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"Welcome To Dajjal" Video

Below is one of my ( Poppy's) videos and poems "Welcome To Dajjal"..taken from my album "Welcome To Dajjal" available through ITUNES and Amazon MP3, also Reverbnation for CD's..


Peace all!










Welcome To Dajjal


From birth

Kafir state cradles the baby

Vaccinates with immuno-suppressants

Dresses them in civil…


Added by O.R.M.E. on October 23, 2011 at 5:25pm — 1 Comment

When Will We Realise?

Below are two players for a song "Premature Burial" by our band Orbitally Re-Arranged Monatomic Elements..


The first is the song..


The second is a spoken word version of the song..



Premature Burial (Song)


  Premature Burial by…


Added by O.R.M.E. on October 23, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

"United States of Europe” - Single Treasury plan "emerged" in Brussels yesterday as Europe’s finance ministers tried to find a way out of the crisis

Single Treasury plan "emerged" in Brussels yesterday as Europe’s finance ministers tried to find a way out of the crisis

New euro 'empire' plot by Brussels

European Union chiefs are drawing up plans for a single “Treasury” to oversee tax and spending across the 17 eurozone nations. 

The proposal, put forward by Herman Van Rompuy, the European Council president, would be the clearest sign yet of a new… Continue

Added by truth on October 23, 2011 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Scattered Across Time

True mysticism has been shattered like a vanity mirror scattered across time. The world's religions have snuffed out the light of spirituality that once guided the soul to the path of it's true nature. The existential has become a blind circus of mediocrity and the pretentiousness of fools.


Until you have seen the crystal clear, light blue waters of the south-east pacific ocean, how can you ever expect to know or describe something you have…


Added by Cryptocurrency on October 23, 2011 at 1:30am — 5 Comments

DDT contamination...from 1993

Congressional hearings will begin next month on a Clinton Administration plan to revamp some key pesticide laws. Among the reforms, the Administration wants to drop a 35-year-old ban on cancer-causing pesticide residues in processed foods. The controversial proposal would allow minute traces of carcinogenic pesticides in food, as long as the health risk is minimal. The new rules would also prohibit the export of pesticides which are banned in the US, and ease the removal of dangerous…


Added by jimmy roden on October 22, 2011 at 2:20pm — No Comments

To all the Occupy protesters! David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street Protestor




 David Icke - Essential Knowledge For A Wall Street…


Added by Charles Magus on October 22, 2011 at 1:06pm — 4 Comments

Poverty rates up in most U.S. states, cities: Census



Regional coordinator Charles Evans (4th L) picks up children from school to take them to an after-school program at South Los Angeles Learning Center in Los Angeles, California March 16, 2011. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson



Added by Justin A Horne on October 22, 2011 at 3:30am — No Comments

REX 84 vs. Globalist Shutdown

Ethan Jacobs, J.D.

Activist Post 

For many years the globalists, through the federal agencies they control, have treasonously planned to use devastating orchestrated events to suspend constitutional rights and implement martial law.  The best-known plan for martial law/continuity of government is called REX…

Added by Sweettina2 on October 21, 2011 at 10:00pm — No Comments

Corporate-Funded Think Tanks to Host GOP Debate; Seeking best rep. for debate's corporate sponsors

Tony Cartalucci, Contributing Writer

Activist Post

It's no…

Added by Sweettina2 on October 21, 2011 at 9:57pm — No Comments

'My headache's about to explode': U.S. girls just dropping dead

Unearthed documents reveal new deaths from 'mandated' shot

By Joe Kovacs

© 2011 WND

Gardasil, the controversial drug that took the early Republican presidential debates by storm, is back in the news as newly unearthed documents reveal 26 additional deaths associated with the shot designed to help prevent young women from getting a sexually transmitted disease that can lead to cervical cancer.

