A World Without Currency can you Imagine?

Now this is all in the really primal stages and completely a ROUGH Draft, BUT we have to start somewhere and work together at creating a system that will function without money,, money is the reason why we war and fight and power and corruption are the end result ... which means humanity suffers the good perish and the evil and bad eggs rule it all .. so we must start somewhere .. 

A Truly FREE World
Let's imagine for a while that we could do anything we wanted (within reason of course).
That we did not have to punch a time clock nor that we had to "earn" money to support a home.
Just imagine the stress free living this would promote.
People can only go for so long just sitting around idle and not contributing to any function of some sort or another.
Even the laziest of the lazy, can only bear being idle for a short period.
One would be highly dumbfounded at how bored  a lazy teenager will get when there is nothing to preoccupy their time with.
Of course, do not get me wrong, most teenagers think of playing games and doing things just for the sake
of ticking someone off..
or violating some golden rule to get a rise out of some older person.
Yes, they do these things just to the kick out of "getting away with it". So let's just say, that no one needs
to earn money anymore. That money is no longer a factor in the world and society as we know it,
and currency is a problem of the past. What would you want to do with your time?
Is there a hobby you may have always wanted to venture at?
Are there any dreams of what you would do or where you might venture if only you didn't have to work every day for 8 hours, 5 days
a week.
People have been conditioned to believe that we all "need" to work.. and earn money to pay taxes and cover costs to live.
The truth is: people do not have to work this much or that hard for that long every day in order for our society
to function and thrive.As a matter of fact; people would be more willing to do things of their own accord at there own pace,
if they could do them on their own time schedule. They would be more productive and willing to work, less likely to "call off"
or "not contribute" or "participate" if they were not mandated to a mandatory set schedule of time at a set worth for a set amount hour a day and days in a year.
People in many countries do not have the demands in the work force that the United States of america has placed
on their people. For good reason; other countries did not make a bargain with the devil and sell their children's
futures into slavery for decades and decades to come.
There has been much research in regard to the stress imposed on people who are demanded to do something opposed
to voluntarily being asked to participate. there is much better contribution when a person is asked
to contribute as opposed to being demanded to preform.
Known fact that stress shortens ones life expectancy.
So if we could have a system without currency and everyone was to contribute by performing an activity that they enjoy doing, as a profession ( but no longer paid for it) as part of their community contribution.
Where they spend their time doing what they enjoy doing without compensation. If they enjoy teaching and instruction then provide the service for no fee but in exchange they are entitle to merits which are good to use for food products and services of sorts.
If they enjoy working with money and finance they would secure a position in a banking field in exchange for merits. Merits would take the place of money but will not give you power or wealth. So long as people are part of a community a home or place to live will be provided no more rent the town people will construct the home for new members. the only items that people would need are consumer items for daily living.
health care is free to those who contribute XX of time per week or per month or per annual to be determined how the scale would work.
no one is to pay taxes, instead a small percent of their money is donated to a community pool to help cover the elderly, disabled and children for their needs.
Since food, shelter, transportation and health are necessities all people should have a home, transportation, food and health care provided to them so long as they are part of a community base.
there will still be laws, but the laws are determined by the people of that community on a majority vote.
there will be districts in each district there will be XXX of communities each community will have XXX of patrons
This is a basic plan
Every community will be structured in the same manner.
In place of banks and financial institutions they will now have merit and moral Programs
There will be Apartment housing for those who need to live in apartment living.
There will be Homes for those who need to live in houses.
There will be Farm type facilities for those who prefer to run and maintain farms.
There will be Water and sewage filtration facilities for each community
There will be Merit/Moral facilities for each community
There will be Food storage facilities for each community
There will be Communication facilities for each community
There will be Transportation facilities for each community
There will be Health care facilities for each community
There will be Utility facilities for each community
There will be Animal care facilities for each community
There will be Recreation facilities for each community
There will be Household supply facilities for each community
There will be Community center for each community
There will be Compliance center for each community

Each community will consist of a

The community will be constructed by the people of the community.
Each community will house XXX amount of people in total
The total number of people per community will not exceed the housing structure for any one community.
people may relocate to another community via an exchange program

Merit and Moral Facilities will handle merit records for each member of the community.

