Breaking: FBI in Hutaree Standoff? - Plus Hutaree militia Federal Indictment PDF militia


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Video: Michigan-based Christian militia group raided by the FBI ove...

Video Local News on Hutaree militia Federal Indictment

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The Strange Case of Kristopher Sickles and the Hutaree Militia

ADRIAN, Mich. (WXYZ) - Law enforcement officials may have found the last suspect in the "Hutaree" case.


Sources tell Action News that the FBI is involved in a standoff in North Adams Village, about 30 miles from the site of Saturday's raid in Adrian. They are believed to be looking for Josh Stone, the son of the group leader David Stone.

The younger Stone has been on the run since the raid. So far the FBI has not commented on the standoff.

Several members of "Hutaree," a religious militia group based out of Lenawee County, are in court facing federal charges that include conspiracy and attempting to use weapons of mass destruction.

Nine people group members have been charged with a list of federal crimes. Seven of the suspects appeared in court Monday morning to be indicted.

Arrests were made over the weekend after the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Joint Terrorism Task Force took part in raids around Adrian that may be connected to a religious militia group known as "Hutaree."

In a federal indictment, the government says the group is an anti-government, extremist organization that planned war with the United States. It is also alleged that the group wanted to kill members of law enforcement.

Federal charges include Seditious Conspiracy, Attempt to Use Weapons of Mass Destruction, Teaching/Demonstrating Use of Explosive Materials and two counts of Carrying, Using and Posessing a Firearm During and in Relation to a Crime of Violence.

The nine people named in the indictment are as follows:
David Brian Stone, 45
Tina Stone, 44
Joshua Matthew Stone, 21
David Brian Stone, Jr., 19
Joshua Clough, 28
Michael Meeks, 40
Thomas Piatek, 46
Kristopher Sickles, 27
Jacob Ward, 33

The leader of the group is David Stone Sr., and is known by group members as "Captain Hutaree."

His ex-wife, Donna Stone, talked with Action News about Stone.

"He's got a temper. He can get radical. He wants things done his way," Donna Stone told Action News.

Investigators say group members have been meeting regularly to conduct military-style training in order to prepare for war with the government, law enforcement and federal workers.

Brittany Bryant, the woman who is engaged to David Stone Jr. - son of the group's leader, says the group isn't dangerous.

"I don't think they're dangerous. If they wanted to do something they would have already done something," says Brittany Bryant.

The FBI conducted multiple raids throughout Saturday and into Sunday, with one of them centered on a property where known members of the militia live.

Helicopters were spotted in the sky for much of the night Saturday, and agents set up checkpoints throughout the area, including in Sand Creek and Clayton in Lenawee County. Witnesses tell Action News that it was like a small army had descended on the area.

A command center, including two satellite trucks and a radio tower, had been set up at the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department in Ann Arbor. It has since been dismantled.

Sunday, authorities also blocked off roads in Dover Township, while they gathered evidence from a home.

The group's web site shows training videos of men wearing camouflage, carrying rifles, and maneuvering through rough terrain. The site also includes information similar to a manifesto, that says members need to be ready for the Anti-Christ and that Jesus wants members to be ready to defend themselves with the sword.

Authorities are expected to release more information about the investigation early this week.

An official with FBI has also said two people were arrested Saturday in Ohio, and one person was arrested in Illinois.


Docs: Men Planned To Kill Cops, Raid Funeral

9 Suspects Tied To Christian Militia In Midwest

UPDATED: 6:21 pm EDT March 29,2010
g for the Antichrist were charged with conspiring to kill police officers, then kill scores more by attacking a funeral using homemade bombs, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The Michigan-based group, called Hutaree, planned to use the attack on police as a catalyst for a larger uprising against the government, according to newly unsealed court papers. U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said agents moved quickly on the group because its members were planning a violent mission sometime in April.

WATCH:Who Are The Christian Militia 'Hutarees'?

Members of the group, including its leader, David Brian Stone, also known as "Captain Hutaree," were charged following FBI raids over the weekend on locations in Michigan, Ohio and Indiana. Seven people were arraigned in Detroit on Monday, and another one of Stone's sons, Joshua, is being sought.

Stone's ex-wife, Donna Stone, told The Associated Press before the arraignments that her former husband was to blame for pulling her son into the movement. She said David Brian Stone legally adopted her son, David Brian Stone Jr., who is among those indicted.

"It started out as a Christian thing," said Donna Stone, 44. "You go to church. You pray. You take care of your family. I think David started to take it a little too far."

According to the indictment, the group had been meeting and conducting military-style training exercises in the Michigan woods since 2008 to prepare for an impending war with its enemies. Members practiced building and detonating explosives and shooting firearms and built storage bunkers, investigators said.

