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Bill Clinton Supports The 100 Year Starship Project

MessageToEagle.com - Former president Bill Clinton is supporting the 100-Year Starship initiative,…See More

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What Gives you Solace in Troubled times we live in? Post music vid,...

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TSA agent admits detaining people is not really about airline safety http://t.co/nQc4pJMI

American Democracy — The Funeral - Abusive comments will be deleted. Once again the interests of Israel take pride o... http://t.co/WlxvxXSt

Corporations Own Politicians | Weapons of Mass Distraction - While the Mainstream Media swooned over President Obama... http://t.co/dOTLqo01

Globalist Plan to Downsize Americans into Jail Cell Like Homes http://t.co/ddGAMXK2

Israel Assassination Attempt on General Dempsey in Afghanistan http://t.co/kWtoMnlj

Cop Hits Dog With Patrol Car, Beats It To Death With Baton & Stomps Its Brains Out http://t.co/VbDwIX4w

U.N. Report Advocates Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds - U.N. Report Advocates Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-O... http://t.co/Lf6reRK5

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Aurora theater shooting: Bizarre court filing blames massacre on police chief, Illuminati http://t.co/Qj7jr7VY

Undercover Police Provocateurs Caught Red Handed in Houston Occupy Protest http://t.co/hAwQnRQP

And the rivers became as blood...Yangtze River in China Turns Red and Turns Up a Mystery Just after massive earthquake http://t.co/TVMXwrLp

The Hong Kong government has backed down over plans to make schoolchildren take Chinese"patriotism" classes http://t.co/4ww42TeT

Earthquakes shake south-west China' http://t.co/EDQ7l5jJ

Obama campaign brags about its persecution of whistleblowers: http://t.co/rC1yCQgn

Timeline of the Rothschild Family: http://t.co/aZKOi8FV

GARY JOHNSON The Elephants and Donkeys deserve the BIRD - Both parties are indistinguishable from one another. Both ... http://t.co/9jLBN37q

Social Conformity: The Bystander Effect: http://t.co/VxTJoGHI

Are We Entering A New Era of Human Consciousness -- Or Will We Remain In The Same Negative Paradigm? The Choice is O... http://t.co/4UE7g0fY

Economy Stagnates - 8.1% unemployment! Yeah Right!!! - SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!! NewsEconomy Stagnates - 8.1% unemploym... http://t.co/6EWzkiVD

Venezuela Holds U.S. Vessel And Crew On Suspicion Of Arms Trafficking: http://t.co/tbhzNO7I

Taibbi: Greed and Debt - The True Story of Romney and Bain Capital. http://t.co/uuQb09L2

MUSICWARS Radio | Music for the Movement | Songs for the Protests: http://t.co/MjmIJHat

A Girl's Message To All Christians - A Girl's Message To All Christians iEmanuella's Channel: http://t.co/9J3TC05M... http://t.co/d6PauojE

Condoleezza Rice Confronted on Bilderberg - Share your videos with friends, family, and the world http://t.co/TLbjddkw

FED SET TO PUMP: Jobs growth brakes in August, seen forcing Fed's hand http://t.co/T4lk7ZDh

Amidst Boos And Multiple Votes, DNC Reverses Position And Reinstates Jerusalem http://t.co/1aclccji

9/11 J’accuse: Zelikow, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, and O’Brien - by Jim Fetzer As the founder of Scholars for 9/11... http://t.co/rnC57buw

Cordite Country Living - larger image Cordite Country Living $25.00 Cordite Country Living is a 4 cd set of over a y... http://t.co/6uKqee2P

DNC March to expose the Democratic hypocrisy regarding their corporate sponsors http://t.co/sgD8LK5P

Libertarian Prez Candidate Gary Johnson's Speech At PAUL Fest http://t.co/2eEwjkqb

Assange: Sweden May Drop Case due to an unusual world occurrence that we can’t predict http://t.co/63vw2VoK

BOLE: The Effect of Not Doing - When We Don't Take Action - Our actions shape our lives, but what we don't take acti... http://t.co/Lq10Ahnf

The Complete and Undeniable Truth - Larken Rose - Can you handle it? The speech in this video is an excerpt of the n... http://t.co/7lrWRYIT

Letting illegal immigrants get driver's licenses makes sense http://t.co/pSXKIaFo

Veteran John Penley arrested at Manning March in Charlotte: http://t.co/rn3B0xaF

Tacoma delegate to Democratic National Convention went to school with Obama http://t.co/vTysAiQc

Conspiracy Theory - Season 2: http://t.co/QY9dc6Y8

Reality Check: 1 on 1 With President Obama, How Does He Justify A Kill List? http://t.co/vE4K6KeN

Breakdown: Three Tons of Food Looted From Grocery Stores In Spain As Millions Struggle: http://t.co/pIYTGmvV

Both Parties are Lying about the Economy - SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS!!! NewsMark MathenySeptember 5, 2012WE'RE HIT!!! TELE... http://t.co/KjHESmBZ

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Burbia commented on Burbia's video

InfoWars reporter Jamie White ‘brutally murdered’ near Austin residential area, outlet says

"Yeah, when his company was being auctioned off, why wasn't the starting bid 100 million?"
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Less Prone commented on Doc Vega's blog post What Would Have Happened to the US Had Harris Been Elected?
"It's too terrible to even contemplate. Kamala the president of the USA."
3 hours ago
GeneralCarlosQ17's blog post was featured

Reuters was paid millions of dollars by the US government for “large scale social deception”

Reuters was paid millions of dollars by the US government for “large scale social deception”. That…See More
3 hours ago
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3 hours ago
Less Prone commented on tjdavis's blog post The Strobe Method
"Sound like another CIA project."
3 hours ago
Less Prone favorited rlionhearted_3's photo
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Less Prone commented on rlionhearted_3's photo

On the beach in Ireland!!!

"It kind of makes sense, on the beach. Maximizing the sun tan surface area. But is it worth it?"
3 hours ago
Less Prone favorited Doc Vega's blog post Disturbing Aspect of the Patterson Gimlin Film
3 hours ago
cheeki kea commented on tjdavis's video

Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up

"Video not always showing on you tube according to comment section. I can't see it anyways but…"
19 hours ago
Doc Vega posted a blog post
20 hours ago
tjdavis posted a blog post
Doc Vega favorited Burbia's video
Doc Vega commented on Burbia's video

InfoWars reporter Jamie White ‘brutally murdered’ near Austin residential area, outlet says

"Gosh do you think the Deep State was sending Alex a message? These bastards!"
Doc Vega commented on tjdavis's video

Route 91: Uncovering the Cover Up

"The lying bastards never covered one aspect of the shooter who was in bad health and couldn't…"
Doc Vega favorited tjdavis's video
cheeki kea commented on cheeki kea's photo

furniture fail.

"Yip most folks here believe Trudeau the clown attempted to undertake a Whakapohane and failed…"
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