I have first visited infowars tomlearn about the NWO and learned the truth. I have watched all iportant movies through Zeitgeist the Movie and Ring of Power since. Now this ywar I decided to take on action as I feel I learned enough to do so and to really feel cheated by the NWO. You know in germay were I live thera are not so many whistle blowers and many say those who do are nuts but latest sattstics have proofen that those who wake up the society bring about something. So all who want to help here are my planes.
Nollywood It is called the 3rd biggest movie industry but as Im an colored person myself it pains me to see that they are living in ignorance. They dont know about
The NWO The 60% reduction plane The CFR counncil on Foreogn Realations
and most important of all that 9 11 was an inside job
We can help by going on Nollywood.com and becoming memebr. Its for free. Then activly presanting those issue on our private pages.
Youtube It shows us one of the graetes crime scenes we have so far in the Internt. They are blockong and censuring videos as well as adding fake comments. We have to act To show our will for free speech we make the following
Phase 1 List anybody who wants to be one of those persons anybody adds
Phase 2 Add those persons on the List and therfore peacfully prostest for 9 11 truth and agianst the NWO Rember youself and others they can block anytime anyone so they are safe.
Phase 3 Send our videos to those in the friendlist.
Internet Censorship We can overcome they walls of censorship by letting our frinds now other ways to contact us such as giving them our ICQ. So they can bann but we still stay in contact.
Contest After Youtube and others faked rating I think it a idea to held a contest to vote the offical 9 11 truth video.
A many of you may have realized there is Nollywood, the world 3rd biggest producer of movies. And its fast growing. So we as members of 9 11 truth movment should progress to inform those people about the truth of 9 11.
Especially as some poster ahev realized our reality is mainly framed by the lies about Chemtrails, NWO, CFR, and the black nobiliity.
They as the people of the Nigeria dont know about the 60% population… Continue
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