CIA money behind Wi-Fi Positioning System (WPS)

How amazing would it be if you could walk into McTaco King and order that mid-morning bacon taco meal with Mountain Dew Big Gulp from your mobile device? Just imagine… as you approach the restaurant, a menu pops up on your screen, the phone makes suggestions and helps you super-size your order, before you even set foot in the restaurant!
Is there anything the IPad won't do?

This advertiser’s wet dream is about to become reality, thanks to WPS (Wi-Fi Positioning System) infrastructure pioneered by CIA front company Skyhook (formerly Quarterscope) and currently being implemented by several other intelligence-connected companies, including Google, Apple, and Navizon (which is supplying data to Microsoft).

WPS geolocates wireless network devices using a database of known wireless access points, such as in coffee shops. Since at least 2004, WPS companies like Skyhook and Google have been war-driving for access point data. More about the technical aspects of this later.

How did you conclude that Skyhook is an intelligence front company?

Follow the money.

In 2008 former CIA director George Tenet became Managing Director of Allen & Company, an investment bank that provided funding for Skyhook’s WPS development and Google’s IPO (Initial Public Offering) in 2004, while he was still director of the CIA.

Skyhook was also funded by shadowy investment firm Alliance Capital. Frank Savage, Alliance Capital’s former board chairman, also served on the board of Lockheed Martin and Enron. Alliance was Enron’s largest shareholder.

Regardless of where the seed money came from, you can now buy this WPS data commercially. Intelligence agencies are putting a lot of effort into developing new tracking and identification technologies. Once they turn these technologies loose on society, the corporations exploit them, resulting in even more personal data being exchanged on private networks, which intelligence agencies can snoop on at will with their NSA Internet vacuum cleaners.

What exactly is WPS and how does it work?

Nearly every modern network connected device (phone, computer network card, cable modem, wireless router, bluetooth headset, etc), has a unique number called a MAC address (Media Access Control, not Apple) built in.

Please note that even if a mobile device doesn’t obtain an IP address when connecting to wi-fi, merely conducting a normal SSID (Session ID) scan can result in exchanging MAC addresses with access points. Wireless devices scan for access points automatically, if you leave the default settings, resulting in the mobile obtaining the MAC addres of the access point and potentially revealing its own MAC, depending on the type of scan.

MAC addresses are embedded in beacon frames, which are part of the hardware link between wireless devices. Under exactly what circumstances would MAC address be transmitted by the mobile during a SSID scan, rather than scanning passively? I don’t know, but we’ll put that idea on the back burner for now.

Here is the relevant thing you need to know about them: they are unique and can identify any network connected device, wired or wireless, bluetooth, 802.11, etc. The good news is you can change a device’s MAC address.† The bad news is, that doesn’t really matter because that new number can be immediately correlated with your voice print and other biometric signatures in realtime by the mobile device (see Iphone trojan link below)

WPS is not generally used alone for geolocation. Hybrid systems including GPS and cell triangulation are more commonly used to geolocate. the advantage of adding WPS is that you can be located anywhere there’s a known wi-fi, such as inside buildings. and you can be triangulated more accurately than cell + GPS using a large number of access points. How often have you been in an urban setting and seen 10 or 20 or more access points in the list? If the exact location of those access points are known, they can all be used together to triangulate the mobile more precisely.

So my phone trades MAC addresses with a restaurant’s Wi-Fi. They show me the daily specials. Aren’t there potential benefits to something like this?

Yes, there are many potential benefits to advertisers, law enforcement, and intelligence agencies who want to track masses of people. WPS is going to dovetail beautifully with the NSA’s Main Core and Apple’s new biometric Iphone trojan.

The only potential benefit to you is that you will not have to speak to the person behind the counter and your latté will be ready faster.

Intelligence agencies and DARPA are creating an AI surveillance cloud right before our eyes. Don’t think that because you don’t have an Iphone means the 3 people sitting around you haven’t had their trojans activated to identify your voice print and snoop on your conversation.

We already know how this ends. You better not be reading either or you’re going on their shit list!


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Comment by Robert Carobene on September 10, 2010 at 10:48am
We one day will have a chip in us and it will read out brain waves and know what we want before we even are aware of it. Technology well secret Technology is 30 years ahead of what we have now.
Comment by Joshua Geyer on September 10, 2010 at 10:36am
thats why im a huge fan of open-source, community driven tech. you build it yourself, you learn how it works, and you make it do as you see fit.

its much more secure than naively trusting manufacturers to have your best interests at heart.
Comment by Tara on September 8, 2010 at 12:35pm
Wow, unbelievable is all I can say! Talk about technology being used against us....geesh! There are already coupons retailers can scan off of cell phones so I guess this all falls in line with the surveillance state that is being set up all around us. Unfortunately for those that are addicted to the convenience of what these gidgets and gadgets do can not see the bigger picture or choose not to.

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