35 Things the Ruling Cabal Does Not Want You to Know - Preston James, Ph.D

These are the times when evil rules supreme, deception, lies, abuse, torture, mass murder and blood sacrifice.

Preston James has some interesting points here

1. The United States of America is a Republic

2. The Federal Reserve Bank is a foreign owned private central bank

3. The Internal Revenue Service is incorporated in Puerto Rico and is the private collection agency for the Federal Reserve Bank

4. All wars are pre-arranged by this secret Ruling Cabal

5. This secret Ruling Cabal has existed for hundreds of years and has planned to create a Globalist NWO system located in Jerusalem and is allegedly powered by the mass suffering, death and bloodshed of humans as a “blood-sacrifice” and/or a “soul-sacrifice”

6. Ufo’s are real and are advanced inter-dimensional Anti-Gravity Craft (AGCs) and have been recovered by the American Army Air Corps (now the USAF) after crashing, and have contained alien/ET pilots

7. The secret Shadow Government (SSG) has taken over the majority of these alien/ET treaty issues and has entered into joint programs with these aliens

8. Numerous researchers believe that alien beings have been able to mind-kontrol top SSG

and cabal leaders

9. These researchers believe that individuals cannot become infected with this Cosmic Parasite or demon unless they have been somehow compromised to believe that it is okay to violate the Golden rule

10. Take the very richest men in America and the world, the top Banksters and Industrialists and you can assume that most of these folks were only able to get this massive wealth and power by “selling their souls” to Lucifer

11. If anyone wants to climb the Cabal’s food chain and obtain higher status and position, they must be “players”

12. Top insider Zbigniew Brzezinski has admitted as much that the NWO is failing

13. The cabal and it main stateside agent the SSG has declared a covert war against “we the people”

14. There is a force higher up the Pyramid of Power than the Ruling Cabal run out of the City of London

15. NSA and almost all American intel has allegedly been hijacked by zio Israeli-firsters

16. NSA and other American intel have been providing secret information obtained from wiretaps and other means to the Ruling Cabal to use to blackmail

17. The FBI is basically a cover-up mechanism for the Ruling Cabal

18. About 95% of all the illegal narcotics are trafficked into America authorized by the USG by the CIA or under their protection in joint efforts

19. Numerous experts now claim we live in a police state. No, that is not exactly correct, we live in a Gangster State

20. The CIA has run secret Mind-kontrol experiments and massive psychotronic harassment campaigns against dissenters and whistle-blowers

21. Nationwide, the police have been mind-kontrolled by the deployment of high tech pulsed beam microwave, constant-on shoulder held radio systems

22. Every American Intel agency has had its own execution squad

23. Traditionally anyone disclosing real, documented Ufo secrets or secrets about underground bases or beyond black” space war projects, was quickly “terminated with extreme prejudice”

24. Extensive mass mind-kontrol is now actively being used against the American people

25. Hollywoodism and much of the youth music culture is occult based and run by the Ruling Cabal

26. The Ruling Cabal has engaged in massive efforts to destroy normal male and female sex roles in order to destroy marriage

27. Almost all cell phones contain RFID chips so they can be pinged by satellite

28. Electronic telephones and many Cable TV and Satellite boxes can be used for real time spying by Intel agencies

29. Some video games have embedded mind-kontrol programs that entrain violent mental images

30. It is alleged by insiders that many current vaccines contain DNA or RNA fragments and compounds which are either eugenic population controls or mind-kontrol, or dumbing-down mechanisms

31. The wall street Banksters are making untold Billions off of the mortgage scam through a complex pattern of criminal fraud

32. The BP oil spill and Fukushima are both Cabal staged biological warfare “death star” attacks on humanity

33. The Bankster engineered worldwide debt crises is about to enter its final death spiral at home inside America

34. With the advent of the new populism emerging worldwide and a whole new commitment to truth-telling by various USG, Military, Intel and alphabet agents as well as some fairly high ranking DHS folks, every single deep secret is now getting leaked and exposed

35.The Ruling cabal’s greatest secret is that they are unable to infect and control those Americans who refuse to violate the Golden Rule

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