Image result for illegal aliens

A Message to Illegal Aliens


You’re not my kind

You violated my space when you crossed the line

You’re not my kind

You make it hard for me to unwind

You must think we’re stupid and blind,

Image result for illegal aliens 

Forgive me but when you cross our border

I won’t be standing there with your menu order

If I crossed to your side they would give no quarter

You’re only here to create disorder,

 Image result for illegal aliens

You’re not my kind

Because our politics are misaligned

You’re not my kind

By law you should be prosecuted and fined,

 Image result for illegal aliens

If I invaded your place

I’d be shot or sprayed with mace

What’s up with you all?

Carrying over drugs like fentanyl

 Image result for illegal aliens

You specialize in human trafficking

Leaving your trash and messing up everything

MS-13 pillaging, raping, and killing

Don’t come here saying you’re entitled to anything,

 Image result for illegal aliens

You’re not my kind

You must think we’re deaf dumb and blind

You’re not my kind

No matter what opportunity you think you’ll find,

Image result for Biden invites illegal aliens 

You’re here and trespassing too

Because some installed fool who invited you

We take exception with your Communist views

When it comes to the law you don’t have a clue,

 Image result for Biden invites illegal aliens

Enlistment aged men are your majority

You’re just trying to escape your country’s authority

With your disrespect and your brutality

Take my advice and find another locality,

 Image result for Biden invites illegal aliens

You’re not my kind

Some unlucky day you might find

I might just split the fruit from the rind

You better watch out from your behind,

 Image result for illegal aliens

You’re only human I know

But you’ve made all tensions grow

And the fascist globalists know

Time to put an end to this show!

Image result for illegal aliens

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Comment by Doc Vega on June 4, 2024 at 4:22pm

Less Prone Dude you are exactly right! 

Comment by Less Prone on June 3, 2024 at 4:41pm

That uncontrolled flow of illegal immigrants is part of the plan. It creates chaos and destruction. Work of devil.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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