When there are time where someone who usually fills the role of one function who is unable to
fill that role for a time they will have substitutes which will cover for those periods of time
they are not able to function at their position

Merits are earned by contributions to the community. Each member of the community is expected to
contribute X:XX of time per week doing a skill they are qualified to perform or able to perform
Those who can not are taken care of by a percentage of donations this would be perceived as
Tax but is now consider donation of merits.

there will be 3 tiers of skill handlers

labor - physical where people do physical labors of work.
farmers, agriculturists, builders, masons, plumbing, electrical, mechanics. etc
skills - professionals where people provide skills such as
medical care, educational, merit coordination, communications, house supplies, animal supplies, etc.
humanity - skills in the area of child care givers, animal groomers
and care, animal control and safety, public services,
installing cable, repairing outages, receptionists, handlers, or associate types, etc.

Health center will be locate in the heart or center of each community
surrounded by
Major buildings:
religion center - handles all religious needs
Water and sewage - handles the supply of water and sewage for each community
Merit/Moral - which is basically in place of banking will handle the records of
compliance to the merit moral regulations
Food storage - which will supply food items to the community
Communication - which will handle all communication needs
Transportation - which will handle all transportation needs community as well as private
Utility - handles all utility needs for the community
Animal care - handles all animal care needs for the community
Recreation - handles all recreation activities for the community
Household - provides all household needs for the community
Service - which will handle repairs
Community - which will handle meetings and agendas weddings and misc affairs child care facility during day operation with offices to handle other agendas.
Compliance - this building will house those who do not conform to compliance of regulations in any way shape or form

outside of the major buildings will be apartment housing in two or three rows surrounding the major buildings.
outside of the apartment housing will be residential homes 2 or 3 rows of residential homes
in this section will be a few religious centers about 4 in each community they can be shared
for communities which have more diverse religious demands. .
All Communities are encouraged to promote the use of tiny homes where more than one home will fit on a property lot,,
where at all possible, most people live in homes today that far exceed space requirements.
will encircle the apartment section
on the outer ring of the community will be the farming areas huge farms each will have silos and
or warehousing and production of butchering facilities to accommodate the crops and storage
of such produce and food
each community should have a fishery farm
a cattle farm
goats as well as crops etc.

 please comment until your hearts delight ..  need all input and ideas.. this will also be shared on my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Bring-back-our-Constitution-life-lib...

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Comment by linda dagosta on September 7, 2014 at 1:33pm

ok a few people have made some great ideas and comments to me public and privately : here are more thoughts on NO currency SYSTEM I will create another Blog titled: No Currency System: Part II and post this for more thoughts ideas and input  :

I find no offense in your comments or suggestion to finish the work myself, yet I am not qualified either on the creation of a complete entire system my self as I have never been in charge of anymore than 3 people let alone a complete community of people, so there fore structuring the function of one is way beyond my comprehension. I structured this rough draft from thoughts I have been tossing around in my mind over the past month or so and finally decided to put it to paper before even those thoughts were lost  with everyday dealings and stress.

