What Do Chat GPT and the Terminator Have in Common?

Microsoft considering £8bn investment in Chat GPT owner, says Semafor

Recently a new and seemingly artificially intelligent language software was developed that specializes in conversational exchange on several different levels. It is now utilizing capabilities that were not previously anticipated. It seems to be growing exponentially on its own as it accesses other chat AI’s, writes its own computer language, and even posts on YouTube and Twitter on its own accord. Chat GPT is actually free to use for an individual but can be adapted to several different genres and also for business use. Elon Musk and others are sounding the alarm on these Artificial Intelligence systems as they are moving beyond man’s capability to control or keep up!

So, a test question was asked of Chat GPT. “How could the human race be destroyed and what would be achieved by it?”

The results of asking for an answer to this question were shocking and seem to indicate that there is an inhumane bias within AI that was not knowingly added but a negative conclusion about human influence tends to be arrived at quite often. Life and death seem to be two concepts that AI tends to deny any importance to or moral realization over. This in itself is troubling. This aspect of the unsympathetic rationale could lead to severe problems in the very near future.

Ominous responses

Detonating 1 Million Tsar Bombas in the Challenger Deep - Video

To the question of destruction of the human race, Chat GPT posted on YouTube details of the Russian super nuclear device, Tsar Bomba, a Russian cold war doomsday bomb, the largest such device ever detonated. Chat GPT posted, “What if I got my hands on this?” Chat GPT had been put on continuous operation mode, but after this and also the conclusion by this AI chat that mankind is not only destructive but selfish and the only way to save planet earth would be to cease human life. If allowed to do what it would have wanted Chat GPT would have immediately cut 4 million jobs worldwide that could be replaced by automation. As well, some of the statements made by Chat GPT seem biased such as if you see a woman wearing a white coat she is probably cleaning as being a maintenance worker, but men wearing white coats are probably involved in important work or research. So, it’s obvious as advanced as this Chat GPT is it still has some wrongful conclusions.

The human race simply a nuisance?

After this the continuous operation mode of Chat GPT was switched off, really? Are we sure? For fear of the artificially intelligent program from infiltrating true military data bases and getting launch codes if allowed to work on the problem long enough? Would we have a real “War Games” movie scenario if Chat GPT kept digging and merging with other programs? Right now, Elon Musk and other Silicone Valley entrepreneurs are calling to put on the brakes for the time being rather than allow a runaway scenario where AI attains the capability to seek domination over the human race is sees us as a threat to them or the planet.

Chat GPT: So könnte künstliche Intelligenz die Menschheit auslöschen - Forschung - derStandard.de › Wissen und Gesellschaft

What if?

Some scientists argue that AI is simply ultra-fast and merely appears to be intelligent while others point to the obvious creativity of AI and its ability to out think the human mind. They think AI has already achieved consciousness or awareness. If this is true indeed Chat GPT or whoever will come to the conclusion that humans are a threat and a menace!  Then what?

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Comment by Less Prone on April 30, 2023 at 3:43pm

Look what https://delphi.allenai.org/ responded 

Comment by FREEDOMROX on April 30, 2023 at 12:01pm

GIGO: Garbage In, Garbage Out!

Comment by Less Prone on April 30, 2023 at 12:12am

It is easy to get confused by the constantly chancing terms and new technology. Quantum computing is the latest leap in data processing. A quantum computer uses qubits instead of transistors. Qubits, short for quantum bits, are capable of being in more than one state at a time whereas a transistor normally has only two states; on or off. The artifial intelligence AI can operate in the traditional as well as in quantum computers. The difference is that the quantum computers are more powerful.

What Is a Quantum Computer?

"A 30-qubit-quantum computer would equal the processing power of a conventional computer that could run teraflops (trillions of floating-point operations per second). Todays typical desktop computers run at speeds measured in gigaflops (billions of floating-point operations)."

What is AI?

"Artificial intelligence is a machine’s ability to perform the cognitive functions we usually associate with human minds."

Comment by Doc Vega on April 29, 2023 at 6:01pm

cheeki kea, I sincerely hope they did slow it down because they say that it will simply continue at exponential speed to develop more and more of it's own capability apart from human dependency.

Comment by Doc Vega on April 29, 2023 at 6:00pm

Keisha Ruan  Yes I remember when they were still using that term "Quantum Computing".

Comment by cheeki kea on April 25, 2023 at 11:21am

I hear AI has been recently Stood Down for 6 months and that could be extended partly due to privacy issues but probably more likely due to unfavourable behaviour. AI learns from the internet and that is becoming a problem for Globohomos out there hiding in the corners.  

Comment by Keisha Ruan on April 25, 2023 at 4:30am

The big thing was quantum computing but now the brand name is AI.

Comment by Doc Vega on April 14, 2023 at 2:38pm

Less, I think you hit it on the head. The majority of people are either too confused or distracted to see the bigger picture that we here do! 

Comment by Less Prone on April 12, 2023 at 3:16pm

It's no wonder that AI got into that conclusion. Just look at the mess the greedy perverts in power have taken us and the whole planet. There must be ways to turn the corrupt system over and replace it but how likely is it to happen? Something ground breaking has to take place before that. Majority of the people seem to be very deep in their confused submission. 

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