The traditional family unit is a solid foundation of a healthy society. It is the primary place where individuals learn values, social skills, and emotional support. A strong and well-functioning family unit can have a profound impact on the well-being of its members and the community as a whole. But how wrong could this all be when seen by a woke neoliberal progressive?

Destruction of the family unit has long been an important social engineering objective for the usury cabal. We have been seduced into selfish hedonism and divided into quarrelling factions by mass media and education systems turned into machines of indoctrination. By destroying the natural safety nets and empathy the rulers prepare the population for the last big leap, the first global revolution [1]. 

Destroying the Family Unit: Our final moral imperative for Women’s Liberation Through the Destruction of Biological Bonds

The medical doctors and professionals were in key positions in protecting the population against the greatest crime of our time (so far), the release of a genetically modified bioweapon and the poison injections following it. And what did they do? They failed miserably! What is wrong with these people?

Joona Räsänen PhD in University of Turku, a specialist in philosophy and bioethics, ponders if pregnancy should be interpreted as a disease?

Is Pregnancy a Dicease? A Normative Approach

Joona starts his article claiming how pregnancy-related disorders and pain have been downplayed throughout the history of medicine. He goes on describing how the patient visits a doctor due to having an abdominal mass that is increasing in size, causing pain, vomiting and displacement of other internal organs. How horrible? What on earth could it be? Then the patient mentions that she has missed her period, and suddenly these alarming symptoms become trivial. She is pregnant! No shit Sherlock!

[1] The First Global Revolution by Club of Rome

[2] Is Pregnancy a Decease? A Normative Approach

[3] Destroying the family unit

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Comment by Less Prone on May 14, 2024 at 12:11am

Thanks Doc!. This guy thinks he's a smart cookie, but totally fallen under the indoctrination. It is obvious that the population control in one principle behind his writing. Another one is that hedonistic lifestyle where multiple sex partners and promiscuity sounds cool. Add to that the climate change illusions, false feminism and promotion of illegal immigration and you have a perfect NWO dupe.

Comment by Doc Vega on May 12, 2024 at 5:51pm

Less so true to maddeningly true! 

"Destroying the New World Order"



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