 the idea of basing a system on merit and moral is the end goal is to be central to humanity and survival.  if people are focused not on how much they work and how much they are cut off from earning money to survive then the fear of their freedom is no longer a threat.  merit and moral system is more about how much one contributes to a community in order to meet their final goal which is about survival  s no one would find it to their best interest to try and cheat the system. as they would not gain more power or control by doing so. we will still have a legal system and it will by decided by the entire community as a whole not by one faction of the system. each community will decide the fate of someone who is defiant not a single or separate branch that is removed from the local community. We will take back the old constitution with the original bill of rights .. which ensure  that the people have a check and balance in place and no one person hold more power than another the only thing is  the division of republicans and democrats  the house and senate are no longer needed as each community will be taking care of their own people and their own communities.  handling their own legal issues and tending to their own people  
I believe that money is the corrupting factor in this current system,, and religion is used as it's catalyst..  or controlling factor.. remove the money and still maintain that people may practice whatever religion they choose to  no i do not feel that it will repeat the same cycle it has in the past.  control and power are always going to be a threat but with money in the root core to this current system .. it is just like a real life version of a game of monopoly. play Monopoly with money.. can you.. no not unless you modify the game board and system .. but it can work..
I am not saying my idea is perfect.. I am not capable of foreseeing all flaws in its design this is why i would appreciate insight  from others that may see where I am missing key elements , besides.. in order to a system to work for the people it must be designed  with and by the people it is going to be serving.. not just one person..  that is more like a monarchy  or tyrannical system  when one person designs and calls the shots.. I want to keep our original constitution ,, yet remove money or currency from the system since this is being used to control and manipulate people and ultimately oppress them  There was many considerations to the original constitution.. and i believe that constitution still is designed to work well for our system,, yet too many people have altered that very bill to work against the aims and goals it was set in place to protect..
 we need to turn back and start over without money.. base our lives on moral and merits.. with the ultimate top key element of survival as the priority.  each community is responsible for their own people and the functioning of their system. 
removing money will encourage people to go back to barter and trade. not paying people for working  yet equally allowing them access to the basic needs in order to survive will make it easier to keep and maintain order and ease of living standards.  if they refuse to contribute the merits they get will limit how much they can provide basic daily items they need to maintain .. everyone will be required to contribute but it is not going to be on a pay scale.. it is going to be towards merits in order to obtain essential elements needed to maintain survival..  no one is going to be allowed to earn or work towards more merits than they need. life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.. does not mean king of the mountain and or owning the biggest or bestest of what ever..  it should be more about the quality of life, stress free as possible, healthy .. liberty is the key factor that money robs people of completely.. so remove that and freedom is theirs.. it is theirs at their own pace,, and they can do activities that they enjoy doing..  of course there are concerns like what happens when one community has everyone wanting to teach and no one wants to farm.. things like this  well there is going to have to be 3 types of areas that you want to learn and decide to contribute to at least 1 of those 3 areas  which ever one is open and in need of someone to perform.  there will be a rotation of contribution so that no one group of people are being over worked and a record of hours and time contributed. and a system of merits for contributing  similar to dollars.. but this is only used to obtain life sustaining materials..  such as allotment of food  household items.. similar to money but money is used to buy politicians and positions  merits are only going to be used for supplies and items since more of the political position will no longer be in effect.. no money no taxes .. no one governing how the money is spent and used  no earnings.. 
Like i said I have never run a country have no care to I have only been in charge of a small group of people.. so for me to work through some of these kinks i think input from the people who this system will be working for .. should have input as to what they see and where they see issues  that may present themselves..
  factories are an area i havent gotten into because this is more corporate and this is mostly where money has gotten the world into trouble.. and I need to find someone who is familiar with this  beast in order to tame it down where there is not a foreseeable problem in the future . how ever I know in order to promote future growth  and keep corruption to a minimal we need to focus on technology as well as humanity.. otherwise we loose the balance in order for this plan to survive. 
This change has to be a community effort.. not just a one man show.. if everyone is part of its design and growth then it will have to succeed.. no one person can take the blame..  it is everyones creation.. not one person to blame... this is why the Constitution worked so well because even though one person wrote it down it went through much check and balance  many alterations prior to it being enacted.... people came together for a goal yet money came in and opened the door to power greed and control.. we need to go back to the barter and trading days ..  which kept the balance more realistic.
Comment by linda dagosta on September 5, 2014 at 1:42pm

