Caravan Response Highlights Extent Of Progressive Hypocrisy

So many illegals are pouring over the border that Immigration Services are releasing the throngs onto American streets.

Local authorities are being asked to assist in the care of these undocumented transients.

But shouldn't enlightened progressives be outraged at this policy request?

They, after all, tossed conniptions at Sheriff Joe Arpaio taking it upon himself to enforce federal laws that were not.

The vigilante patriots of the Minute Man Project were condemned for doing nothing more than monitoring the border and reporting violations to law enforcement.

Activists are lamenting that the holding area for the horde of illegals swarming over the border resembles a concentration camp.

But unlike the case of the historical facilities alluded to, no one was forced into the ones the United States is accused of administering in this instance.

No goons banged down the doors of these people and dragged them here.

How many making these complaints are going to grant these migrants shelter in the gated communities from whence those making these sorts of allegations usually ensconce themselves with luxuries they would deny those deemed less enlightened in terms of espoused ideology?

By Frederick Meekins

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Comment by Sweettina2 on April 1, 2019 at 5:31pm

The American taxpayers, especially single mothers, do all they can to keep a roof over their heads and food to it. She is FORCED to pay taxes to give to these caravan armies of men, it's bullshit!

They are beckoning the call of Hillary and Soros to destroy this place. They promised them jobs, free stuff. They should be tried and hung for treason.

I pray Trump puts military along the borders to blow their bits back to where they came from. 

"Destroying the New World Order"



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