All Blog Posts Tagged 'criminals' (98)

The shocking images that prove the bottom of the Gulf is STILL dead and coated in oil - despite BP claims all will be well

Oil from the BP spill remains stuck on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, according to a top scientist.

Samantha Joye has video and slides that she says demonstrate the oil isn't degrading as hoped and has decimated life on parts of the sea floor.

That report is at odds with a recent report by the BP spill compensation czar that said nearly all will be well by 2012.

Deep impact: A December 1, 2010 slide from the University of Georgia shows a dead crab with oil residue on the still-damaged sea floor about 10 miles north of the BP rig in the Gulf of Mexico

Deep impact: A December 1,…


Added by Anti Oligarch on February 21, 2011 at 4:59pm — 2 Comments

U.K Quisling Plan for Change

By: Brian Gerrish

Right click and "save image as ..." to download the full image.


We have consistently warned that Britain is being attacked by our own government, and under the front page headline of our last edition, “Dark Actors Playing… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on February 14, 2011 at 4:17pm — No Comments

The al-Qaida supergrass and the 7/7 questions that remain unanswered

The early release of a jihadi turned US supergrass who helped a London bomber has rung alarm bells. Shiv Malik reports on doubts held by the victims' families.

Graham Foulkes's son David, 22, was one of the 52 people killed in a series of terrorist attacks on the London transport system on 7 July 2005

In November 2001 when Mohammed Junaid Babar made his television debut, it was clear what side he was on. "When the American… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on February 14, 2011 at 10:18am — No Comments

Vaccines: Get the Full Story

Doctors, Nurses and Scientists on Protecting

Your Child and Yourself


Antonucci, MD


M. Elsner, DC

Eneko Landaburu, MD…


Added by Anti Oligarch on February 13, 2011 at 2:16pm — 1 Comment

US Thanks and Encourages Spain to Prosecute Bush Officials

If you've wanted to be part of a powerful effort to bring Bush-era officials to justice for their crimes, now is your chance. We've joined a national effort to reach out to the people of Spain, whose courts are considering prosecuting six of Bush's lawyers under international law. Our campaign includes an open letter and ads in prominent Spanish newspapers and billboards.

Even though the Obama administra tion has… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on February 12, 2011 at 10:50pm — 1 Comment

ALERT: Seizures Now Reported in Kids Receiving Flu Vaccine

Child Vaccination The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is looking into an uptick in young children having febrile seizures following a flu shot. There have now been 36 confirmed reports of such seizures during the current flu season.

All of the seizures took place less than a day after the children were given Fluzone. Fluzone is currently the sole flu shot recommended for very young children in the U.S.

Google News reports:

"The [FDA] said…

Added by Anti Oligarch on February 12, 2011 at 11:27am — No Comments

Cash is trash in China as rabbit-themed gold fills 'unbelievable' demand

Bugs to Bernanke: That's all, folks!


China on Track to Become Top Gold Buyer


China's gold imports are estimated to have more than doubled from a year ago in the run-up to Chinese new year, putting the country on track to overtake India as the world's largest consumer of the precious metal.

The growth in demand is being attributed in part to Chinese families giving each other gifts of gold instead of traditional red envelopes…


Added by Anti Oligarch on February 4, 2011 at 3:36am — No Comments

White Dot – The International Campaign Against Television

Smashed TV Makes Pretty Necklace

Jeweler Alexis Dove imports glass from piles of smashed TV sets in Afghanastan and turns them into beautiful necklaces. Who says the Taliban are all bad?

the pre-tv generations archive

White Dot is compiling an archive of memories and advice from the last generations to grow up without…


Added by Anti Oligarch on February 3, 2011 at 8:49pm — 1 Comment

Anderson Cooper Just Got Beat Up By Pro-Mubarak Thugs in Cairo

CNN's Anderson Cooper and his camera crew were attacked and repeatedly punched by pro-government forces near Tahrir Square in Cairo today. [Updated with video]

"My team were set upon by the crowd," Cooper said on CNN this morning via telephone from…


Added by Anti Oligarch on February 3, 2011 at 8:25am — No Comments

UN human rights official claims 9/11 was US plot

A UN human rights official has been roundly condemned for suggesting that the US government may have orchestrated the September 11 terrorist attacks. Richard Falk, a retired professor from Princeton University, wrote on his blog that there had been an “apparent cover up” by American authorities. He added that most media were “unwilling to acknowledge the well-evidenced doubts about the official version of the events” on 9/11, despite it containing “gaps and contradictions”. And he…


Added by Anti Oligarch on February 1, 2011 at 1:54am — 1 Comment

The Homeland becomes Ze Fatherland

In the 78th edition of the Reality Report, we draw the direct parallels America shares with Hitler's Germany and provide the solution to avoiding their terrible fate.

We take a look at Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk where he discusses what a new found interest in the Constitution could mean for America. CEO of Euro… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on January 28, 2011 at 12:19pm — No Comments

NY Fed's 'Mr. Inside' Dudley flapping his gums

The president of the Federal Re serve Bank of New York doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.

The entire Fed regularly observes what it calls a "blackout period" starting one week before Federal Open Market Committee meetings and lasts until the Friday after those meetings.

In case you don't know, FOMC meetings are where the Fed decides whether to change interest-rate policy.

But there is also a communiqué released just hours after the meeting concludes in which…


Added by Anti Oligarch on January 8, 2011 at 6:43am — No Comments

U.S. Court Says Christian Cross Is Unconstitutional


Ninth Circuit ignores Supreme precedent in Mojave case

Mt. Soledad memorial cross
A three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on January 7, 2011 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments

IPCC Green Doctor Prescribes End to Democracy to Solve Global Warming

This is a longer post than normal – but trust me, there’s a damn good reason for that. If you don’t read a single one of my other posts, read this one.

This post is not about some fringe character. It’s a review of a serious book written by a professor who lectures in mainstream education and is involved in compiling the IPCC reports. The book is published by a respectable publisher for a recognized academic institute



Added by Anti Oligarch on January 6, 2011 at 1:17pm — 1 Comment

WikiLeaks' Most Terrifying Revelation: Just How Much Our Government Lies to Us

By: Fred Branfman

"Try as I may I can not escape the sound of suffering. Perhaps as an old man I will accept suffering with insouciance. But not now; men in their prime, if they have convictions are tasked to act on them." -- Julian Assange, 2007 blog… Continue

Added by Anti Oligarch on January 4, 2011 at 8:56pm — No Comments


May 18, 1958 WALLACE: This is Aldous Huxley, a man haunted by a vision of hell of earth. A searing social critic, Mr. Huxley, twenty-seven years ago, wrote "Brave New World," a novel that predicted that some day the entire world would live under a frightful dictatorship. Today Mr. Huxley says that his fictional world of horror is probably just around the corner for all of us. We'll find out why, in a moment.

Good evening.…


Added by Anti Oligarch on January 3, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

UPDATED 1-1-2011 - Greek Priest Claims Zionists Control The World

Due to public outcry regarding the recent remarks of Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus blaming the current financial crisis on a Zionist conspiracy and making statements that Adolph Hitler was controlled by these same Zionists, the Metropolitan felt the need to clarify his remarks today in his own words below:

On the occasion of the concerns raised by the European Jewish Congress with regard to my interview with the…

Added by Anti Oligarch on December 26, 2010 at 3:00pm — 13 Comments

Federal Drug Administration - Fargin Iceholes

Added by Ron Cesek on March 11, 2010 at 3:30pm — No Comments

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