Official: US ship in scrape now has armed escort
By ANNE GEARAN, AP Military Writer Anne Gearan, Ap Military Writer – Thu Mar 12, 11:25 am ET
WASHINGTON – The Navy has assigned a heavily armed destroyer to escort the U.S. surveillance ship that got into a high-seas confrontation with Chinese ships last weekend.
A defense official says the Hawaii-based… Continue
Added by bob on March 12, 2009 at 10:45pm —
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This is our government at work. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed cant get a normal trial by the US but they wont release information that involves him unless he wants to sign a waiver for privacy reasons. WTF? Priorities a little off I think.
. . harming all life on the planet, and spreading the poisons farther than ocean currents and migrating fish, whales, seals, boats, swimmers, submarines would have otherwise.
"Weapons include "deleted" uranium, red and white and yellow phosophorous, radon and microwave, sonar, etc. The Navy, Air Force, etc. are not disclosing the tons and locations and dispersal of what kinds of weapons and toxins."…
A list of what is included in common vaccines. Very interesting and unnerving. Animal cells, mercury, aluminum, MSG, live virus, formaldehyde, GMO plants. Get everyone you know to read and spread the information right now!
Chemicals Not Listed on Product Labels Due to Weak Regulatory Standards
Washington − Despite marketing claims like “gentle” and “pure,” dozens of top-selling children’s bath products are contaminated with the cancer-causing chemicals formaldehyde and 1,4-dioxane, according to product test results released today by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics. The chemicals were not disclosed on product labels because contaminants are exempt from labeling laws.
While going to college in a neighboring city, I lived in the hell hole called Lakewood Washington. I saw the heavy artillery and tanks roll out to be freighted to the middle east for the war after 9-11. The freeway exit I lived in was right between the McChord Airforce Base and the Fort Lewis Army Base. On the other side of the freeway was the Washington State National Guard Base. That stretch of freeway is a high risk accident zone. Semi-trucks and cars frequently wreck. We are talking weekly,… Continue
While I was listening to one of my favorite shows the Intel Report on this server ( A unique error occurred TWICE within an hour.
The audio cut out and gave me a 401 error on my winamp player, so i had to click play to reconnect. It took about a min in a half before it let me reconnect each time. Now what was really interesting was that when the audio would resume the audio would be about 30sec before the cutout, and at the exact time in the… Continue
Added by TheLasersShadow on March 11, 2009 at 6:57pm —
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A gas used for fumigation has the potential to contribute significantly to future greenhouse warming, but because its production has not yet reached high levels there is still time to nip this potential contributor in the bud, according to an international team of researchers.
Early Obama Deception Launch !!!
FBI currently Investigating Alex Jones's Business and Harassing him heavily, Watching his studio and subpoenaed(guess) to get inside his servers. Has been confirmed that it is the FBI and that it is about the Obama Deception.
More info needed ...
Lets hope the FBI doesn't get stupid about this and do something really dumb like confiscate his office equipment.
My wife just told me that she read in the paper where President Obama said no to another pay increase for congress. . I told her finally, a president!
Think on this email I rec'd from an old buddy . .
"A Proposal"
When a company falls on difficult times, one of the things that seems to happen is they reduce their staff and workers. The remaining workers must find ways to continue to do a good job or risk that their job would be eliminated as… Continue
Many systemic challenges face the United States and the world, including a lack of accountability for American leaders for the crimes of the recent era, says former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.
In a March 8 speech in Kirkland, Washington, McGovern goes through these daunting problems from global warming to the loss of a "free media" in terms of keeping the American people adequately informed, but concentrates on how the Bush administration wantonly violated… Continue
Added by Marklar on March 10, 2009 at 3:54am —
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March 09, 2009 "Khaleej Times" -- - While the United States was fighting for its economic life, Obama administration officials and the media issued a blizzard of contradictory claims over Iran’s alleged nuclear threat, leaving one wondering who is really charge of US foreign… Continue
Amendment X: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
Hypocrisy and politicians! There is nothing new in this love-match made by Cupid's arrow of self-interest, right? Wrong. In the current flurry of… Continue
Added by Marklar on March 10, 2009 at 2:00am —
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While ‘Karmageddon’ has sparked significantconversation and controversy, Iyah has stood her ground. She refused to compromise her vision when asked to change...
"The song PERSONAL SHOPPER sits somewhere between being a love-letter to shopping (which I love to do!) and the uneasiness I feel about the more insidious si...
Not to be confused with the much drier Frank Capra film from 1943.A "Broadway Brevity", released August 1, 1942. Vitaphone #1022-1023A.Transferred from 16mm.