 224. Also the written evidence of such permission. In real property law. An authority to do a particular act or series of acts upon an- other's land without possessing any estate therein. Clifford v. O'Neill, 12 App. Div. 17, 42 X. Y. Supp. 607; Davis v. Townsend, 10 Barb. (X. Y.) 343; Morrill v. Mackman, 24 Mich. 282, 9 Am. Rep. 124; W.vnu v. Garland, 19 Ark. 23, 08 Am. Dec. 190; Cheever v. Pearson, 16 Pick. (Mass.) 266. Also the written evidence of authority so accorded. It is distinguished from an "easement." which implies an interest in the land to be affected, and a "lease," or right to take the prolits of land. It may be. however, and often, is. coupled with a grant of some interest iu the land itself, or right to take the profits. 1 Washb. Real Prop. *398. In pleading. A plea of justification to an action of trespass that the defendant was authorized by the owner of the freehold to commit the trespass complained of. In the law of patents. A written au- ?? thority granted by the owner of a patent to WI LICENSE 724 LICERK another person empowering the latter to make or use the patented article for a limited period or in a limited territory. In international law. Permission granted hy a belligerent state to its own subjects, or to the subjects of the enemy, to carry on a trade interdicted by war. Wheat. Int. Law, 447.

Comment by Less Prone on March 12, 2017 at 7:31am

On top of that they make government buildings and an army of bureaucrats who produce nothing just to control us and make us queue for pieces of paper. All that paid by hard working and producing people. What a waste of time and resources!

Comment by Anti Everything on March 12, 2017 at 6:00am

When the government convinces you with deception they have taken your 'RIGHT' to do something and then sells it back to you...

"Destroying the New World Order"



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