EDIT TO ADD:  Note to whoever added this pic:  "The love of money is the root of all evil."  If We remove the soil in which the root grows, it cannot flourish. This quote was made from inside the scarcity paradigm, and as such does not reflect the options and expectations of the abundance paradigm.

I want to talk to all You revolutionaries.  You, who now are looking around You and thinking this is not how it should be.  You who, regardless of who You blame for the problems of this planet, know that something is about to break.

Maybe You are tucking food and ammunition away, preparing.  Most likely You are just going about Your day, watching the web, and saying, “We have to do something.”

Something is VERY wrong with the picture.

I watch as this solution to that problem is suggested – and yeah, maybe that might bandaid that problem – but there are other symptoms that crop up, and then We, to mix metaphors, have to put that fire out.  Quick!  What size bandaid do We need, and what shape, what contour?  And underlying virtually all of these sores in Our society, diverse as it is, on this planet I see a common infection.

Point blank, the infection that drains Humans of creative – and yes, loving – behavior is the need for money.  I see People behave badly in so many ways, trying to find ways to enhance Their money.  Most don’t, as a rule, making do but maybe contemplating what it would be like if They robbed a bank and got away with it.  What would They do with all that money?

So not only do We have to come up with bandaids, We have to be able to afford them – which leads to wrong sized bandaids, or no bandaid at all.  And within this the need for money, We have a very few on this planet sucking Us for all We are worth.  Add to that there is evidence that They also are not interested in the global welfare of Humanity.

So…  Let’s take a look at money.  Is there a way to eliminate the need for it?

Let’s ask the question, what function does money play in Our social interaction?  Surely We measure “success” by the quantity One can accumulate of it.  Its main function, however, is to allow Us to conveniently move the products of Human and “external” energy between Us.

Human energy is used in services, in labor, and in what I call documenting – dealing with red tape, creating receipts, keeping books, accounting for this currency.  “External” energy is, of course, all the other sources of energy:  coal, gas, oil, wood, etc.

This makes sense if You think of the first hunter, gatherer, fisher, farmer, miner, builder…  In each case, Human energy is put forth in a meaningful way and the product represents that energy, with the meaning giving it value.  Everything They used was free – the bows, the baskets, the rods, the seeds and soil and sun and rain, the picks – were created with free stuff through Human energy meaningfully expended so as to collect the free goods (with more meaningful energy expended).

Because the product of meaningful energy expended was scarce, compared to all One might want to accomplish, We placed the value We did on what We produced.  Out of this grew the exchange of the products – whether services or tangible.  From this We can see that 100% of the cost of anything is the cost of energy, whether Human or “external.”

When trade and barter became too cumbersome, tokens began being used, and more convenient tokens were devised as time went on.  Shells, beads, coins, bills, checks, electronic funds – all tokens of this meaningful energy expended.

Throughout the history We have on this planet, there has been the presumption that energy is scarce.  This has affected the way in which Our society has grown.  For instance, when Humans began to be used as the energy source along the assembly line, the “work ethic” sprouted up to keep Us believing that a handful of tokens was Our just due for doing Our duty to the system, keeping it going.  In fact, We have become slaves of this system.

Until recently, the energy scarcity has been a yoke on Humanity, in the form of money, and the symptoms of wearing that yoke are many.  Poverty and privilege, oppression, wage/debt slavery, greed, a banking system that is out of control, and war profiteering.  With accumulations of money comes power – in fact, power over Others is merely another form of money, leading Us to the equation, money=power=energy.

Now, for the first time in Our given history, We have access to the energy pool We swim in – the so-called “Dark” Energy, also called zero point energy, radiant energy (Tesla), orgone (Reich), “vacuum” energy, plenum energy, and other such names.  The methods of extracting this energy, however, have been hidden and suppressed.

Because the power “elite” know Their power depends on energy scarcity – which begs for a system to account for it, and thus money (and thus power over Others) – They hide any technologies that offer free energy.  If we had free energy flowing, the cost of things would be vastly cheaper as the cost of “external” energy is removed all down the production line.

Another development We are just now seeing is the great advancement in robotics.  We are at the point where all necessary work no One WANTS to do can be done by robot.  If free energy took the bulk of the cost of things away, making robots affordable, and We built robots for all the necessary work no One WANTS to do (or not enough People), We can remove the cost of Human energy – and this will make everything…free.

So, yes.  We CAN get rid of the NEED for exchange (trade, barter, money...)

We Humans will readily do things We WANT to do for merely the social currency it brings Us:  appreciation, thanks, lauds, fame, recognition, attention, and Self-satisfaction.

And so…  Rather than Us dividing on the issues of what bandaid in what shape, size and contour We should be placing on what societal sore, I call for a solidarity in doing all We can to strip the “elite” of Their power over Others – by working to release free energy extraction methods from secrecy, and building robots.  Yes, indeed, We CAN get rid of the NEED for money.

Let’s break out of the old paradigm and institute simple societal seeds for a healthy society to emerge from.

