Chris of the family Masters's Blog (2,114)

Outrageous chemical-dosing experiment to force friendship toward migrants: not science fiction

I really hope you understand this.

It is not a fantasy. It isn’t science fiction. It isn’t satire.

It is Brave New World, but not the Huxley novel. It’s happening now.

It’s a published study that appears on the website of the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

The title of the study is,…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 23, 2018 at 1:36pm — 4 Comments

Dog Latin Knowledge Kills Tyrants.

Just tried to comment on some court documents shown on a page in one of the websites. All headings were written in Dog Latin fashion.

They have terminated the connection...

To hot to handle!

Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 22, 2018 at 3:19pm — 1 Comment

Don't be fooled by Breast-Cancer Awareness campaigns

I am deeply disturbed by the annual sales campaign – disguised as a public-service – called Breast-Cancer Awareness Month. The purpose of this campaign is to convince women to have an annual medical exam – usually including a mammogram – on the assumption that early detection and treatment increases the probability of survival if cancer is present.

Back in 1970 when I was doing research for my book,…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 22, 2018 at 1:27pm — 1 Comment

Canadian Internet Tax


The Canadian government is considering an Internet tax to limit how much data people use.

Media corporations want us to pay a tax on any broadband use over 15GB because they say anything more suggests you are streaming music and video.1 But that's ludicrous—even Bell says that “low usage” households that “occasionally browse the Internet” typically use 20GB a month.2

We've spent months engaging thousands to participate in the…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 21, 2018 at 4:13pm — 2 Comments

The Paradoxical Spring Of Hope

While on the surface the world has gone crazy, I am so encouraged to see so many brothers and sisters not shirk back from the faceless forces of intimidation, but instead to stand in their power, in grace, in truth, and in allegiance to life. 150w,…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 19, 2018 at 1:16pm — No Comments

Authors of the Global Warming Hoax-Club of Rome

In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself."

" It would seem that humans need a common

motivation, namely a common adversary to organize and act together in the

vacuum; such a…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 17, 2018 at 1:50am — 2 Comments

Your Appendix Has an Immune Function

Your appendix is found in the lower right portion of your abdomen. This small, slimy, finger-shaped organ is attached to the cecum, a small pouch that's part of the intestines (the cecum is considered to be the beginning of the large intestine) and is part of your gastrointestinal tract.…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 16, 2018 at 2:57pm — 1 Comment

A universal flu vaccine: the mad science solution

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has launched efforts to create a vaccine that would protect people from most flu strains, all at once, with a single shot.

Over the years, I’ve written many articles refuting claims that vaccines are safe and effective, but we’ll put all that aside for the moment and follow the bouncing ball.

Massachusetts Senator and big spender, Ed Markey, has introduced a bill that would shovel no less than a billion dollars…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 15, 2018 at 12:41pm — No Comments

Psst, kid, want drugs? I’m a psychiatrist

by Jon Rappoport

October 11, 2018

(To join our email list, click here.)

Look at it this way. The kid doesn’t have to pay for drugs out of his pocket. He gets them in a shrink’s office. Insurance covers it.

His parents may be able…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 11, 2018 at 2:56pm — 1 Comment

Canada – “Extreme” sea ice prevents crucial deliveries to isolated communities

Grocery store shelves “are quickly becoming bare.”_________________

Early arrival of sea ice

Authorities in Canada’s Arctic north are scrambling to transport critical supplies to three communities – Paulatuk, Kugluktuk and Cambridge Bay – after the early arrival of sea ice prevented delivery barges from reaching the region.

The three isolated communities, with a combined population of nearly 3,000, have been unable to receive…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 10, 2018 at 3:45pm — 3 Comments

Exorbitant Costs of Divorces

Ever wondered why is that? The reason is your legal marriage when the State becomes a partner in your union. What follows is a total control exerted by the usurpers. Best way to avoid this, is to have lawful, common law marriage. Gather your family and friends, invite a preacher, make your vows and exchange the rings. Then issue a Notice of the fact autographed by newly wed and the preacher.

You publish the notice in public, and presto-You are lawfully married.

Remember: Legal…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 10, 2018 at 4:28am — 1 Comment

New Zealand Travelers Refusing to Give Passwords for Phone and Computer Searches Are Subject to a Fine Up to $5,000 NZ ($3,306 US)

New Zealand: Travelers who refuse to hand over their phone or laptop passwords to Customs officials can now be slapped with a $5,000 NZ ($3,306 US) fine, and the device may be seized and…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 9, 2018 at 4:40pm — 3 Comments

Changing Jurisdiction

By Anna Von Reitz

Many people are having a hard time understanding jurisdiction, but it is simple enough once you wrap your head around it.

When you enter a new jurisdiction it is like crossing a border into a different country. Different…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 8, 2018 at 4:03am — No Comments

Murder by Calcification

NOTICE – This is a factual story of the true causes of 100 illnesses hidden by the FDA and the Socialists in the USA Inc. Government to kill millions of people, no matter their age, sex, gender or political party.

The history of EDTA (Calcium DiSodium) goes back since about 1933. The Germans found out that Edta removes all the LEAD from the body, blood, organs,…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 6, 2018 at 8:57pm — No Comments

Don't Petition and Don't Register

By Anna Von Reitz

Do not sign petitions and do not voluntarily register anything.
If you are forced to register anything, be sure to get a reference or limitation on the…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 5, 2018 at 5:01am — 1 Comment

Radiation is Good for Business.

EPA says a little radiation may be healthy

  • The Trump administration is quietly moving to weaken U.S. radiation regulations, turning to scientific outliers who argue that a bit of radiation damage is actually good for you — like a little bit of sunlight.
  • The Trump administration already has targeted a…

Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 4, 2018 at 7:48pm — No Comments

'I Want to Report Missing Person'

This statement technically doesn't make sense. Person(s) has been missing since 1666 cestui que vie act. Following fire of London all those unaccounted for were regarded as missing at sea. The property they owned were conveniently confiscated by the Crown, meaning City of London.

Come to think of that, the fire happened in very opportunistic circumstances.

Anyway, don't ever refer to anyone as person. Person does not exist in real life, only on paper.

Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 3, 2018 at 3:28am — No Comments

The night the world recovered its sanity


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 2, 2018 at 1:55pm — No Comments

Anemia Linked to Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a very common problem, and not just among the elderly. In fact, approximately 30 million people 12 or older in the United States suffer from some hearing loss in both ears according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. And while damage from listening to music and other loud noises is certainly part of the problem in many cases, it would seem there are other causes as well. New research suggests that one of these contributing factors might…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on October 1, 2018 at 2:09pm — No Comments

The Corporate Name.

The documents with a corporate name is toxic and not yours. The name you flash around when ordered by representatives of 'authority'

There was an event in UK some years back when young fellow would not produce ID on demand. He was arrested and held for 12 hours. During that time he still wouldn't admit to the name. They released him shortly after.

How about a gay in COURT when the name got called, He said " there is a flesh and blood man and legal fiction character which bear…


Added by Chris of the family Masters on September 27, 2018 at 5:03am — 1 Comment

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