The group says on its Web site that Hutaree means "Christian warrior" and describes the word as part of a secret language that few are privileged to know. The group quotes several Bible passages and states: "We believe that one day, as prophecy says, there will be an Anti-Christ. ... Jesus wanted us to be ready to defend ourselves using the sword and stay alive using equipment."

The site also features a picture on the site of 17 camouflaged men, all holding large guns, and includes videos of camouflaged men toting guns and running through wooded areas in apparent training exercises. Each wears a patch on his left shoulder that bears a cross and two red spears.

WATCH:FBI Raids Have Militia Group In Spotlight

According to investigators, the Hutaree view local, state, and federal law enforcement personnel as a "brotherhood" and an enemy, and planned to attack them as part of an armed struggle against the U.S. government.

The idea of attacking a police funeral was one of numerous scenarios discussed as ways to go after law enforcement officers, the indictment said. Other scenarios included using a fake 911 call to lure an officer to his or her death, killing an officer after a traffic stop or an attacking the family of a police officer.

Once other officers gathered for a slain officer's funeral, the group planned to detonate homemade bombs at the funeral, killing scores more, according to the indictment.

After the attacks, the group allegedly planned to retreat to "rally points" protected by trip-wired improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, for what they expected would become a violent standoff with law enforcement personnel.

The indictment says members of the group conspired "to levy war against the United States, (and) to oppose by force the authority of the government of the United States."

The charges against the eight include seditious conspiracy, possessing a firearm during a crime of violence, teaching the use of explosives, and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction -- homemade bombs. All seven defendants in court on Monday requested to be represented by the federal defender's office, and a bond hearing is set for Wednesday.

The arrests have dealt "a severe blow to a dangerous organization that today stands accused of conspiring to levy war against the United States," U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Monday.

The raids on the group began over the weekend. FBI agents in Michigan swarmed a rural, wooded property Saturday evening in Adrian, about 70 miles southwest of Detroit. The same night in Hammond, Ind., law enforcement agents flooded a neighborhood, startling workers at a nearby pizzeria. In Ohio, authorities blocked off streets and raided two homes.

Outside Adrian, Heidi Wood, who lives near the property that was raided, said she hears gunshots "all the time" from near two ramshackle trailers that sit side-by-side. On Monday, a long gun leaned against a washing machine that sat in the yard, and on top of a nearby canister was another long gun.

Wood's mother, Phyllis Brugger, who has lived in the area for more than 30 years, said Stone and his family were known as having ties to militia. They would shoot guns and often wore camouflage, she said.

"Everybody knew they were militia," Brugger said. "You don't mess with them."

In Ohio, one of the raids occurred at Bayshore Estates, a well-kept trailer park in Sandusky, a small city on Lake Erie between Toledo and Cleveland. Neighbors said the man taken into custody lived in a trailer on a cul-de-sac with his wife and two young children.

The man's wife, Kelly Sickles, said her husband collected guns as a hobby. Agents searched their home for bomb-making materials, she said, but she couldn't believe her husband, Kristopher Sickles, 27, could be connected to a group that was plotting anything violent.

"He doesn't even know how to make a bomb," she said. "We had no bomb material here."


Barrett reported from Washington. Associated Press Writers David Aguilar and Jeff Karoub in Detroit; Mike Householder in Adrian, Mich.; Rick Callahan and Charles Wilson in Indianapolis; John Seewer in Sandusky, Ohio; and Matt Leingang in Columbus, Ohio, contributed to this story.

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Comment by UnSpy on March 30, 2010 at 3:21am
> Could these people have been egged on by a government spy?
> Would NOT surprise me and I shall remain suspicious. I smell a rat.

Did you know Cass Sunstein claims killing a rat is murder? And this buy is on the short list for the Supreme Court. We're in big trouble here people. Anywho, but the issue at hand. It appears local county sheriffs rolled over and allowed Homeland Security & FBI to run rough shod over their local jurisdictions.Then again, maybe not. Maybe the County Sheriff was in fact working in tandem with Federal Law Enforcement. That has yet to be made clear as the early reports I’ve seen don't say one way or the other. But I can say this should have been handled by the Sheriff's office, for many reasons, here are a few that spring to mind:

1. Constitutional jurisdiction. ie, where in Article 1, Sec. 8 does it say Congress can regulate the crimes these people are suspected of? Frankly, the BATF shouldn’t even exist, and even those federal officers who have a role, such as US Marshals, should have jurisdiction over the few constitutionally authorized federal crimes (ie, counterfeiting) and laws that would be necessary and proper to the exercise of those few, enumerated powers - such as making it illegal to tamper with the mail). Why is possession of any item, including certain firearms, and certain explosive mixes, a federal issue? Didn’t used to be that way, not till the NFA of 1934. Prior to that, there were no such federal crimes, and no such jurisdiction. Interesting to note that the birth of the BATF came out of prohibition, which was made a federal issue only by constitutional amendment (how quaint), and the growth of such federal crimes beyond alcohol coincided with the New Deal, which the Supreme Court upheld by “finding” in the Constitution heretofore unnoticed powers of Congress.

