Democracy – Dictionary of the Great Deception

A lofty ideal where the will of the people is reflected in the actions of their representatives fairly and truthfully elected by the people according to their promises. The ideal of democracy has been promoted as something more sophisticated and beneficial to the people until finally accepted in countries originally founded as republics. The masses are manipulated by the mass media with a constant barrage of misleading information and lies, following the principles of Edward Bernays' Propaganda and Social Engineering.

Unfortunately this is just an illusion where, first of all the candidates either lie or have no power to keep their promises. In fact they often base their delusional, unpatriotic decisions in agendas force fed to them by the real power behind the scenes. Also the chosen representatives very often vote against their supposed principles under pressure from the party or their sponsors.

Second, the elections are often rigged to keep out those who might challence the corrupt governance. Those who manage the vote counting decide who will pass and who will fail. The rigged elections are more and more common these days as the ridiculous and harmful nature of the governance becomes icreasingly obvious with patriots gathering more support and rising as a threat to the establishment.

Third, the representatives have conflict of interest or are bribed by their sponsors. They make their decisions to maximise their own wealth in expense of the well-being of the people and prosperity of the nation. Many countries have seen their public debt rapidly soaring to record levels when traitorous poiliticians get the power and spend without control, leaking the money to their sponsors and other operatives and organizations of the same ilk.

Fourth, the representatives have embarrassing or condemning secrets in the hands of their controllers – documents, photos or videos - thus becoming controllable puppets. This may include financial crimes, pedophilia, rape, illegal drugs, abuse and murder, or anything that has them firmly hooked by the will of their handlers. This kind of information is actively gathered and created by the establishment by trapping and filming the candidates in condemning situations by intelligence operatives like Jeffrey Eppstein and such.

Finally, in case a contrarian candidate passes the election process and starts to expose the corruption and dishonesty of the system they can be eliminated by political assassination often framed as suicides, accidents or apparently unrelated violent crime. A slow poisoning and planting a decease or cancer are also used when an immediate elimination is not expedient.

Examples of the political assassination, also known as wet jobs in the intelligence circles, are plentiful and those questioning the resulting rigged investigations of such crimes are ignored in the news or presented as conspiracy theorists and mentally deranged. Anyone who opposes the policies leading into the great reset as promoted by the World Economic Forum WEF is being sidelined or eliminated.

Prime examples of such intelligence operations are; John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Louis T. McFadden, Joseph McCarthy, Larry McDonald, Frank Zappa, Bob Marley, Nancy Schaefer, and over a hundred wictims listed in the Clinton body count. The list goes on and on.

This is called democracy.

Less Prone's Dictionary of the Great Deception

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Comment by Less Prone on July 9, 2023 at 4:16am

The American democrats seem to believe the true democracy means that the democratic party, not republigans, are in power. Similar thinking is chracteristic to most left leaning governments. Therefore, the rule of left leaning democrats appears more like socialism and only one step from communism. It is a one party totalitarian rule that scoffes at the public opinion as populism. It is a total antithesis of what people normally think.

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