Ballot Images – A new way to verify that results are true

It does not take many people to do this in order to expose the vote fraud and eliminate it, doesn't cost anything. Consider doing it.


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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on November 28, 2016 at 10:20am

There is no "America."  Not as We have been indoctrinated, propagandized, and lied to into believing.  BOTH are selected by the corporation, THE UNITED STATES, beholden ONLY to make a profit for the investors (the psychopaths in control).  The idea that Killary was the selected One was pushed in the media, and then They told Us Grump "won."  Voila!  Many think voting "works."  And thinking that, They register to vote.  Registering anything is giving ownership of it to the (king/state/ruler(s)) in exchange for a privilege.  (The root, "regis," means "king...")  In the case of registering to vote, One gives ownership of One's sovereignty, Oneself, to the state for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.  One consent to the rule of the corporation, and to be suree, They don't care if You "vote" or not.  It's the registration They're after.

Comment by Less Prone on November 28, 2016 at 7:02am

All the candidates were preselected by the PTB, but do you really prefer HRC? She's a fast lane to destruction of America. None of them is perfect. Many of the allegations may be just hot air.  HRC is certainly not less corrupt. Trump at least has a sane program

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on November 27, 2016 at 9:20pm

AE, I agree!  If there is any doubt on Grump, see:

Comment by Anti Everything on November 27, 2016 at 9:00pm

Not going to participate in all this CORPORATE' nonsense. Trump is controlled opposition as far as I can see that will do what is best for the UNITED STATES INC. service corporation.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on November 5, 2016 at 2:40pm

Thank You!  [hugs!]

Comment by Less Prone on November 5, 2016 at 2:15pm

Good to have you back Amaterasu.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on November 5, 2016 at 12:34pm

While I agree that it is better to do something than nothing, relinquishing sovereignty and playing into the game seems a poor choice.  Far better, I think, to share awareness of a solution.  That is what I have been doing...  As much as I can, homelessness and poverty not withstanding.  LOL!  Been away for a while because I went homeless and finally got a computer to access the web with.  I will persist in this effort and ask, hope, pray that Others join the efforts!  The more doing so, the faster We get to the tipping point of awareness.  Just saying.  [smile]

Comment by Less Prone on November 5, 2016 at 9:57am

It's better to do something than to let the flow take you down the water fall. This and other seemingly failed actions will work to increase awareness and indignation that are necessary for any meaningful resistance to take form.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on November 5, 2016 at 9:49am

While this may indeed offer a way to validate "votes," it does not help the problem that the puppet masters, the Ones controlling the corporation, THE UNITED STATES, beholden to the investors ONLY, SElect the candidates.  They don't much care who will "win" - They control all Those who We have a "choice" between.  FAR better is to withdraw consent from the system.  Registering to "vote" is relinquishing One's sovereignty, consenting to be ruled by the corporation.  So if You "vote," You are already Theirs.  I offer much on My blog describing a better system to consent to.  And when enough of Us are consenting to a better way of doing things, ways that do NOT promote psychopaths to power as the systems in place now do, We WILL create better for Humanity on this planet.

Comment by MAC on November 5, 2016 at 9:49am

thanks Less

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