CHUCK W.'s Blog (504)

They Killed Me in Vietnam and I Didn't Even Know It

They Killed Me in Vietnam and I Didn't Even Know It

Click on the Agent Orange box and listen

With thanks to Country Joe McDonald for his permission to post the Agent Orange Song

Posted by AgentOrangeZone at 8:30 PM

Added by CHUCK W. on June 30, 2010 at 10:26am — 4 Comments

Revolution and Repression in America

Revolution and Repression in America

The Technological Revolution and the Future of Freedom, Part 2

by Andrew Gavin Marshall

Global Research, June 29, 2010

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This is Part 2 of the series, ``The Technological Revolution and the Future of Freedom.``

Part 1: The Global Political Awakening and the New World… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 30, 2010 at 10:06am — No Comments

Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information

Independent Investigation Into Pentagon Attack Yields Alarming Information

August 30th, 2009 7:42 AM Print


Witness flight path vs official flight pathResearchers present new eyewitness testimony which they say proves the government's story to be a "monstrous lie"

A three year independent investigation into the September 11, 2001 attack on the Pentagon has yielded new eyewitness evidence which, according to the Southern California-based… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 29, 2010 at 9:11pm — No Comments

A Fine Title for the New Campaign

Franklin's Focus 6/29/10 wsws

A Fine Title for the New Campaign

Patrick Martin refers to it as 'the Hitler option'.

I read several pieces that were guessing as to what was likely to

occur in Afghanistan following the firing of McChrystal. As I often

do, I read a piece by Patrick Martin. He and I nearly always seem to

have minds going down the same track. As expected, he had written a

piece on this very subject.

The title of his… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 29, 2010 at 3:32pm — No Comments

Healthy eating disorder.

(NaturalNews) In its never-ending attempt to fabricate "mental disorders" out of every human activity, the psychiatric industry is now pushing the most ridiculous disease they've invented yet: Healthy eating disorder.

This is no joke: If you focus on eating healthy foods, you're "mentally diseased" and probably need some sort of chemical treatment involving powerful psychotropic drugs. The Guardian newspaper reports, "Fixation with healthy eating can be sign of serious psychological… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 29, 2010 at 10:46am — 6 Comments

National Security News Finally, the press starts to wake up to the escalating and shocking human toll nine years of war has had on our military. The L.A. Times reports the number of U.S. military ca…

National Security News

Finally, the press starts to wake up to the escalating and shocking human toll nine years of war has had on our military. The L.A. Times reports the number of U.S. military casualties caused by the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is more than 500,000. The real total is 537,099, according to VA, because VA also counts veteran patients with TBI, mental illness, and warzone-acquired diseases - categories not counted in misleading and incomplete Pentagon reports.…


Added by CHUCK W. on June 29, 2010 at 12:19am — No Comments

Gulf Crisis: Bad to Worse

Gulf Crisis: Bad to Worse

This article is definitive, despite a small disagreement (noted in red).

Gulf News:

From Bad to Worse

From OpEdNews: Rob Kall - Writer

Sit down. Get ready. Your life has begun to change. It will never be the same again. This gulf disaster is changing everything. Call your legislators. Tell them that they are now on notice. There are the constituents and… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 28, 2010 at 12:54pm — 1 Comment

All who care about the plight of veterans are invited to participate in live discussions

Dear Supporters,

Last year you stood up for veterans through the first-ever Virtual March on Washington for Veterans. Now, we hope you can join us online this Wednesday, June 30, as the DAV hosts the first-ever Virtual Town Hall Meeting on Veterans Issues. All who care about the plight of veterans are invited to participate in live discussions from noon to 2 p.m. ET. For those unavailable during that time, you can now submit questions and comments in advance. Complete transcripts of… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 28, 2010 at 11:36am — No Comments

Free SPC Bradley Manning, Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes in Iraq & Afghanistan

Free SPC Bradley Manning, Arrested for Exposing U.S. War Crimes in Iraq & Afghanistan

End the Occupations Now

Stop the Murder and Abuse of Civilians by U.S. and NATO Military

Sign the Petition Now:

A 22 year old U.S. soldier, Bradley Manning, has been arrested on suspicion of leaking classified combat… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 28, 2010 at 11:06am — No Comments

What The Future Holds That You Are Not Being Told.

New Earth

News and 2020 Vision

June 26 2010: This Issue - Special In-Depth Report. "Truth And Consequences" - A

Review Of The Gulf Oil Eruption, And What The Future Holds That You Are Not Being Told.

Truth And Consequences

by Michael Knight, Editor, New Earth News.