The public-interest group Judicial Watch has obtained the… Continue

Added by Sweettina2 on October 21, 2011 at 9:53pm — 2 Comments

History Repeating Itself: U.S. Hawks Hover Over Iran


Added by Sweettina2 on October 21, 2011 at 9:48pm — No Comments

Libya Before and After Image Shows What a NATO/UN Humanitarian Mission Looks Like

Activist Post

Friday, October 21, 2011

All hail humanitarian war. Regime change can be a bitch.  Start with sanctions because of ‘humanitarian’ reasons.  If they don’t work, arm ragtag mercenaries and implement a ‘no-fly zone’ through an international body.  If the rebels can’t hunt down the defunct leader, then just bomb the hell out the country until a…


Added by Carmine Clemente on October 21, 2011 at 1:56pm — 1 Comment

Obama Promises Iraq Troops Will Be Home for Holidays | Video - ABC News

Obama Promises Iraq Troops Will Be Home for Holidays | Video - ABC News

Washington » President Barack Obama on Friday declared an end to the Iraq war, one of the longest and most divisive conflicts in U.S. history, announcing that all American troops would be withdrawn from the country by year’s end.

Obama’s statement put an end to months of wrangling over whether the U.S. would maintain a force in Iraq beyond 2011. He… Continue

Added by truth on October 21, 2011 at 1:00pm — 9 Comments

China's biggest producer of rare earths suspends production, in hopes of boosting slumping prices

China's biggest producer of rare earths is suspending production for one month in hopes of boosting slumping prices of the exotic minerals used in mobile phones and other high-tech products.


This week's move by Inner Mongolia Baotou Steel Rare-Earth (Group) Hi-Tech might fuel tensions with the United States and Europe. They have questioned Beijing's decision announced earlier to limit exports while it tries to develop its own manufacturers of magnets and other products made…


Added by truth on October 21, 2011 at 10:12am — 1 Comment

Greece's parliament approved new austerity measures - 1 Protester Dead as Government Faces Dissent


Greek Protests in Athens Live cam link



ATHENS (Dow Jones)--In a final vote late Thursday, Greece's parliament approved legislation enacting new austerity measures the government must take in order to receive fresh aid from…


Added by truth on October 21, 2011 at 10:04am — 1 Comment

The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events

The Order of the Illuminati is often at the center of debates about the impact of secret societies on human history. Is the Illuminati a myth or does it truly secretly rule the world? As the number of people asking that question has grown, facts about the Order have become diluted with misconceptions and disinformation, making objective research on the subject difficult. This article attempts to shed some factual light on the Order of the Illuminati by reviewing some of the most important…


Added by Juan Valdez on October 21, 2011 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Are You Ready For The Rapture Today?


Camping says that today is the rapture. Are you prepared to get beamed up?

Added by ArchAngel on October 21, 2011 at 12:18am — 7 Comments

Killing a POW? Gaddafi’s last moments (VIDEO)


Amateur video released by AP

A new explicit amateur video released by AP clearly shows that Colonel Gaddafi was caught alive rather than dead.

­The video portrays Gaddafi soon after his arrest in Sirte. The colonel is encircled by the soldiers of the National Transitional Council who are shouting in Arabic, "God is great."

Gaddafi is definitely too weak to walk on his own and his chest and face are covered in blood. Still, the colonel…


Added by Sweettina2 on October 20, 2011 at 6:56pm — No Comments

Toxic Metals Arsenic and Cadmium Found in Baby Food

Mike Barrett

Activist Post

As our society has been moving with haste away from raw and natural foods and more towards processed foods, we are seeing a surge of toxic contaminants such as heavy metals leaking into our food. The heavy metals in our food alongside with heavy metals found in vaccinations and other forms of exposure are…


Added by Anti Oligarch on October 20, 2011 at 6:49pm — No Comments

...and people wonder.....

....and people wonder why I'm so vehemently against the personal "health and welfare" of our Congressmen and Senators.....


WHAT TO DO???? …

Added by youhavetoforgiveme on October 20, 2011 at 3:53pm — No Comments

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