The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will donate $10 billion over the next decade to research new vaccines and bring them to the world’s poorest countries, the Microsoft co-founder and his wife said Friday.
Calling upon governments and business to also contribute, they said the money will produce higher immunization rates and aims to make sure that 90 percent of children are immunized against dangerous diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia in poorer… Continue
I was born a subject of the world’s most lethal Empire.
When did the U.S. become an Empire? Ask our indigenous people that question.
I was also born in a Myth-ocracy, where we are propagandized from Day One about how we live in the “Greatest Nation in History” and that our neighbors in Latin America are lucky to have the U.S. so close in proximity so we can “save” the people from their… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 31, 2010 at 3:30pm —
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A UN official says the UN representative in Afghanistan and members of a Taliban's leadership council have secretly met as the West has been trying to bring the militant group into Afghan government.
The unnamed UN official said that UN Special Representative Kai Eide had met with senior commanders of the Taliban in Dubai on January 8th, Reuters reported.
The senior Afghan Taliban commanders who took part in the reported meeting are based in the southern Pakistani city of… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 31, 2010 at 2:48pm —
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Tony Blair is set to receive a six-figure sum for giving a series of talks to a hedge fund that reportedly made millions by betting on the collapse of British banks.
Critics have accused Mr Blair of “selling his soul” after details of his forthcoming private speeches to Lansdowne Partners emerged.
Reports claim that company made £100 million on the demise of Northern Rock and £12m on the fall in value of Barclays by short-selling shares.
Poor ol' Greece becomes a plaything in the hands of blood-sucking money changers
Germany has triggered a near-panic flight from southern European debt markets by warning that there will be no EU bail-outs, even though it fears the region's economic crisis has turned dangerous and could prove "fatal" for the entire eurozone.
Funds flee Greece as Germany warns of "fatal" eurozone crisis
The yield on 10-year Greek bonds blasted… Continue
The Defense Department needs to get better at lying and fooling people about its intentions. That’s the conclusion from an influential Pentagon panel, the Defense Science Board (DSB), which recommends that the military and intelligence communities join in a new agency devoted to “strategic surprise/deception.”
Tricking battlefield opponents has been a part of war since guys started beating each other with bones and sticks. But these days, such moves are harder… Continue
The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia is under government investigation for fraud, data manipulation and withholding or destroying scientific data in defiance of freedom of information requests. Many of the disgraced scientists working at the CRU were closely involved in putting… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 27, 2010 at 7:57pm —
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Fears of a euro breakup have reached the point where the European Central Bank feels compelled to issue a legal analysis of what would happen if a country tried to leave monetary union.
"Recent developments have, perhaps, increased the risk of secession (however modestly), as well as the urgency of addressing it as a possible scenario," said the document, entitled "[PDF]…Continue
"Washington seeks to reinstate Haiti as a full-fledged US colony, with all the appearances of a functioning democracy. The objective is to impose a puppet regime in Port-au-Prince and establish a permanent US military presence in Haiti.
The US Administration ultimately seeks to militarize the Caribbean basin.
The island of Hispaniola is a gateway to the Caribbean basin, strategically located between Cuba to the North West and Venezuela to the South. The…Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 27, 2010 at 10:40am —
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The Microsoft chairman's vision conjures images of a world where Mad Max would feel at home.
Bill Gates said he fears Earth might become a post-industrial wasteland plagued by heat, chronic food and energy shortages, and rampant disease unless governments and private organizations invest more time and money solving what the Microsoft chairman believes are the world's most pressing problems.
Tony Blair and Jack Straw brushed aside repeated warnings from Government lawyers that they would not have a 'leg to stand on' if Britain invaded Iraq.
Devastating evidence at the Iraq inquiry yesterday revealed that every senior legal adviser at the Foreign Office believed the conflict was in breach of international law.
Astonishingly, Downing Street asked lawyers to assess what the consequences would be if Britain toppled Saddam Hussein without legal authority. When they… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 27, 2010 at 5:00am —
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My name is William Dean A. Garner and I’m a NY Times bestselling ghostwriter and editor of many books. For example, I edited Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code, among dozens of others. I’m also a former scientist (biophysics), US Army Airborne Ranger (C 1/75 Ranger Regiment), and corporate mercenary for international private military firms I designed and helped build. I did 211 overseas missions in extremely hostile territories over… Continue
President Obama makes his first State of the Union address on Wednesday, and he's going to call for us to cap spending on everything EXCEPT the military.
Getting a grip on the deficit is fine. But spending on war and weapons is the FIRST place we should look to save money, not the LAST.
Obama's priorities are backwards. But Congress gets the final vote on how to spend tax dollars. And their reaction to the State of the Union -- whether they clap or shout… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 26, 2010 at 4:00pm —
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Madison, WI (OpEdNews) --As someone who has promoted the investigation of political events that appear to have involved "pulling the wool" over the eyes of the public, I must say that I have never read a more corrosive approach toward the Constitution than "Conspiracy
Theories" by Cass R. Sunstein and Adrian Vermeule of the Harvard School of Law. The massive blunder at the core of their conception is… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 26, 2010 at 5:54am —
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Last night, MSNBC’s Ed Schultz spoke at Minnesota progressive talk radio AM950’s Blue State Bash at the Minneapolis Convention Center.
During his remarks, Schultz revealed that he recently had a testy confrontation with White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs (Gibbs appeared on Schultz’s show this past Thursday). “Mr. Gibbs and I had quite a… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on January 26, 2010 at 3:46am —
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Tony Blair is to be paid at least £200,000 by a City firm accused of profiteering from the financial crisis that brought Britain's banks to their knees.
The former prime minister has been hired by the hedge fund Lansdowne Partners to deliver four presentations to staff about the world political situation. Mr Blair, one of the world's most highly paid speakers, reportedly commands between £50,000 and £170,000 for a single speech.
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This is my analysis and my thoughts on Michael Aquino's "MindWar". This document is a must-read if you are looking to understand the psyop tactics and cognit...
Wounder how many people know what they do to baby chicks? Wounder if they know what the are doing to Salmon? What about the lettuce and tomatoes? This will n...
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