Featured Blog Posts – July 2018 Archive (9)

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Added by guest_blog on July 31, 2018 at 9:11am — No Comments

Peter Strzok’s Girlfriend Blows the Whistle (Video)

by N. Morgan

The Republicans had hoped to have the testimony of Lisa Page already in hand when they started questioning Peter Strzok, but on Wednesday, 11 July 2018, Lisa Page foiled that strategy by refusing to comply…


Added by N.Morgan on July 21, 2018 at 1:00pm — No Comments

CAUTION - This might strain ur thinker > Legal proof Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth is FORGERY


Introduction From

Douglas Vogt

President of Archive Index Systems, Inc.

A disappointed Natural Born U.S. Citizen.


Dear Sir/Madam,

I have irrefutably proven that the Certificate of Live Birth that President Obama presented to the world on April 27, 2011 is a fraudulently created document put together using the Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator programs and the creation of this forgery of a public document constitutes a class B felony in…


Added by 7R33SandR0P3S on July 19, 2018 at 5:59pm — 4 Comments

The Summit, Collusion,  and the People Peter Strzok Could Smell


More than anything else that we could have learned since the election of President Trump has been the almost the entire news media has become the mouth piece for the Deep State and Democrat Party. In the absence of President Obama, his appointees have continued to resist President Trump and have leaked classified information to a…


Added by Doc Vega on July 18, 2018 at 2:34pm — 2 Comments

Attack On Trump Dropped In From Sky In Scotland, Stopped By Snipers Feet From His Head [VIDEO]

President Donald Trump had a security breach that was a little too close for comfort and required his snipers to spring into action. A man flying a paraglider was swooping in on the American president and the snipers had their scopes lined up. It was unknown what this person was doing and there was a good chance that it could have been someone…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on July 17, 2018 at 4:34pm — 1 Comment

here is the email from real.video

Hi, this is the REAL.video support team. I've been assigned as your manager to help you get started with your video channel. Your request for a content channel has been approved and you'll be able to start uploading videos soon.

REAL.video is not yet active, but coming up in the second half of June, I will send you a link where you can request your username and start uploading your videos to your new channel. There, you can also manage your videos, including editing video titles or… Continue

Added by Boris on July 12, 2018 at 1:06pm — 1 Comment

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Added by guest_blog on July 11, 2018 at 10:29pm — 5 Comments

German Refugee Worker Admits She Was Wrong, Plans to Move to Poland

"A refugee worker who once welcomed Angela Merkel’s decision to open Germany’s borders to over a million predominantly Muslim migrants now admits she was wrong and is emigrating to Poland, asserting, “It’s too late for Germany.”"

The usury cabal controls everything by their money & debt scam. The politicians and public disservants are bought and controlled to betray their own countries and the people. It took five year for the above person to realize what was really happening. Now…


Added by Less Prone on July 1, 2018 at 3:41pm — 3 Comments

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"  Less Prone I agree with you.  I just received a copy of Radio World in the mail,…"
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🚨 LIVE: Germany Start Closing Down Islamic Mosques

🔴 Join Tousi TV+ https://www.tousi.tvSponsored by TAD Media (https://tadmedia.co.uk/). Definitely check them out if you need website design or development. ...
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"Dan, You bring up an important topic. There may become a time when all public communication systems…"
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Discover the shocking truth about Kamala Harris's involvement in seizing Nina Simone's estate and denying her family their rights. Uncover the hidden story b...
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Depraved Justice - Finnish Court Quashes Convictions of Several Men Found Guilty of Raping Intellectually Disabled Woman

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Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post Who was the Shooter on the Water Tower? More Exposure of the Planned Murder of Donald Trump
"He can't keep getting away with it!"
Burbia commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"One step forward, two steps backwards..."
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Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Burbia, excellent quotes from the past."
Doc Vega commented on Doc Vega's blog post You Don't Think There's a Government Cover up over attempted Trump Assassination?
"Cheeki Kea, thought provoking as usual is the US government simply full of traitors, foreign double…"

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