Disturbing Aspect of the Patterson Gimlin Film

The Roger Patterson and Bob Gimlin film taken in 1967 has been one of the most controversial motion pictures ever taken. In just 59 seconds of 16 MM film the world became shocked and amazed! Almost immediately two schools of thought emerged. Either it was a well done hoax with a man in a sophisticated primate suit such as the kind we saw in Planet of the Apes with Charleton Heston and Roddy McDowall, or this would be the first piece of visual proof that man indeed had discovered the “Missing Link” as many called it during the 1930’s, the evolutionary ancestor that evolved from upright walking primate to Homo Sapiens. Of course we know differently today.

First impressions

So, in the film we see what appears to be a large bi-pedal entity covered in hair, having breasts, and clearly showing musculature below the dermal tissue. We also see what appears to be an injury above the knee where apparently a herniated muscle bulges out on the thigh. As the story goes, Roger’s horse reared throwing him off as he attempted to shoot the film. He called for Bob Gimlin to cover him as Roger pursued “Patty” as they have nicknamed the creature. Gimlin unsheathed his lever action rifle in case he needed to protect His partner’s life, but there are questions that hardly anyone has asked and that modern photo analysis has revealed.

Accidental or intentional?

Why was Patty caught out in the open in broad daylight? This is unusual as Sasquatch are known to have keen senses that are superior to humans and are clearly unsurpassed in the night as they have excellent vision in the dark. Why was Patty clearly in the open caught unaware, or was there another reason. In most accidental encounters it will be within the dense forested areas or they are at the foot of a creek momentarily attempting to drink when caught by onlookers? As we have seen in many photos and cell phone footage if they are to be believed, Bigfoot are adept at blending in with their environment and hiding in the shadows behind trees as many frightened witnesses can attest to!

Chilling realization?

The possible and foreboding answer may come as a result of probing the last piece of footage that few people pay attention to as Patty turns to her left and continues on into the shadowy canyon trail leading into a thick overhead canopy of trees casting darkness upon the striding Bigfoot. The last seconds reveal something that may reveal another piece of the puzzle. Remember Patty is walking not running, and by all accounts, Sasquatch are as fast as deer bursting through thicket and saplings that would snag a human being. Did she actually want to be followed? Was Patty a decoy?

Tragic possibility

With digitized film analysis and Artificial Intelligence, a new aspect to the Patterson Gimlin Film has been determined and it’s a good thing Bob Gimlin had been armed! You see Roger in his impulsive pursuit failed to realize, especially with his eyes unable to instantly adjust from the bright afternoon sun to the sudden shadowy domain that he faced and he wisely stopped. What he picked up on film surpassed his limited vision! Apparently there was movement on that dark trail just ahead of the female Sasquatch. There may have been two larger males that awaited whoever was trailing Patty. Was she just the bait! Was this actually an ambush? If Roger Patterson had continued his chase with Bob Gimlin bring up the rear with his rifle would the two men have been jumped and eaten like prey? The vague but visible figures in the darkness of the trail sure weren’t hikers or other hunters. Perhaps Patterson and Gimlin dodged a bullet? As most of us know Roger would later die of cancer leaving Bob Gimlin to tell the story to many audiences of what brought the pair of cowboys to the moment of truth.

Image result for Bob Gimlin

From misfortune to a new career?

Bob has often said that the whole incident initially brought nothing but stress, accusations of a hoax, even threats from the authorities over attempting to perpetrate fraud! Bob, says that his wife threatened to divorce him for pulling such a stunt! However, with the support of researchers like Professor, Jeff Meldrum, who has painstakingly dissected the motion and even the natural appearance of the hair on Patty’s body, it seems the original film and its makers have been exonerated. It is rather frightening to think of what might have happened had Patterson and Gimlin overstepped the boundaries between fascination and safety.

Image result for Coyotes pack attacking domestic dog


As far as animalistic behavior is concerned, there are precedents in the wild kingdom for predators using females as a decoy so as to be able to set up a trap for the pursuer! Coyotes are known to send a female in heat from their pack into a village or neighborhood where they will attract domesticated dogs. The dogs, drawn by the scent of pheromones will follow the female right into a trap. The poor suitor will find himself the victim of a hungry pack of coyotes that will tear him apart. Coyotes are one of the most adaptive wild animals capable of living among the human habitat and being quite successful at it, and even children have been attacked and disappeared in rural communities as a result of their cunning behavior. From cases of gruesome murders that have been committed against hunters in the wilderness, we see evidence of a mysterious predator more human like than we’d like to admit, that science refuses to formally acknowledge.

Image result for Bob Gimlin

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Thanks for your support Les Prone!

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