Commentary & Analysis
L. A. Marzulli
I’m a white guy. To be more precise, I’m an Italian White-guy and I’m tired of being called a racist just because I agree with president-elect Trump that we should build a wall.
I’m tired of hearing that I’m privileged or “I didn’t make that” when all my life I’ve worked hard and no one gave me anything.
I’m tired of hearing the millennials demand free stuff. They should spend a week in Venezuela and see how free stuff leads to a ruinous future.
I’m tired of a bunch of pampered, hollywood actors pontificating when they are the epitome of, do what I say and not what I do.
I’m tired of being told what is politically correct speech and what isn’t.
I’m tired of hearing about the plight of men who think they’re women trapped in a mans body and then want to use the woman’s bathroom.
I’m tired of hearing about the supposed threat of climate change when many of these purveyors of doom fly all over the world, with their entourage and big jets. How BIG is their carbon footprint? Are you kidding me?
I’m really tired of seeing and hearing about what Lena Dunham thinks about anything… Move to Canada already if you hate this country so much.
I’m tired of hearing that it’s a woman’s right to choose, which, in my opinion, is the most fallacious argument of the 20th and 21st century. Life begins at conception. Go out to California and smash a condor egg, or cut down an oak tree and see where that gets you.
I’m tired of hearing about Jihad from people who kill and hate and yet some loon on the left wants to bring as many of these people into our country as possible.
I’m tired of being taxed to death and working for about 6 months out of the year for a bloated federal government, which is nothing more than being a modern-day serf.
I’m tired of being called dangerous and a threat to society because I believe in the tenants of the Bible.
I’m tired of being told that the Jews who are living in Israel are not the real Jews.
I’m tired of the global antisemitism.
I’m tired of being told that Evolution is a fact when the fact is Evolution is the biggest bunch of hooey ever foisted on the public.
I’m tired of being told that the second amendment isn’t for our times and that we need stricter gun control, in the wake of some nutcase—high on perception meds—who goes on a killing spree.
I’m tired of people calling Donald Trump a Nazi when they have no idea of what a Nazi really is.
I’m tired of the Mullah’s in Iran denying the reality of the holocaust.
I’m tired of being told that Israel must divide her land in order to attain a lasting peace.
So that’s my partial list and I could go on but I think I’ve made my point.
What I’m not tired about is knowing that Jesus is the Messiah and He will return to set up His literal millennial kingdom. He will rule from Jerusalem, not Walla Walla Michigan. He will heal the nations.
My hope is this and nothing less.
In Jesus Christ and righteousness….
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