
We stand at a unique time in our history, the rise of the internet and computer technology have contributed to an unparalleled rate of prosperity for the First World.

We have created for ourselves and empire unlike any other, a global network of constant trade and communication, a new age of technological advancement. We have come a long way from our humble roots in the Industrial Revolution and the days of Manifest Destiny. We are now pioneers on new digital frontiers expanding our domain from the quantum world to the far reaches of space.

And yet, the empire faces a crisis, a global recession, growing poverty, rampant violence, corruption in politics, and threats to personal freedom. As it was before in other times of crisis, the old stories have begun to repeat themselves. The half truths, this time repeated nightly on cable news and echoed through a series of tubes onto the internet: the empire is strong, change is unwise, business as usual is the answer. In times of uncertainty there are those who seek to add to the confusion, to prey on our insecurities and fears. Those who would seek to keep us divided for their own gain. The pervasive strategy takes many very convincing forms: Liberals and Conservatives, Christians and Muslims, Black and White, Saved and sinner.

But something unexpected is happening. We have begun telling each other our own stories. Sharing our lives, our hopes, our dreams, our demons. Every second, day in day out, into all hours of the night the nitty gritty details of life on this earth are streaming around the world. As we see the lives of others played out in our living rooms we are beginning to understand the consequences of our actions and the error of the old ways. We are questioning the old assumptions that we are made to consume not to create, that the world was made for our taking, that wars are inevitable, that poverty is unavoidable. As we learn more about our global community a fundamental truth has been rediscovered: We are not so different as we may seem. Every human has strengths, weaknesses, and deep emotions. We crave love, love laughter, fear being alone and dream for a better life.

You must create a better life.

You cannot sit on the couch watching television or playing video games, waiting for a revolution. You are the revolution. Every time you decide not to exercise your rights, every time you refuse to hear another view point, every time you ignore the world around you, every time you spend a dollar at a business that doesn't pay a fair wage you are contributing to the oppression of the human body and the repression of the human mind. You have a choice, a choice to take the easy path, the familiar path, to walk willingly into your own submission. Or a choice get up, to go outside and talk to your neighbor, to come together in new forums to create lasting, meaningful change for the human race.

This is our challenge:

A peaceful revolution, a revolution of ideas, a revolution of creation. The twenty-first century enlightenment. A global movement to create a new age of tolerance and understanding, empathy and respect. An age of unfettered technological development. An age of sharing ideas and cooperation. An age of artistic and personal expression. We can choose to use new technology for radical positive change or let it be used against us. We can choose to keep the internet free, keep channels of communication open and dig new tunnels into those places where information is still guarded. Or we can let it all close in around us. As we move in to new digital worlds, we must acknowledge the need for honest information and free expression. We must fight to keep the internet open as a marketplace of ideas where all are seated as equals. We must defend our freedoms from those who would seek to control us. We must fight for those who do not yet have a voice. Keep telling your story. All must be heard.

Views: 132


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Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 6, 2011 at 6:09am
Operation Anonymiss Express Shopping (#OpShopping)
Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 5, 2011 at 5:39pm

We can choose to keep the internet free, keep channels of communication open and dig new tunnels into those places where information is still guarded. (Freedom Box)

Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 5, 2011 at 2:05pm
Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 2, 2011 at 5:50pm
Tara, thank you for the encouragement.
Comment by Tara on March 2, 2011 at 5:30pm

This post left me with such a positive feeling and vibe. It's a good thing to be alive in the here and now! Life truly is what you make of it with all the good, bad and downright ugly.

Thanks so much for posting Nynke!  

Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 2, 2011 at 4:41pm
And some news from the sit-in front: high trees catch much wind. I need to breathe deeply.
Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 2, 2011 at 4:21pm
Yay! Thank you Tara.
Comment by Tara on March 2, 2011 at 10:03am

What words of inspiration and a positive message that this anonymous writer conveyed. There is nothing that we can't do as human beings when we gather our forces together and become communities amongst communities fighting all negative forces that seek to keep us down. Long live love, peace, truth, knowledge, wisdom and freedom! Positive energy trumps all negatives. Each and everyone of us is the change that we seek.

Comment by Nynke Etk Fokma on March 2, 2011 at 4:43am
Thank you. I'll pass your appreciation on, as that is the fuel that keeps us humans going.

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