Imagine you're in a television station newsroom and you've just been given an

assignment. It's about a blowout in an oil well and you have to have it on air tonight.

The story has been rolling… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 28, 2010 at 9:36am — No Comments

How I Am Feeling At This Very Moment

How I Am Feeling At This Very Moment

The author captures it so beautifully....

"The World At War: AFRICOM vs Ghana in the Round of 16

We Are The World, and as I write, we are preparing for another battle, the next in a month-long series of short, controlled skirmishes which will draw the attention of billions of people, although neither the individual skirmishes nor the series have any actual significance. Such is the power of modern marketing.

The imminent… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 28, 2010 at 9:27am — No Comments

End Vietghanistan This Week

End Vietghanistan This Week

Little known secret: if the U.S. House of Representatives stops funding a war, or any other crime, neither the Senate nor the President nor the military can continue the killing. The Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, David Obey, can single-handedly block funding to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and currently he is doing so by refusing to advance it unless schools and jobs are funded. Call him every day to thank… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 28, 2010 at 9:14am — No Comments

The Petrosky's

Pete Petrosky and his wife had planned on having a large family. They talked about it before getting married. At least five kids, they agreed, a house full of kids. They stopped after two daughters.

“I was not going to bring anyone else into this world,” Pete said. “We wanted to have a large family. But after those two kids came, I said something’s wrong. There’s either something wrong with me or something wrong with you [his wife], because we have no history of anything like this in… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 27, 2010 at 4:38pm — No Comments

my sunday morning rant.

In leu of My Sunday morning humor, I offer

this short clip. I'm sorry Percy, But I feel no

humor today.

My youngest daughter is upset with me. She asked

me to babysit her animals and place while she was

away for a few days.

Her place is a million miles from any civilization to begin

with. She's so far off grid that to reach her place one

must drive a treacherous dirt road 14 miles to see

a power pole or a neighbor.

Which makes it a perfect place… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 27, 2010 at 1:56pm — 4 Comments

A Baring of Where the Plutocrats Are Taking the Western World

Franklin's Focus 6/27/10

The appended article is one of the clearest pieces of its kind I've

ever read. There is scarcely a single word written in econobabble.

Economic or fiscal analyses are written this clearly about once in a


Michael Hudson offers a clear, naked exposé of just where Europe is

headed and where Obama is planning to take this nation. There is not a

word in this piece that is murky, technical, or ostentatious. I

breezed… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 27, 2010 at 12:15pm — No Comments

A New Ticket To Fly Home

A New Ticket To Fly Home

By Dr. Joseph Chiappalone, MD


In late 1999, I did a show with Jeff Rense on the HIV-Aids epidemic. It was the tenth show I had done with Jeff.

I stated that the causative factor for HIV-AIDS was a purposely introduced agent. It did not arise from a simian virus as some in the medically fraternity claimed.

I mentioned that HIV-AIDS was part of an evolving pattern for annihilation of at least 80% of the human population… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 15, 2010 at 8:33am — No Comments

Countdown: Dr.Riki Ott alleges BP engaged in massive cover-up to hide

Added by CHUCK W. on June 15, 2010 at 8:21am — No Comments

The Federalist Papers, Hamilton and Rothschild:

One of the most important set of documents in our Nation's history is a group of letters to the editor written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison known as the Federalist Papers. The United States had just experienced a weak central government in the form of a loose confederacy. So weak that it exposed the different states to both intrigue and foreign invasion.

In fact, the "Whiskey Rebellion", launched by a group of private still owners that had no interest in… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 14, 2010 at 3:32pm — No Comments

While the eyes of the world are on South Africa as it hosts the 2010

Dear Family and Friends,

While the eyes of the world are on South Africa as it hosts the 2010

World Cup Football games, we are sitting here next door shivering in

the dark and the cold. For the past four months we've been

experiencing 16 hour a day power cuts, only having electricity in the

middle of the night. All our protestations have been met with

assurances that these cuts were to enable vital maintenance which in

turn would allow for uninterrupted… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 14, 2010 at 11:05am — No Comments

BP's New Horror

Franklin's Focus 6/14/10

BP's New Horror

You have probably heard or seen a few comments here and there

regarding the use of dispersants. The dispersant most in use is

Corexit 9500. One reason BP uses this poison is that BP manufactures

it, thusly cutting the cost! As for other reasons behind the massive

dispersal of Corexit, I strongly suspect a sleazy motive.

(I am not a chemist or scientist, so I'm relying mostly on less than

solid… Continue

Added by CHUCK W. on June 14, 2010 at 11:01am — No Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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