For more detail please see:

1.  The Foundation:  http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/the-end-of-entropy-a-look-at-our-entropic-world-and-the-evidence

2.  Governance:  http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/stigmergic-governance-via-the-web

3.  A Plan:  http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/t-a-p-you-re-it

4.  Another approach:  http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/if-you-control-the-gold-and-money-is-tied-to-gold-you-control-the

5.  Info about one hidden free energy method:  http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/electrogravitics-a-simplified-description

6. The Ethical Planetarian:  http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/the-ethical-planetarian-party-platform


Let Us go a new direction on this planet and solve all issues related to money – which is at least 98% of the problems We see.  First step:  Spread awareness of this solution to the tipping point.

The root of all evil is the LOVE of money.  Remove the soil in which the root grows...


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Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 4, 2013 at 11:55am

WHY must We see nationalism as the be-all, end-all?  The problem is a PLANETARY one.  And parties are designed to divide to conquer.

In reading Your comment, it is clear You have not read the links I provide.  We can lead Ourselves.  In abundance - which this planet has enormously - We all may choose to follow Our bliss.

The enlightened Human sees that We are at a unique point in Human history where Our work can be Our bliss and not pumping energy into a Human system that calls for Us to subordinate Our bliss to the needs of a system.  THAT is freedom.  THAT is wealth.

"Sustainability" emerges when We have no profit motive.  Without profit motive, We will solve problems the BEST way and not the most profitable, the cheapest, or the easiest.

As for "idleness..."  In a system that does not REQUIRE We divert Our energy to support the system, idleness is a choice.  WE choose how, when and where Our energy is added.  With a Betterment Ethic in place of the slave's work "ethic," enough of Us will choose to input as required to keep things running, better and better.

I do recommend reading the links.  You seem to be stuck in the scarcity paradigm.

Communism is a scarcity paradigm solution; so are socialism and capitalism. We need to go into The Abundance Paradigm!

Comment by ew_keane on March 3, 2013 at 11:53pm

We must subordinate our appetites, our passions and our egotism to the wholeness of the National interests.  That way we will be a realy free people, otherwise anarchy and indiscipline will reign over us under the false mask of freedom. (atrib to Metaxis)

Such is the call to the masses, but for partymen it is a catychism.

Who would volenteer such selflessness? Only the fanatical patriot, the leader of the masses who toil and labor with strong arms and minds against international parasites, and their domestic colaborators!

The new order must have a tribal ideal of communal property, where a chief and his chieftains gather the excess for distribution to the sick workers and warriers, and impose peace upon the manifold classes and tribal bands.

The enlightened man sees that work makes prosperity, and that fuel is the base of all...food for men and beast, and fuel for the machine, that is the wealth!  Money is a veil that none too many see through.

Technocrats saw the truth about sustainablity early in the 20th century.  Their cause cant be overstated


This is a movement of the youth, they may not be blinded too much by liberalism, and reactionary idleness.

Get to it, kids!


Comment by Amaterasu Solar on March 3, 2013 at 9:51pm

Most humble thanks.  I do hope You choose to read the linked articles.  [smile]

Comment by B or D on March 3, 2013 at 7:18pm

I just wanted to say to you Amaterasu Solar, Awsome!!! I wish I could articulate what Is in my mind as well as you have put it into words here. You are so "On Spot" here. Very informative info! THank you so much for being on our side.

B & D

Comment by Bildo on January 10, 2013 at 10:56pm

Oh yeah. That pesky money thing. Always comes first.

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on January 10, 2013 at 10:47pm

T Stirhen:  I fight a planetary evil.  I fight controlMIND (governMENT).  I seek to free ALL Humanity from poverty, starvation, oppression, wage/debt slavery, war profiteering (and thereby from WAR).  The solution is planetary.  And those who would move beyond nationalism and patriotism are the REVOLUTIONARIES I address.

Bildo, sadly, the important Tesla tech went with the FBI when They scooped up His papers upon His death.  So...  No, We're not allowed to by virtue of suppression and "national security..."  (Yeah, as the controlMIND is a corporation, it is in the interest of the corporation to keep free energy out of the hands of the public, since the removal of the need for money also removes the purpose of any corporation.)

Comment by Bildo on January 10, 2013 at 10:24pm

There's got to be a way to be able to use the Tesla tech. Are we not allowed to?

Comment by T Stirhen on January 10, 2013 at 9:17pm

Pleae do not call it a "revolution", or those who are DEFENDING our legitimate government from domsetic enemies and treasonous "representatives", "revolutionaries".

The appropriate word instead of the one coined by those domestic enemies within the federal government is "DEFEND", or "DEFENSE", or "DEFENDING", or even "DEFENDED".

Words do matter, they shape opinions. That is why the military isists that "bombing or blasting a city to bits" be called "liberating" or "air support"; because it gives the minds eye a "nicer" picture.

Comment by John Boyd on January 10, 2013 at 5:41pm

"Tesla had it right"...................

Comment by Amaterasu Solar on January 8, 2013 at 4:37pm

I suspect that leaks that are springing now will begin to gush.  The toadies never realized the intimate relationship between money and energy, never saw that They could live as richly (or richer!) as They do now and be TOADY TO NO ONE if They released the information They presently hide.  That seems to be My job to make Them aware...

I am guessing it won't be much longer before We have free energy.

5-10 years from the point the tech is released.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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