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Parrhesia favorited TheLasersShadow's blog post Fox news holiday card shows their viewers as SHEEP!
Dec 28, 2020
cheeki kea commented on TheLasersShadow's blog post Fox news holiday card shows their viewers as SHEEP!
"~ Funny one, for one fleecing moment there I thought this was a new post. ( 2 failed news participants on the sidelines watching, 3 left with face muzzles on in the race to the bottom to lead the sheep astray. ) It's clever that they make up…"
Dec 28, 2020
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Jul 12, 2019
Less Prone favorited TheLasersShadow's blog post Flashback --David Icke claims the moon is "a gigantic ‘spacecraft’...which is home to the extraterrestrial group...manipulating humanity"
Apr 9, 2019

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Flashback --David Icke claims the moon is "a gigantic ‘spacecraft’...which is home to the extraterrestrial group...manipulating humanity"

Posted on August 21, 2018 at 9:49pm 35 Comments

‘Moon Matrix’ And you thought David Icke was strange talking about reptiles...

I was just checking to see what Icke was up to and saw he has a new book coming out. So I started to read what it was about and ... had to stop and .... wonder if he had just taken a jump off a mental cliff??

Quote from a description of his new book.

"His most staggering revelation…


The Greatest Weapon Ever Devised To Defeat The NWO, Deflation

Posted on May 26, 2018 at 3:03am 1 Comment


Yes DEFLATION! The opposite of inflation and I'm not making a joke here. Every corrupt bank and government entity would be wiped out by deflation. It would also wipe out all debt held by the public, not a bad thing at all if you understand free market economics.


For you to understand this your going to need to read this book (48pages) Deflation-and-Liberty and watch this…


Investment Opportunity At Your Local Bank, Buy Nickels!! (Original Blog)

Posted on July 8, 2015 at 7:17pm 8 Comments

By, TheLasersShadow



Investment Opportunity At Your Local Bank, Buy Nickels!! Yes those little round 5 cent coins called nickels.…

Jefferson Nickel Price

SEAL Team 6 Assassinated, Dead men tell no tales

Posted on June 26, 2015 at 8:28pm 11 Comments

I don't have any proof beyond extreme motive, Bin Laden has been dead for years and this is the team credited with his killing. You can rest assured that the spooks who fabricated the Bin Laden revenge drama are just cleaning up after themselves, tying up loose ends... I think most of us saw this coming right from day 1 after hearing their BS fairy tale. If you don't believe me since I don't have a daily radio show to record my daily ideas and prediction I can point you to a man who does,…


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At 2:57pm on June 11, 2015, Tara said…

Hello TLS, good to see you around these parts again. Welcome back!

At 4:13am on May 10, 2014, EDOGZ818 said…

It seems strange that Amelia would write this long story about Carla being raided in Texas, but never mention a word about the raid that took place in her own backyard of Florida, especially since Amelia spokr to the occupants before and after the raid, while AMELIA was looking for Charles Syer / July 4 Patriot, during the exact same manhunt.

It's one of those things that make you go HMMmmm...

Some of the proof is in the following links:

It seems like everywhere Amelia goes....folks get the impression that she is a Militia Informant / Chivato, etc.

Maybe she could clarify her role for 12160 members.....

At 1:08pm on February 14, 2014, truth said…
At 12:25am on June 17, 2013, Cryptocurrency said…

At 8:21pm on April 29, 2013, Lawrence Harmen said…

A mountain of proof Boston Bombings were not real. See the mountain of collected proof and share this with everyone please.

At 1:09pm on February 18, 2013, Cryptocurrency said…

Don't be a girlie mon. Come trolling with me!

At 6:29am on December 28, 2012, Maria De Wind said…

At 12:50pm on December 24, 2012, truth said…

Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays !

At 8:11pm on July 25, 2012, Cryptocurrency said…

I stuck it on my jaw dropper for in close engagements. Talked to a military buddy and he said a lot of our boys are using EOtech on their M4's. Said the stag arms was the way to go for AR's too. Colts are GARBAGE. That's the scuttlebutt anyway. Not too familiar with the AR platform but you can save a bundle buying the upper and lower separately. Just assemble it yourself.

At 7:57pm on July 25, 2012, Cryptocurrency said…

Hey dude, picked up that EOtech site. Gotta love that haha.


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Burbia commented on Burbia's blog post Mystery illness strikes Russia with fever, blood symptoms, and no cure in sight.
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Mystery illness strikes Russia with fever, blood symptoms, and no cure in sight.

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MindWar: Full Spectrum Cognitive Dominance [Michael Aquino Analysis]

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A Horrid Murder at Land Between the Lakes (Sasquatch?)

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NOW ON SPOTIFY (and everywhere else)! people deserves a Homeland.Sung by no one in particular.Origi...
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Metropolis (1927) Full Movie | 4K Color Remastered: 2023 Colorized with Gottfried Huppertz Score

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