Was Sabotage or Terrorism used in the Collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge?

Image result for Francis Scott Key Bridge


I know there’s already enough rats in your skull with the state of the US economy and the collapse of so many Blue Cities engineered by woke city governments, but this latest tragedy seems a bit too convenient for the Deep State, foreign or domestic terrorists, perhaps a boat captain texting while not paying attention to ship navigation. Add to this toxic recipe the fact that the Biden administration cut 40% of the funding to tug boat operations in the US while throwing billions at illegal alien incoming by the millions, the borders of NATO countries, the war in Ukraine, or even the Palestinian attacks upon Israel in Gaza. It seems everything else in the world is more important to the federal government than the welfare of its own people

Image result for Francis Scott Key Bridge

Suspect accidents really?

As Dan Bongino has warned over these “Black Swan “events occurring in the US that are set to disrupt the flow of supplies to the public, to the military, and even industry, be advised that officials are now warning of coming shortages as a result of the disaster in just one East Coast port operation of hundreds of ports in the US! Bet you didn’t know that was coming! As we have found in the past in precipitating these calamities, we could have a disgruntled Trans gendered individual, a “Woke” activist trying to punish Americans, or any number of America’s enemies capable of a possible cyber-attack, timed perfectly to cause a power outage aboard a huge container ship traveling at just the right speed to make an anchor drop too little too late so that all would appear to be an accident rather than a pre-meditated act of sabotage!

Ignore the first day’s reports

Bongino, former Secret Service and New York policeman, warns that the initial reports of these events to come must be taken with a grain of salt as they are in, all likelihood, are merely inaccurate cover stories with no real clue as to what really happened! You must read between the lines and remember that in each and every “Blue” Democrat run city, the infrastructure has been intentionally disabled by “Woke” city councils and mayors who allow sanctuary of illegal aliens while punishing the locals, weaken police and sheriff’s departments, allowing the personnel to be inadequately geared for riots, and strict gun laws which don’t stop the armed violent criminal.

Image result for results of bad Democrat policy in America

Is everything in the US collapsing?

So, does a bridge collapse become only symbolic of a collapsing nation in the hands of intentionally bad Democrat policies? It would certainly seem so. Is the tragedy in Baltimore any different? Obviously no! Just as in the I-95 collapse officials are very vague on details and hesitant to attribute possible causes such as acts by terrorists who have found it quite easy to enter our country thanks to the Biden open borders policy! As a matter of fact, known terrorists after being detained have been allowed to magically disappear back into the country without adequate explanation for failure by our ICE over how such idiocy could be allowed to happen! In the days to come you can plan on getting a number of vague versions of events that led up to a container ship being accidentally steered into a bridge pillar when in exactly one minute it would have cleared the bridge, another 5 minutes of tug boat guidance would have pulled the cargo ship beyond any danger to the bridge, and an unexplained delay in first responder action all contributed to the precise timing that would have allowed the wreck of a ship into t key point of a 1.7 mile long bridge that now blocks the harbor and traps all shipments from entering or leaving.

Image result for Francis Scott Key Bridge


Pretty devastating for being just a random event, huh? Some observers have concluded that actions on the ship in question did not seem to be in emergency mode, or was it that a crew of Indian laborers poorly paid simply did not act in a timely manner? Perhaps, the authorities investigating will try to cover all this up or botch the investigation so badly that we’ll never know the true answers, the cause of this unusual maritime navigational failure!  With 10 million illegal aliens in the US thanks to Biden’s open borders policy sabotage and terrorism by our enemies is definitely more of a reality now since so many spies, criminals, and anti-American activists have been embedded inside of the crowd surges trespassing our borders that we can thank the Democrats for.

Image result for of the ship's crew that hit Key Bridge

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Comment by Doc Vega on April 12, 2024 at 2:52pm

Less Prone thanks for the reply. Yes, these events could be very effective at destroying the US supply chain! 

Comment by Burbia on April 1, 2024 at 7:32pm

Wait, the bridge was named after the person who wrote the Black National Anthem? 

Comment by cheeki kea on March 29, 2024 at 8:03am

 Oh Wow Terrorism!/sabotage? Are you sure you want to know more prey tell. Could be a rabbit hole deep as hell for tales to be told and getting weirder and bizarre for just look at the things I've seen so far..... .... https://javed22.blogspot.com/2024/03/lunar-eclipse-bridge-in-baltim... 

Comment by Less Prone on March 28, 2024 at 4:32pm

Perfect for destroying the supply chain. It could well have been intentional.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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