2. State sovereignty. The flip side to the first point of “where’s the power of Congress to reach such actions?”, is that the states are sovereign over all maters not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution. When Congress claims a power to regulate ANYTHING and everything, or any action, then that reserve power and jurisdiction of the states is swallowed up unless the State defends the line of its own sovereignty and it can do that in many ways, first of which is to not cooperate with the feds when they are coming into the state to do things that violate the state’s sovereignty - just tell em they are on their own. Or, by a sheriff saying, “no. State law has jurisdiction on this, and we are arresting them under state law, ourselves (if the alleged act is a crime under state law). Or the sheriff can at the least insist on he and his deputies making the arrests and then turning the scene over to the feds, if warranted (see below for how that would have saved the lives of women and children at Waco). We need to start reasserting that sovereignty, and our states need to step up on that issue.

3. The local sheriff is elected by the people and he and his deputies (and the town and city police) live among the people, and are far less likely to go “Waco” as happened in … well, Waco (where the local Sheriff had no problem at all in previous requests to inspect the Davidians weapons, and could have easily done so once again, with a warrant or likely by simple polite request. And when it came to arresting Koresh, the local sheriff likewise could have done that without bloodshed (such as by simply arresting him while he was out for his routine morning jog. But nooooo, the ATF had to go in for a big dog and pony show, much like this one in Michigan, with helicopters in the sky and guys all suited up in tacticool black with MP-5s at the ready, pouring out of a cattle car. Talk about making rather paranoid people’s worst nightmare come true.

I consider this whole nation VERY lucky that this use of hundreds or perhaps even thousands of federal and state law enforcement just to nab seven people in a military style mass operation did not go south and turn into a firefight or a burnt home. That could have been the spark for a far wider confrontation and some very serious unintended consequences.

Local police are more than capable of handling such arrests and search warrants. And state law is more than capable of regulating the possession of explosives and firearms, if deemed necessary. No doubt making pipe bombs is already illegal in Michigan under state law.

Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 2:20am
"you know many religions are based upon bloodshed and for the most part our humanity rages one against another"

Exactly my point Ya'aKov. We ARE NOT going to be killed by Atheists, we're going to be killed by wars started by religious fanatics that have distorted, twisted and warped the true meaning of religion.
Comment by truth on March 29, 2010 at 11:48pm
Comment by Ya'aKov on March 29, 2010 at 10:55pm
Looks like all of the Plebeians will eventually be Villinized to some degree..
Like R. Hillel stated If not now...When?
Yes when will the Madness stop....not until ALL the commienazisocialmarxists get out of the house called white.
Or the collective states say enough is enough.....

PS Jeff you know many religions are based upon bloodshed and for the most part our humanity rages one against another...The Jews call it the Yetzer harah the evil inclination within(man) for women they are closer to the Divine as they are the womb to bring forth humanity~~much like Chavah / Eve the mother of all living"...and we all Love our virtuous women.
As to Amalek...Some call it toxic waste...never to be redeemed..???
Me on the other hand I generally look for some kind of Intellect and historical foundation...and as well try' to look for a landing pad of conversation with anyone.

I Like something worthy or infallible like 600,000 men 600,000 women..and 1,200,000 elderly and children [ approximately 2-1/2 Million people stood at the base of Has'Sinai and heard the voice of HaShem...Not another religion can claim that. Not any of the thousands of those gone with the dust of time and the hundreds still here.
In my entire Life I have never heard a Jew Sage speak of war,... they know all to well the destruction.
Can't say that with The other group mentioned...there leaders seem to be bent against the great white Satan...Gee Wizzz Go Fig.

As far as I can tell religious wise~They alone teach Shalom One to Another...and trully believe we could go out and repair the world in a generation if we would start now.

SO: Mohammad falls to the ground in what looks like an epileptic fit But after wiping the foam from his mouth states No it was not a fit it was a revelation and now we have a new failed messiah {who incidentally was kicked out of his country] and little known is that one of his wives was a Jewess.

And they hate who...LOL

BTW~~Enjoy your Passover / Pesach
Comment by Jeff on March 29, 2010 at 9:41pm
"This is not about a Christian patriot effort to attack law-enforcement and the government."

How do you know that? ESP?

