France is boiling over, a thug killed by police fuels devastation

Search the internet for "race war" and get lots of links into "news" about white terrorists who are fomenting a war, a race war. The link here is a rare piece of common sense. The masses burning and looting are all but white. It's the same on both sides of the Atlantic. A small time criminal and violent thug drug addict was lifted into sainthood by the BLM and used to fuel devastation and death on the streets. The same is happening in France right now. But is it really a race war or just an expression of the frustration of the downtrodden? What do you think those asylum seekers coming from war torn middle east and Africa think about the western "coalition" that has murdered their countrymen, family members and devastated their country. That "coalition" mostly coming from a one country, has a white face. Therefore the demonstrators loath white people. It is war against the white, a race war.

"Though the riots center around the suburb of Nanterre, the entire city is on fire, in what can no longer be called “riots.” The immigrants are killing cops and seizing their weapons. This is now a war."




France Has Fallen: 17-year-old “Victim” was Gangbanger with 15-Count Rap Sheet and History of Running Police Stops

French Authorities Heavily Outnumbered While the Pillaging and Burning of France Continues for the Fifth Day in a Row

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Comment by Less Prone on July 9, 2023 at 3:24pm
Comment by Less Prone on July 9, 2023 at 11:45am
Comment by steve on July 8, 2023 at 5:17pm

Here is some of the beauty made by the CREATOR that those nasty ugly ear curl  spawn of satan want to invert/destroy/pollute with the genes of  low I Q third world savages and that's why ONLY WHITE countries are being "dieversified".


Comment by Less Prone on July 8, 2023 at 4:07pm

If this is the end of Europe, it is good. Because the rot of multicultural enrichement has not completely reached all areas. There will be wars and many will die before the Talmudic order will emerge. But will it succeed or will it fail, depends on the gullibility of the people on each side of the batlle.

Comment by cheeki kea on July 8, 2023 at 6:13am

It makes one wonder who's next. I think more than a few others could be on the blink of being finished. Let the situation be a lesson to all there. Caution calls. 

Comment by Less Prone on July 4, 2023 at 12:55pm

Marine LePen's speech in French, add subtitles in English

Comment by Less Prone on July 4, 2023 at 12:38pm

Marine LePen’s Impassioned Plea in the Dark Shadow of the WEF

An article posted on July 3, 2023 has been blocked, but you can still find it in the way back machine. There are certain things that the perverted and corrupt "elite" does not want us to talk about. 

The cencored article in the Independent Sentinel  - blocked

Same article in the way back machine

and here...

The riots in France should be terrifying to Americans and to everyone in the West. Please notice that it alarmingly resembles what’s happening in the United States and other Western nations. It is the result of a hardcore leftist ideology. The Islamists may be the one’s rioting, but it is the left that is encouraging them, mollifying them, and telling them they’re victims and correct in their actions.

Why are they doing this? Because they believe The Great Reset is what is needed. They are firm believers in a global government. The only way they get to this feudal state is to destroy the systems of the various nations. To destroy sovereignty and law and order is to open a gate for tyranny far worse than any the West has ever experienced.

Ask yourself why this is happening throughout the West and examine what the World Economic Forum has predicted and mandated of their disciples.

AN IMPASSIONED PLEA FROM MARINE LE PEN (videos at the end with subtitles)
Marine Le Pen gave an impassioned plea to the nation to quell the “endemic state of disorder, violence, and destruction in the country, whose images and echoes are freezing with brutality in a nation that respects itself.”

“No reason, even dramatic, even emotional, can legitimize an anarchy that wants to settle scores. Attacks on people and goods, attacks on police and firefighters, massacres in town halls, school fires, or store robberies”…

The hardcore, ideological left has been very much part of these riots. They have encouraged and incited this rebellion. Marine Le Pen addresses that issue.
“Politicians or politicized unions who have taken the responsibility to morally exonerate these criminal acts even when they are overwhelmed by the insensitive movement of violence they have encouraged or even initiated, are themselves out of the republican field. They will take an indelible responsibility before the nation and history. I call on all citizens to challenge these anti-republican and extremist forces who, by their indirect calls to secession and their connivance and violence, lead the country on a terrible path of disorder.

“The recurring violence of years are now at levels never reached and now affects, from the smallest to the center of the big cities, including the heart of the capital. These terrible events bring our leadership back to reality, which the drunkenness of a solitary power and of crazy ideological constructions, especially in terms of immigration and your judicial laxity, had made them lose their sight.

The hordes of people with unlike values as we see in the United States is one of the plans of the globalists in the WEF and their allies in the other global organizations they’ve united with, such as the World Bank, the WHO, IMF, and so on. They’re even multiplying as we speak.

LePen Continues
“The prosperity of a people, as well as social cohesion, do not require an imminent grace, but for any nation, and attention of every moment, the fight of every day.

“Our country is entering a period of uncertainty and anxiety. As the leader of the first opposition force, I intend to stick to the line of conduct that is ours, to do nothing that can prevent or hinder the action of the legitimate authorities in charge of public order. I bring all my support to all the security forces deployed to stop these riots.

“On my part, I call on the cessation of violence in this, either by spontaneous intervention. like these admirable parents of courage and civility who will look for their children dragged into destructive madness, or as soon as it is necessary, by the legitimate force of law and justice.

“Faced with hordes taken by a destructive rage, there is no other immediate solution than the return to republican order…and if the situation should persist or worsen, by declaring a state of emergency.

“It is essential that all the forces of this state, often dispersed abroad or in subordinate actions, focus on the internal situation of a country that, throughout its history, has been able to overcome the forces of enslavement….”

LePen calls for the army if necessary and asks President Macron to bring together the National Assembly to come to a solution.

The problem is that President Macron is a disciple of the World Economic Forum (WEF), and they have predicted these riots and encouraged them through their disciples like Macron, who is currently doing too little to stop them. The WEF needs disorder and anarchy to put their feudal state in place. Watch the clip:

Comment by Less Prone on July 2, 2023 at 5:37am

France: Fifth night of chaos, clashes and tear gas

"Nahel was shot after refusing to stop for a traffic check and died after emergency services were on the scene. A video, shared online in the hours following Nahel's death, showed two police officers trying to stop the vehicle and one aiming his weapon at the driver.

The agent who fired the deadly shot has since been charged with voluntary manslaughter and apologized to the family. His lawyer said he was devastated."

The police officer has guilt pangs for doing his duty. Ask the looters if they have such feelings. How many police officers have diet sofar in this uprising? These are the kind of people the builders of Europe are handing over their lands. Bringing third world people into Europe and letting them take over is a sure recipe for failure.

Comment by Less Prone on July 2, 2023 at 5:19am

Sporadic violence in France for fifth night of rioting as police tear gas protesters in Marseille, with drones deployed in Paris suburbs

The future of Europe is there, in plain sight. This is going to spread all over Europe in the coming years. Where are those famous "white terrorists" in this picture? Finis Franca, Finis Germania, Finis Europa. Try to organize and form some resistance to the violence and you will be soon tracked down, arrested and accused of terrorisms. The sheeple cannot rise up before its corrupt leaders are dealt with.

"Some 45,000 police were again on the street on Saturday night, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said, with reinforcements going to Lyon and Marseille.

In Paris, police cleared protesters from the Place de la Concorde and increased security at the city's landmark Champs Elysees avenue after a call on social media to gather there. TV images showed shop facades covered with boards to prevent potential damage."


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