also the selling of american soil to foreign countries.. think about it soon we will not be allowed to travel on certain highways and turnpikes .. WHY because france and Spain and whoever own them.. even some of our cattle and pig factories are sold off to foreign countries.. once they cut us off from them we will be limited on food sources as well.. they have this agenda and have it well planned. the only way any of us have a chance is to make people realize what they are doing is a way to ensure we can not make a move against them.. so if we don't do something soon we LOOSE if we choose to revolt this will promote and ensight martial law in full force.. there are ways to cut the hand that feeds you without an all out war.. but bottom line is time is running against us all.. and how do you think the national debt where it is ? that is part of the game.. part of a numbers game.. a method to pull the money to  the top and cut it off from going back to the bottom.. so they can do the same thing to us that is happening in GAZA right now.. think people think..

Comment by linda dagosta on September 5, 2014 at 1:32pm

boycott the currency as much as possible..  only live off what you absolutely need start turning towards flex solar  take that 70% away from the electric company..  reduce your fuel consumption  do not drive unless you have to.. hell buy a horse if you can afford to ride one to work.. anything to hurt them where we can .. in the pocket.. think of which resources pull in the most american currency..  i am sure real estate is high up there. stop buying homes buy tiny homes instead convert to solar flex panel for off the grid electric..  or wind mills  or waterfalls. for energy.. every little deed in the right direction is going to help make a dent .. but it needs to happen fairly fast..

we are running out of time.. they are taking over completely  they have moved up their speed on take over rapidly.. thank you Bush for sealing the deal.

Comment by linda dagosta on September 5, 2014 at 1:26pm

ok now we or most of the world is owned by Rothschilds central bank the only 3 that are not part of this NWO are The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:
North Korea

They took over the last Afghanistan Iraq  and then Sudan Libya in the past decade.. they are going after Iran .. since they have most of the controlling wealth  if people do not start taking more action to cripple them in their attempt  to take the last 3 we are doomed to perish.. people need to get everyone on board  asap.. I am not sure how to boycott them completely but i think if we all hit fairly hard where it hurts  everyone will soon see how evil they really are.. and then most if not the entire 99% will be on board.. and that is what we need..

Comment by linda dagosta on September 5, 2014 at 1:16pm

precisely Less Prone.. barter and trade can still be used today if people have some other network of standard like a merit and moral system to enforce in lieu of law and corporate ruling.. as the money goes up but it never comes back down.. and  look into the reason why they call dollars Bills... then the definition of bills for those who wonder why we are slaves.. bills are considered debt why do we pay each other with dollar bills then? because the bills are actually money created against a debt and you are perpetuating the debt further by creating more bills.. this make no sense to me whatsoever other than another way to perpetuate slavery notice how shortly after Lincoln freed the slaves that the entire country was regrouped into slavery once again.. power and control.. the entire world and people in high position is part of this scandalous ordeal..well those who have control.. we need to take back control and boycott money completely.. they came up with bit coins.. but i am not sure i trust that train either....sorry fixed my typo.. there 

Comment by Less Prone on September 5, 2014 at 12:48pm

Money in the current financial system is actually debt which is turning out to be a synonym of death. For me moneyless business is the best business.

Comment by Less Prone on September 4, 2014 at 8:40am

This blog is very interesting and important. How to get free of the money scam that drives individuals, corporations and countries into perpetual debt and in fact debt slavery? We are not as poor as it appears. We have our work force and other things to offer as payment for obtaining something offered by another individual or a group. People are so stuck with money that they have lost their ability to trade. Let's take an example. X has a house that needs to be painted and Y is a painter. People indoctrinated into the money scam normally agree a monetary compensation for the work to be done. However, X may have something Y would accept as payment for his service. It can be some used equipment, food, beverage, or other services like transportation or X's professional talent. Take a look at a group Economic Independence and Cooperation and consider joining. When enough people come together they can form a functioning society that will need little input from outside.

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