Maybe it's about a bunch of crazed psychos that believed in the End of Times and were intent on doing things they felt confident would move us along in that direction.

What about those of us that DON'T believe in the End of Times?

We have to die with you? I don't think so.

And I'm not advocating the arrest of these people, but I'm getting closer to it although I'll wait and see how it plays out over the coming months and table my decision for now. I've already seen enough death and destruction and misery in Iraq with our Christian based Crusade there and our troops praying before battle. This nonsense of death for the Lord by both so-called Muslims and so-called Christians needs to stop. Jesus preached non-violence. He was a Pacifist. That's why he died on the cross. He refused to fight back. Mohammed preached the acceptance of all religions but few people have read the Qa'ran. Extremism in both religions is DANGEROUS to us all.

(2,256) Laaa Ikraha fid diin. There is no compulsion in religion.

(109,6) Lakum diinukum wa liya diin. Unto you your religion, and unto me mine.

(16,36) Wa laqad basna fii kulli ummatir rasuulan. We have sent among every people, a Prophet.

The Holy prophet never forced Islam on anyone, including His own beloved uncle, Abu Talib, who refused to recite the Kalama, even though he was very sympathetic to the new faith. Further Waraqa ibn Naufal, a mystic and a first cousin of Hazrat Khadija, told her, right after the first revelation, that her husband is the Prophet. Yet oddly he continued in his faith of Christianity, and refused to accept Islam. But no force was ever applied on him to change his faith.
Comment by Jeff on March 29, 2010 at 9:14pm
I don't think at this point any of us know what they did but from a careful examination of their web site and videos they were complete dorks, and a bit crazed as well.

Of course that in itself doesn't warrant arrest. I'm not an advocate for arresting poorly educated fools.

Still, none of us know at this point why they were arrested. I'm going to go read the original warrant now and at least that should lay out the governments charges and what they intend to prove in court but from what I can see they're going to be proving foolishness.
Comment by Tara on March 29, 2010 at 9:13pm
I in no way was saying that we can not defend ourselves in times where our family and livelihoods are in jeopardy. I'm simply saying that we have no possible way of defending ourselves against the NWO's war machine. They have big tanks, bigger guns, drones and military contractors that are all too happy to kill us in a New York minute. It is what it is!
Comment by Ironsides on March 29, 2010 at 9:11pm
While I started reading this thread, I've been listening to Rick Sanchez. He's an arrogant, mouthy CNN trash-bag like Jack Cafferty. I watched the repetitive video clips as his commentators and Rick rambled on the versions of reports, including the information in these blogs.

One thing I now wonder is if this has all been organized and rehearsed, not by Hutaree, but by the NW dis-Order!

From what I gather of the overall story and the bust, they weren't necessarily organizing an assault in April!--Maybe it's just a good story to run, to justify going after Christians and accuse them of anything which people will eat up.

This is not about a Christian patriot effort to attack law-enforcement and the government. This is an obvious Federal government venture to make Christians look like shit, so the country now mostly Muslims and Atheists will cheer the government on to thoroughly exterminate every Christian. I think this is a more balanced vision of what's happening.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on March 29, 2010 at 8:56pm
Tara- "they have much bigger war machines that will destroy us before we can even begin to raise the almighty weapon of choice! I'm not a defeatist but a realist by the way!" and thats why we're still in Afghanistan fighting goat herders right lol.

Jeff if you can put aside the bible stuff, ask yourself what crime in your mind by your standards have they committed? A "threat" that no one can confirm was ever made or seriously planned? Sedition .... SEDITION?!?!? I mean every member of this site is guilty of heavily disliking the US Gov. Did they find explosives... NO ...WMDS ... NO, the guberment is putting out a lot of nonsense.

Ask your selves what this current government would charge our founding fathers with, just think about it.
Comment by Tara on March 29, 2010 at 8:33pm
Like anything in life we have to use our own discernment to figure what is the truth and what is being fabricated right before our eyes. I am a pacifist by nature but believe in gun rights. I'm a loving person by nature but don't like everybody. What I'm trying to say is there is always two sides to every coin and in this case I'm sure the coins have been tampered with.

I would never join a militia because I believe that most of them have been infiltrated by agents that are trying to incite and inflame the already growing frustrations building up in the hearts and minds of Americans. It's another divide and conquer tactic used by the NWO IMO. I just don't trust too many people anymore and the circle of my friends is now a very small one.

It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out in the future. I don't want a messy civil war but it might be inevitable if we are pushed into it by yet another false flag operation. That is what I believe is happening with these militia stings. There is something lingering in between the lines. Don't believe the hype and plus.....they have much bigger war machines that will destroy us before we can even begin to raise the almighty weapon of choice! I'm not a defeatist but a realist by the way!

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