Jim Traficant’s 2010 congressional race is arguably the nation’s most important election, and that is why “they” totally ignore it—to make sure the American people, especially the good folks in Ohio’s 17th district in Youngstown, don’t even know “Big Jim” is running.
You may ask if doing the right thing is even a factor in American elections anymore.
When America was still America, choosing the right thing was understood to be the reason for any… Continue
By: Michael Roberts Information Liberation.com, October 15, 2010
– My name is Michael Roberts, and I am a pilot for ExpressJet Airlines, Inc., based in Houston (that is, I still am for the time being). This morning as I attempted to pass through the security line for my commute to work I was denied access to the secured area of the terminal building at Memphis International Airport. I… Continue
LeVelle DeSean Ming, a 41-year-old New York cabbie, had been on shift for about ten hours when he got bogged down in traffic near the Vudu Lounge on First Avenue. Dealing with congealed late-night traffic was tough enough, but Ming’s patience was depleted even further when a group of about 15 drunken males staggered out of the lounge and crossed in front of him against the traffic light.
The weary cabbie tapped his horn and muttered a disgusted… Continue
Advice to Desperate Congressional Dems: Ignore Wall Street Puppet Obama, and Demand a Five-Year Freeze on All Home Foreclosures in the Spirit of the Frazier-Lemke Act of 1935!
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Webster G. Tarpley, Ph.D. TARPLEY.net
October 11, 2010
This is more than faulty "paperwork".
Bank of America halts all Foreclosures
Will there be a day when you can stop "paying" for something you've already paid for?
If you work in the mortgage industry or for a title insurer, you might not want to make any plans for the next six months. Foreclosuregate is about to explode. It is being alleged that many prominent mortgage lenders have been using materially flawed paperwork to evict homeowners. Apparently officials at quite a few of these firms have been signing thousands upon thousands of foreclosure documents without even looking at them. In addition, it is being alleged that much of the documentation for… Continue
Mexican drug cartels declaring U.S. 'no longer controls border'
The decapitation of the lead Mexican investigator in the alleged murder of a jet-skier on a border lake is a sharp retort to President Obama's administration, a Texas congressman said. "The Mexican drug cartels just sent a message to the White House that… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on October 14, 2010 at 9:04am —
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Nato supply convoys travelling through Pakistan to Afghanistan have regularly come under attack in the past, but following Pakistan's decision to block their route through the Khyber Pass, they now face an even bigger security threat.Hundreds of tankers and trucks have been left stranded on highways and depots across Pakistan,… Continue
Four more UK terror suspects freed CNN | April 29, 2004 The last four of the 10 people detained following terror raids this month in northern England have been released, authorities say.
Cynical stunt to frighten angry Americans into placing their trust back in government
The establishment media is giving full court press to announcements from US and European authorities that airport lobbies are being targeted for terror attacks in a recycled version of the laughable 2007 incident in which two mental deficients set fire to a jeep outside Glasgow airport, a non-event that authorities hyped beyond all recognition amidst a similar wave of hysteria to… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on October 5, 2010 at 12:15pm —
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"... as all history informs us, there has been in every State & Kingdom a constant kind of warfare between the governing & governed: the one striving to obtain more for its support, and the other to pay less. And this has alone occasioned great convulsions, actual civil wars, ending either in dethroning of the Princes, or enslaving of the people.
Generally indeed the ruling power carries its point, the revenues of princes constantly increasing, and we see that they are never… Continue
(CNSNews.com) - Sheriff Larry Dever of Cochise County, Ariz. told CNSNews.com that President Barack Obama has “got his hands wrapped around our throat” as his administration sues the state of Arizona for trying to enforce the immigration laws that the federal government itself will not enforce.
Dever also said he has “zero confidence” Obama will secure the border before his presidential term is up in two years and that the president is… Continue
President Obama's Department of Education, where Secretary Arne Duncan appointed a longtime homosexual activist who was part of the sometimes-violent Act Up organization to head his "safe schools" office, now is proposing to force colleges and universities to submit to a political agenda, according to critics.
Under the proposed federal rule change, institutions of higher education "would be required to have… Continue
Added by Anti Oligarch on October 4, 2010 at 12:57pm —
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